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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 341 Extra: The Past of the Overlord

In the Human Federation, in a remote galaxy thirty-three stars away from the capital star, a dark green planet quietly orbits the star day after day.

Three-year-old Qi Yiming is currently squatting in his mother’s office at the Biological Weapons Laboratory under the Federal Academy of Sciences, playing with a sullen Erha lying in a cage. He is waiting for his parents to get off work so that he can take him to the playground. .

This Erha has just learned to walk. Perhaps the person in charge of caring for the experimental samples was careless. Erha has not eaten for more than a day.

Qi Yiming was holding a piece of biscuit given to him by a stranger at the entrance of the kindergarten after school.

Qi Yiming is an obedient child. Although he accepted the cookies, he always remembered what his mother told him: “Never eat things given to you by strangers.”

When accepting the biscuits, Xiao Qi Yiming thought to himself: “Mom said you can’t eat it, but you can’t accept it because it’s confiscated…”

Qi Yiming, who was squatting in front of the cage, finally found the whereabouts of the biscuit. He carefully stuffed the biscuit into the dog cage.

Erha was indeed very hungry, so he swallowed the biscuit in one gulp. After swallowing the biscuit, Erha seemed to be under a spell. He stood motionless, staring at Xiao Qi Yiming in front of him.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and a smartly dressed woman waved to Qi Yiming: “Mingming, let’s go! Mom and dad are off work, let’s go to the playground…”

Qi Yiming quickly walked to the door of the office. When he closed the door, he looked back at the Erha. The Erha in the cage still remained stiff, but his eyes always fell on Qi Yiming’s childish face.

Half a month later, an experimental accident occurred in the biology laboratory where Qi Yiming’s parents were working. The entire laboratory was hit by a violent explosion. All staff in the laboratory were killed on the spot. During the subsequent search and rescue operations, the search and rescue personnel Only a lucky Erha was found in the ruins.

But what everyone doesn’t know is that the one who caused the big explosion in the laboratory was this Erha who was unharmed in the explosion.

Ever since he swallowed the cookie that Qi Yiming gave him, many puzzling things appeared in his chaotic mind, until Qi Yiming’s father injected it with a tube of genetically edited microorganisms on the test bench. Colony, Erha finally possesses the same intelligence as human beings.

“Who am I? Where am I?” This is the first question Erha asked after gaining self-awareness.

As the experiment progressed, to the delight of everyone involved, the experiment that had been stuck on the death of the genetically modified sample suddenly made a breakthrough.

Erha survived a series of painful biological modifications.

All the researchers thought they had found the right path for the experiment, but Erha knew that if it hadn’t been for the molecular-level chip that inexplicably appeared in the body to save it every time its DNA chain was about to collapse, it would have died long ago. .

Soon the experiment completed all the work in the first phase, and Erha was sent back to the experimental sample care room.

On this day, Erha, who had eaten and drank enough, was sleeping on the open space in the backyard of the nursing room. Suddenly he felt a cramp in his stomach and wanted to poop…

It quickly ran to the corner of the yard and squatted on the small pit thrown by its front paws on the ground…

After solving the physical problem, Erha turned his head and was about to fill up the hole he had thrown out, but he saw that the thing he pulled out was instantly messy, and two round and smooth meat balls were lying quietly in the small pit.

“What the hell…what happened? Why did I lay an egg?” Erha stared at the meat ball in the small pit, then lowered his head and looked at his crotch: “I am a male…but who Can you tell me why mammals still lay eggs?”

Immediately afterwards, Erha felt a burst of exhaustion and fainted in the small courtyard.

Of course, the researchers in the laboratory discovered the two meat balls born by Erha. During the process of analyzing the meat balls, they found that the two meat balls were currently in a state of extreme lack of energy, so the troublesome researchers used microwave infusion. The energy device continuously delivers energy to the two meat balls, watching the two meat balls gradually grow.

As the meat ball grew, Erha also discovered that it seemed to be able to communicate with unknown creatures in the meat ball in some way.

Then the word “Master” appeared in Erha’s mind…

If things continue to develop peacefully like this, the experimental samples will be destroyed in the end. But how can Erha, who has self-awareness, be willing to let human beings be sliced ​​for experiments?

So Erha remotely commanded two guys claiming to be springtails who absorbed enough energy to break out of the cocoon and caused trouble in the laboratory. Then there was a big explosion in the laboratory. Erha sent all the humans in the laboratory to the ground. In the West, it was the only one that survived.

In fact, the whole thing ends here. If Erha can feel the kindness of humans in his later life, the insect swarm will not invade humans. However, the immortal Erha has encountered all the things that all stray dogs should encounter. .

Erha, who was rescued from the ruins of the laboratory, was first adopted by a young and beautiful girl.

Although Erha has the same intelligence as humans, after all, from the underlying logic, it is still an Erha that can do any stupid thing.

The following is an excerpt from the diary recorded by Erha by the miniature brain composed of molecular-level biochips in Erha’s mind.

Diary 1:

Today the mistress brought back a male of her own kind, and something indescribable happened between them. The mistress’s underwear was scattered everywhere. I saw a red underwear with two bowls, which were placed on my head just enough to catch my eyes.

I think it’s very cool, I must show it to the little bitch next door, I also have a very handsome day.

So I climbed out of the window wearing this red underwear and wandered outside for a day. But when I got home, I was faced with the cold eyes of the owner, and she kicked me out of the house.

I accepted everything calmly, but I stayed at the door for a long time and refused to leave. It wasn’t that I couldn’t let go of the hostess, but that I couldn’t let go of the villa worth 300 credits.

Diary 2:

Summarizing the lesson learned last time, it was my fault to go out wearing that underwear. I deserved to be kicked out. It was a pity that I had that villa.

Today, a kind person took me in. He gave me a lot of food. This is the most full meal I have had in so many days of wandering.

To record a secret that cannot be known to others, I pulled two more eggs today. I buried them under a big tree. I don’t know if they can still hatch the kind of creatures that were hatched in the laboratory. And Although I can command them, why do they call me master?

Diary three:

Damn, the kind person who took me in is a pervert. He beats me with a whip every day and makes me do all kinds of things I don’t want to do, such as jumping through fire hoops or walking on a tightrope. But look at him every time I complete a task. The jounin gave me lots of delicious food after the mission.

Diary four:

Today I went to participate in the smartest dog competition with my owner. I ate too much yesterday and laid two eggs. My legs and feet were a little weak today, so I lost. On the way back, the owner seemed to be in a bad mood. When passing by a small river, he threw me out of the anti-gravity speed car, and I was abandoned again.

Are all humans so cold-blooded towards non-human creatures like us? Throw away when you say discard it, kill when you say kill? I don’t want to live with any human anymore, even if I starve to death.

Diary five:

I met an old man today and he gave me a sausage. It was so delicious…

Diary six:

For half a month, the old man came to my temporary residence every day to give me a sausage. It seems that there are still good people among humans.

Diary seven:

Today I met a butcher who was catching stray dogs. I just laid two eggs yesterday. Today, my limbs are so weak that I really can’t run away from them. Fortunately, the old man saved me. I should thank him.

Diary eight:

The old man died. He died accidentally while fighting with the butchers who were catching stray dogs. But I don’t see it that way. He was killed by those disgusting butchers, and I want to avenge him.

There are too many diaries, so I won’t excerpt them one by one.

What happened next was truly the beginning of a nightmare for everyone on the planet.

In the following days, Erha used his intelligence to become the dog overlord in the city. Almost all stray dogs were tidied up by Erha.

Stray dogs under unified command will not pose a threat to ordinary passers-by, but as soon as they see the butcher who once captured them in the crowd, they will swarm up and bite the butcher seriously in front of the horrified eyes of humans.

This incident finally attracted the attention of the local government. In order to eliminate the hidden dangers caused by stray dogs, humans deployed heavy weapons, stun guns and small-power electromagnetic weapons. The clear purpose was to drive all stray dogs out of the city.

Erha finally felt the greatest malice from human beings. He watched his companions being beaten to death one by one, but he could only hide around with his tail between his legs.

Until one day, when he was wandering where the eggs were buried, he once again heard the voice he heard in the laboratory, “Master…”

Erha knew the method used in the laboratory to catalyze the meat ball, but it couldn’t do it.

So it first dug out the two meat balls it had buried first, and then quietly carried them to the energy transfer center that supplied the entire city.

Because of the high-energy radiation, there are very few humans here, and the equipment inside is controlled by the brain.

When Erha placed the two meat balls within the radiation range, the two meat balls squirmed quickly. Although they grew slowly, they could be found every day when they woke up that the two meat balls had become a lot bigger.

So Erha brought over all the meat balls he had given birth to before, a total of more than twenty meat balls.

Half a month later, the first batch of two meat balls shipped finally completed hatching. Two saw-toothed creatures with a size of more than one meter appeared in front of Erha, and prostrated on the ground submissively, waiting for Erha’s instructions.

Unable to restrain his excitement, Erha immediately ordered two saw-toothed creatures to rush out and hunt down the humans who had suppressed them with force.

Unfortunately, the hunt was only halfway through, and the two saw-toothed creatures were wiped out by the heavily armed troops dispatched by humans.

“I need more companions…”

With the goal in mind, Erha entered a frenzied rhythm of foraging. He would not despise anything he could eat, but the speed of laying eggs was still very slow.

Until he accidentally entered the range of a high-energy radiation field, he suddenly found that his body was frantically absorbing the free energy from the outside world. The abdominal pain that originally took a lot of food to appear disappeared within two hours of being within the radiation range. appearing again.

So Erha began to lay eggs desperately, and then hatched them…

In half a year, in a corner where humans don’t grow up, an army of sawtooth animals slowly took shape.

After killing the two sawtooth animals that Erha sent out for the first time, humans found clues after careful research and quickly organized personnel to conduct a dragnet investigation in the local area.

Erha was finally forced out. With the greatest malice towards humans, Erha finally launched its army to ambush humans for the first time in a truly premeditated manner.

Unfortunately, Erha failed. The army he hatched in half a year was placed under the butcher’s knife of humans.

Erha escaped and fled into the depths of the forest.

Erha, who survived in the forest by catching insects, was surprised to find that it could absorb the DNA of these insects and edit these DNA into the eggs it laid, so a terrible race was born.

Erha spent two years searching for all the DNA fragments that could be found, and then eliminated some DNA fragments that looked very weak, and designed the first real army of the Zerg – springtails.

During this period, humans unscrupulously killed all mammals on the planet.

All of this was seen by Erha. At this time, it was completely disappointed with humans and wanted to completely wipe out the human species from this planet, just like they killed all mammals.

The mutant springtails with various DNA superimposed launched a surprise attack when humans were unprepared.

In the battle, Erha grew so fast that even he was scared.

Springtails, cockroaches, hydralisks, flying dragons and other mutant animals were created by Erha. When it completely occupied the planet under its feet, he realized that humans did not only exist on this planet, but there were more humans in the vast space.

The Zerg that was not killed in the first place pushed humans into the abyss step by step under the leadership of Erha.

Due to space limitations, many things are briefly mentioned, and the origin of the Zerg is briefly introduced.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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