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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 36 Chicken Run

Qi Yiming drove the traffic boat and deliberately flew around the area where the two warships were fighting.

He was not worried about friendly fire, because the two warships in duel mode would actively avoid friendly forces before firing.

Although Qi Yiming was driving only a traffic boat, it was still considered a friendly force in the Identification Friend or Foe system.

Qi Yiming did this just to make the people around him more interested in watching this performance specially arranged for them.

The effect was pretty good. The crowd watched nervously as Qi Yiming’s small traffic boat shuttled between the bursting laser beams launched by the two battleships, and they forgot to comment for a moment.

A few minutes later, with everyone watching nervously, Qi Yiming drove the traffic boat to the side of the Redemption.

He first circled around the Redemption, giving everyone the illusion of looking for the entrance.

“Why didn’t the battleship’s secondary guns attack the traffic boat?” someone asked in the temporary channel in surprise.

“Didn’t you see that the secondary battery is busy attacking the enemy? How much of a threat can a traffic boat pose? If you kill the warship that releases it, the people on the traffic boat will naturally become your meal.” A captain who looked like a boss gave a lesson The tone of his subordinate explained everything.

Everyone nodded frequently and felt that this should be the reason.

“What did that traffic boat seem to have found?” Someone suddenly shouted in the channel in shock.

I saw Qi Yiming driving the traffic boat and landing between the two secondary battery mounts, just blocking everyone’s observation angle.

“What is there between the two secondary guns? Whose warship opened the door at that place?” someone said dismissively in the communication channel.

The location where Qi Yiming docked was indeed not the hatch of the Redemption, but an emergency escape hatch.

Under normal circumstances, emergency escape hatches will not be opened, but Qi Yiming took a trick.

He sent a code to the Redemption indicating a mechanical problem with the transport boat, requesting an emergency docking.

So the Redemption opened the emergency escape hatch closest to Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming climbed into the Redemption from the escape hatch with the energy block.

As Qi Yiming appeared in the ship, the Redemption woke up the lighting equipment.

Lights came on around him, and the first thing Qi Yiming saw were the bodies of several former Federation crew members.

Qi Yiming didn’t know what happened inside the ship that year. Logically speaking, the energy blocks in the Redemption’s warehouse had the largest reserves.

No matter what, it will never drift in space forever.

Qi Yiming tried to ask the ship’s brain to increase his authority.

Sure enough, it was another empty battleship, except of course the bodies lying on the ground.

Eventually he succeeded in gaining supreme control of the Redemption.

Qi Yiming quickly walked to the power room, replaced the energy block he brought with him on the Redemption, and placed another block in the power room where the energy block was to be replaced.

In this way, the Redemption will have two energy blocks available in a short period of time.

Then Qi Yiming climbed back into the traffic boat through the escape hatch without spending any more time on the ship.

The whole process took less than five minutes and did not arouse the suspicion of the captains on the periphery.

Some people even laughed at Qi Yiming in the temporary communication channel for being a fool and wondering what could be found next to the secondary battery mount.

Then, amidst the laughter of everyone, Qi Yiming drove the traffic boat back to the Xuefeng.

The main event is about to take place next.

Qi Yiming returned to the Xuefeng bridge and immediately took over the command, and issued the order to start the engine of the Redemption through the shipboard brain.

“Holy shit, why did the engine of that battleship ignite?” The captain who discovered that the Redemption started the engine shouted in the temporary communication channel.

Who knew that what would surprise these captains even more was yet to come.

Qi Yiming forced the Redemption to bypass the Identification Friend or Foe system, increased the attack intensity of the main gun, and fired a shot at the Xuefeng’s stern warehouse.

Before leaving the Xuefeng, Qi Yiming ordered the crew to move out all the important supplies from the warehouse and lower the airlock. No one was allowed to enter the warehouse.

All this was planned by one of them, and Xuefeng’s armor was penetrated.

Some unimportant supplies left in the warehouse flew out along the breach in the ship’s hull like flowers scattered by a goddess.

That scene made everyone onlookers mistakenly believe that the Xuefeng had suffered heavy damage.

Then they saw the Snow Peak smoothly turning its bow and escaping from the Redemption at high speed.

But the problem is that the engine of the Redemption has already been started, and it is closely chasing behind the Xuefeng.

The captains who were watching were all dumbfounded. When had they ever seen such a situation before?

Most of the captains here have been in the K-332 galaxy for more than half a year, and have never seen the Redemption move.

This sudden change of position was a bit difficult for them to accept.

I don’t know who yelled in the channel: “What the fuck, why are you coming towards me…”

Before he finished speaking, the Redemption killed a warship in the onlookers with one shot.

Don’t forget that although the Redemption is in a duel with the Xuefeng, she is still performing a warning mission at the same time.

The Redemption will still attack any non-friendly ship that comes within range of her main guns.

This stunned the other captains. It took them a while to react, and they cursed wildly. At the same time, they quickly ordered their warships to move and try to stay out of the range of the Redemption’s main gun.

How could Qi Yiming let these people succeed? His purpose was to mess up the scene, and the messier the better.

So Qi Yiming ordered the navigator to fly the Xuefeng to the place where the warships were densest.

The scene that was originally chaotic because of the sudden change of position of the Redemption was now even more chaotic because of Qi Yiming’s saucy maneuvers.

The temporary communication channel was abuzz with shouts and curses.

“Your uncle… why are you always chasing me?” the captain, known as Xiao Qi, whimpered.

Qi Yiming, who didn’t have a temporary communication channel, couldn’t hear what he was saying at all.

When the Redemption passed Xiao Qi’s destroyer, its 16 secondary guns fired at the same time. The unsuspecting destroyer was instantly penetrated by the blast laser and saw a violent explosion from the inside.

Fortunately, Sister Pao was calm and found a way to pull Qi Yiming into the temporary communication channel.

“What wicked thing did you do, you little bastard, to let the warships chase you?” Sister Pao asked Qi Yiming all over the place the moment she entered the channel.

Qi Yiming said innocently: “I don’t know either. I just drove the traffic boat and circled around him.”

“Then what were you doing behind the secondary battery just now?”

“I just want to see if there is a hatch behind the secondary gun…” Qi Yiming innocently looked at the gun sister in the communicator with his watery little eyes.

Anyway, Qi Yiming made up his mind and didn’t know anything about it.

Others are on the Xuefeng, even if they break the sky, no one will believe that the Redemption is faithfully executing Qi Yiming’s orders at this moment.

“Damn it, don’t come towards me… If you come here again, I will lock down and fire…” An unlucky guy who was randomly selected by Qi Yiming angrily threatened Qi Yiming powerlessly in the temporary communication channel. .

Qi Yiming’s face was covered with sweat, and he kept apologizing to the man: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, let me borrow it for a while!!”

In fact, he was already happy. In order to make the performance more realistic, Qi Yiming even asked Hao Chenqi to spray water on his face.

There was no accident. The battleship that Qi Yiming forced to use was sunk by the Redemption in an instant. It was just a frigate. It was killed by one shot. Qi Yiming was not surprised.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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