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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 35 The Show Starts

Looking at the various warships surrounding the Redemption, Qi Yiming really couldn’t think of any good ideas for a while.

He once tried to change the control authority without boarding the Redemption, but unfortunately failed.

This was a tricky situation. The energy on the Redemption could run out at any time, so Qi Yiming had to find a way quickly.

“First think of a way to send the energy block to the Redemption. We have to let the Redemption cooperate and put on a show…” Qi Yiming’s eyes lit up and he immediately got up and walked towards the battleship warehouse.

There was a single-pilot traffic boat docked there, and Qi Yiming was preparing to drive her to the Redemption.

After Qi Yiming left the bridge, Chen Cheng temporarily took over the command of Xuefeng.

“Chen Cheng, send a forced duel message to the Redemption.” This is a game mode in the strategic strike fleet. It is a training to train each warship to deal with encounters.

At the moment when the forced duel message is received, the two warships can bombard each other with the lowest attack intensity, and the dueled warship will enter duel mode under any circumstances until one party admits defeat or the system determines that one party has failed.

This energy intensity will leave some scars on the outer armor of the battleship at most, but will not be able to cause any substantial damage to the battleship.

“The Redemption has confirmed to activate duel mode…” Chen Cheng reported the situation of the Redemption through the communicator.

“Let the Xuefeng come closer… Just treat the Redemption as a hostile warship, just to test the training effect during this period…” Qi Yiming jumped into the cockpit of the traffic boat with a box containing energy blocks in his hand. .

Xuefeng’s actions were clearly visible to the surrounding battleship members.

There was a lot of noise in their improvised chat channel.

“Is this new warship so reckless? Has her captain inquired about the situation of that warship?”

“Wait and see how he dies…”

“I said, should we remind him?” A kind-hearted captain spoke in the channel.

“What’s the reminder? You still think there aren’t enough battleships around? One less competitor counts as one…” A sharp voice competed for space in the channel.

So everyone looked at Xuefeng, which was gradually approaching the Redemption, with farewell eyes.

“Look, we’re about to enter the range of the battleship’s main gun…” The channel that had been quiet for a few minutes became lively again.

“I bet that this battleship can’t survive two rounds of bombardment and two energy blocks. Does anyone dare to bet?”

“Xiao Qi, are you so generous? I’m following you. I bet that battleship can last more than three rounds of bombardment.” A sweet voice came from the channel, but the words he said made it impossible to connect with this intoxicating voice. together.

“Hey… Sister Pao… do you know the captain of that battleship? Are you so optimistic about him?” The person known as Xiao Qi seemed to be familiar with the female captain and spoke very casually, “I took the answer…”

A few people made a bet in a few words, and the Xuefeng also entered the main gun range of the Redemption.

Strictly speaking, the Redemption is not a battleship, but an auxiliary ship. Her hull only carries a triple main gun at the stern, and a strange-looking main gun at the bow.

The barrel is long and thin, and there are rings wrapped around the outside of the barrel, from large to small, connecting to each other and extending to the muzzle.

There are quite a lot of secondary guns on the Redemption, with a total of 16 guns on the left and right sides of the ship.

The special weapons carried on her hull, when combined with the Guardian, can accurately launch the nanorobots produced by the Guardian onto the hull of a friendly ship, thereby assisting the friendly ship in repairing damaged armor.

And it can transmit its own energy to the target warship remotely through the special weapons it carries. This ability has a limited scope of application and is only applicable to modular warships in the strategic strike fleet.

Under the anticipation of the onlookers, the Xuefeng finally entered the range of the Redemption’s main gun.

In duel mode, the Redemption opened fire…

The triple main gun fired a salvo, and three burst laser beams flew towards the Xuefeng.

The hearts of all the melon-eaters were in their throats at this moment, especially Xiao Qi and Sister Pao, who had made a bet.

As the temporary captain, Chen Cheng did not disappoint them. He decisively ordered the navigator to keep the rudder on the left side and the engine output to the highest power, and escaped the bombardment far away.

“Oh… your reaction is very smart…” Xiao Qi’s voice sounded in the temporary communication channel again.

“The captain seems to be a newbie. His reaction was a bit too big. The engines seemed to be working at full power.” Sister Gun saw something different.

“Here, why did he fight back? I wonder if everyone thinks that battleship is a treasure?” An extremely nervous voice suddenly appeared in the channel.

“Don’t be nervous. Don’t you know that the outer armor of that battleship is very protective?” Sister Gun’s voice sounded much more relaxed.

“Then you can’t fire casually. What if you break something?”

Before the man finished speaking, six blast laser beams fired from Xuefeng’s main gun accurately hit the Redemption, but only left a few shallow scars on her outer armor.

“Look, I’m right. That battleship can’t break through the defenses on the other side.” Sister Cannon’s clear laughter reached the ears of the captains of the battleships participating in the discussion from the communication channel.

The message Chen Cheng saw was: “The main gun hit, and the Redemption’s armor damage was 12%.”

Tens of seconds later, the Redemption fired again…

This time Xuefeng was not as lucky as last time and was hit hard.

The moment the Xuefeng was hit, the painful howls of a man and a woman came from the temporary communication channel.

Everyone else laughed too.

“He was hit in the second round of shelling. This captain is pretty good…”

“Wait, why is that battleship still fighting back?” Someone discovered something unusual about the Xuefeng.

According to past experience, as long as a battleship enters the main gun range of the Redemption, the cruiser and below will basically be bombarded by one round to send you to God. If you are lucky, you can get another round.

However, the Xuefeng was clearly hit by a round of shelling, and all of them were hit, but it didn’t happen at all and continued to shoot at each other with the Redemption.

“Can any master explain what’s going on? Shouldn’t the normal process be to kill with one shot? Could it be that there was a private PY transaction between the battleship and the ancient relic?”

The performance of the Xuefeng suddenly detonated the temporary communication channel, and everyone speculated about the situation of the Xuefeng.

But what happened next surprised them even more.

When Xuefeng got close enough, a small traffic boat was suddenly released from the stern of the ship.

“I wonder… what is this for? To forcefully push off the ship? Doesn’t he know that the battleship hasn’t even found the entrance yet?”

Xiao Qi could no longer care about his bet at this time. He had been completely distracted by the strange movements of the Xuefeng.

Sister Gun, who had been very active in the channel just now, also fell silent. She stood on the bridge of her own ship and carefully watched Xuefeng’s every move through the optical tracking radar.

I saw the traffic boat nimbly dodging the blast laser between the two battleships, quickly approaching the Redemption.

Thanks to a few people for the big rewards. I am very happy if you can vote for recommendation. I will do my best to give rewards.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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