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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 340 Crash! Crash!

Qi Yiming didn’t know how many people would be moved by his clumsy speech, but he himself ignited the fighting spirit in his chest because of this speech.

“If I can’t kill you alive, why can’t I drag you with me and disappear from this universe?”

Qi Yiming knew that not everyone could face life and death calmly, so the moment he finished his speech, he deprived the people inside the battle star who were at the joint control node of their authority.

“I’m sorry…” Qi Yiming silently apologized to those comrades who were forced to die with him.

But he knew that this might be the last glimmer of life that this universe gave to human beings. Even if they could only survive after the war, it would still be better than disappearing from this universe.

In fact, from the moment Qi Yiming successfully took over the battle star, he understood all the weapons and equipment on the battle star, including the high-energy particle oscillation stance and the directional space tearing cannon, as well as the two giant cannons that had just made a splash on the battlefield. It is not the equipment with the strongest attack power.

The strongest attack ability possessed by Battle Star is actually himself.

Using a huge body and a sailing speed close to the speed of light in normal space to hit the enemy is the Battle Star’s strongest attack method.

But in the current situation, there is actually not much difference between using a battle star to hit a giant Leviathan that is almost the same size as her and dying together.

Qi Yiming was not afraid of death. He was supposed to die on the desolate planet where he woke up.

Now he had the opportunity to die with the swarm master. Thinking of his comrades and relatives who died at the hands of the swarm, the pleasure of revenge made his men’s movements speed up.

Qi Yiming raised his hand and smashed a glass cover next to the captain’s chair in the core control area. Inside the glass cover was a solid red button.

He raised his head and looked around, smiled under everyone’s blank eyes, and pressed the red button.

“The anti-unified stance thruster is starting…” Zhan Xing Zhi Nao’s emotionless voice resounded throughout all the spaces within Zhan Star.

The giant cannons located at the north and south poles of the battle star slowly turned their muzzles towards the rear of the battle star.

The super flagship Federation Light, which had been on the central axis, slowly stretched out half of its body under the thrust formed inside the battle star.

The Death Light at the other end also flew out along the central axis, and was firmly fixed on the central axis of the battle star by countless tractor beams.

A large amount of energy was sucked into the battle star along the hull of the ring of death light, forming a black energy beam or even the central axis and entering the interior of the battle star.

The Lightning inside the Battle Star was transported to the node on the central axis early according to the predetermined procedure. The black energy beam entered the interior of the Lightning along the original engine nozzle of the Lightning, and then went through a series of energy processing inside the Lightning, and then from the Lightning The diversion openings formed by several main guns on the bow of the USS rushed out and converged at one point, forming a black energy ball.

The black energy ball, driven by the energy flow ejected by the Lightning, continued to fly along the central axis of the battle star towards the Federation Light not far away.

At this time, the huge platform in the middle of the Federation Light’s hull suddenly seemed to turn the pages of a book when the black energy ball flew by. A piece of film was peeled off from the platform, wrapping the energy ball flying past her hull.

At this time, the giant cannon that had completed its muzzle rotation at the North and South Pole of the Battle Star adjusted its muzzle angle. At the moment of completion, a purple-red thin line with a diameter of no more than three millimeters was shot from the muzzle.

Two thin lines were shot at the hull of the Federation Light that had just emerged from the battle star. Under the constraints of high-energy particles, the two thin lines formed a ring on the hull with the same diameter as the black energy ball.

The moment the ring was completed, the energy ball wrapped in film was embedded in the ring.

Following the energy ball, flying along the central axis of the battle star, was a conical object with a base diameter equal to that of the ring. The tip of the cone was connected to the black energy beam that had just formed the energy ball.

This beam follows the tip of the cone and continuously delivers energy collected by the Death Light to the energy ball moving forward on the ring.

At this point, a vector spout of a huge energy ball bound by the anti-unity stance ring was formed at the tail of the battle star.

“The anti-unified stance thruster has been assembled…” Zhan Xing Zhi Nao’s cold electronic synthesized voice sounded again.

Qi Yiming raised his head and glanced at the uncomfortable giant Leviathan on which the ruler was riding on the battlefield monitor, took a deep breath and said: “Adjust the direction of the battle star, target the giant Leviathan…”

The newly formed vector nozzle slightly ejected some black energy particles backwards, and the battle star’s huge body began to turn quickly, accurately aiming at the giant Leviathan tens of millions of kilometers away.

At the same time, all the space inside the battle star was quickly injected with a green, slightly viscous liquid when Qi Yiming ordered to start the engine.

The moment the battle star completed its transformation, everyone was wrapped in this green viscous liquid. Many crew members were frightened by this sudden change. Only Qi Yiming knew that this liquid could protect those wrapped in it. Humans are protected from the impact of huge accelerations.

The moment the war stars completed their course adjustment, Qi Yiming loudly ordered: “Run the engine at full power… all personnel are ready to deal with the impact…”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the battle star was pressed against the wall by the sudden acceleration before they could react. Even with the protection of the green viscous liquid, some of the weaker crew members were unable to cope with the impact. In an instant, They fainted, and blood spurted out from their nostrils, corners of their eyes, mouths, and ears.

The battle star began to speed up under this powerful thrust.

“3% the speed of light…”

“10% the speed of light…”

“25% the speed of light…”

After only two minutes of acceleration, Battle Star’s speed had already reached 30% of the speed of light. Battle Star’s huge round body even deformed under this acceleration. The original round body turned into an oval, but Battle Star The acceleration does not decrease but increases.

Three minutes later, the battle star rushed towards the giant Leviathan battleship tens of millions of kilometers away at 99.99% of the speed of light.

At this time, the Lord also discovered the abnormality of the battle star. Although he immediately commanded his Leviathan to adjust its course and tried to avoid the battle star rushing towards him, unfortunately its huge body became its biggest weakness.

The battle star’s figure turned into a phantom when it was infinitely close to the speed of light, but the route that this phantom passed through, whether it was bugs, neuron battleships, or other materials drifting in space, The moment it was hit, it was decomposed into the most basic form of matter, and the next moment it was scattered in the universe.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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