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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 4 Officially join

After several days of sailing, Qi Yiming and his party finally arrived at the Xuannv galaxy mentioned by Wang Sen.

Along the way, Qi Yiming got a lot of information from Wang Sen.

By summarizing the scattered information, Qi Yiming had a vague feeling that today’s human society was more or less affected by the original Federation.

For example, Wang Sen’s Endeavor frigate is a Scythe-class frigate copied from the ancient battlefield by the Gothic Empire, the most powerful force in mankind.

The other classes of battleships also have some shadows of human federation battleships.

Today’s human territory spans thousands of light years, but no one obeys anyone, so human beings have been in a situation of internal strife since the Federation.

Qi Yiming has reason to believe that most of today’s humans are descendants of humans who fled the Zerg hunt and wandered around. However, the extremely shrinking population has caused a serious technological epoch.

In addition, there seems to be a mysterious force involved. Whenever a strong force rises, it will quickly decline within a few years after its rise.

“It seems like you need to be humble first and not be too arrogant!”

“Mr. Qi… Mr. Qi…” Wang Sen called several times through the communicator.

Qi Yiming, who was too absorbed in thinking about things, realized his gaffe. He pointed at the busy waterway outside the hanging window and apologized quickly: “I’m really sorry. I haven’t seen such a prosperous scene for a long time, so I got a little distracted.”

“Mr. Qi is so complimentary. These are all due to my father. He has been working diligently since he took over the family territory and has never slacked off for a day. This is why we have what we have today.”

Qi Yiming nodded noncommittally, but his heart was full of emotions.

Once upon a time, when the Human Federation was at its strongest, even the most remote edge galaxies were much more prosperous than the Xuannv Galaxy in front of them.

However, it can be seen that Wang Sen’s pride comes from the heart, which shows that the prosperity of Xuannv Galaxy is still only a handful within his known range.

“Mr. Qi, I’m sorry that since you haven’t officially joined us yet, your warships can only dock in the outer parking areas of this galaxy. If you want to enter the core area of ​​the Xuannv Galaxy, you need to reach the transportation boat specially prepared by our family. .” Wang Sen said apologetically.

Qi Yiming expressed his understanding that the long-term existence of a force must have a complete set of rules. It is impossible to allow others to drive warships and run rampant within their own sphere of influence without any scruples.

“I need some time to deal with matters on the ship. I will contact you after I finish.” Qi Yiming looked at Wang Sen in the communicator with a smile.

“Looking forward to meeting you.” After saying this, Wang Sen ended the communication directly.

Qi Yiming came to the battleship warehouse and looked at the dozens of bones neatly arranged on the ground. These were all his comrades-in-arms. Qi Yiming must give them the dignity that soldiers deserve.

Half an hour later, a row of coffins flew out neatly from the launch port of an escape capsule on the Xuefeng, covered with the military flag of the Human Federation.

Qi Yiming stood on the bridge of the Xuefeng and paid his respects, watching as more than a dozen coffins flew towards the star of the Xuannv Galaxy, where they would be the final destination of these warriors who had fought for the survival of mankind.

After completing the ceremony, Qi Yiming drove the warship slowly into the berth reserved for him. Wang Sen was already standing at the exit of the airport waiting for Qi Yiming’s arrival.

But Qi Yiming did not leave the Xuefeng. It was impossible for Qi Yiming to leave the battleship alone before he completely gained his trust.

“Mr. Wang, I am still in the quarantine period, and the contamination of alien organisms on the battleship has not been completely removed. I can only ask you to take me to say hello to the head of your family.” When the communication was connected, Qi Yiming didn’t feel much guilty about the logical use. The interface has been contaminated by alien organisms.

Wang Sen said with a disappointed look: “Although to a certain extent, I have saved the Xuefeng, I will not force Mr. Qi to join us. After all, forceful melons are not sweet. A high-level energy block That’s all, just treat me as a friend.”

Of course, Qi Yiming could hear the implication of his words, but he just made it clear with a faint smile: “Mr. Wang, don’t get me wrong, I do have some unspeakable secrets, and I can only leave the ship when I can ensure my own safety.”

Wang Sen was not surprised by Qi Yiming’s caution. After all, this was his own territory. Qi Yiming can never be too cautious.

Wang Sen thought for a while and then said: “Mr. Qi, do you think this is a good idea? I have certain rights to recruit retainers for the family. Of course, the position will not be too high, and the treatment will not be very good.”

Qi Yiming listened with interest and motioned to Wang Sen to continue.

“After you join our company, I will make an announcement on our personnel changes. In fact, it is a means of external publicity to show our emphasis on talents.”

Qi Yiming nodded again, indicating that he was listening carefully.

“At that time, many people will know that you have joined our Wang family. If you are threatened to hand over the battleship in our territory, it will cause a serious blow to the reputation of our Wang family. Some retainers who have joined us will even choose to leave.”

When Qi Yiming heard this, his eyes lit up and he thought: “This is a good way to gain mutual trust.”

What family forces fear most when they want to recruit talents is this kind of behavior. If a similar incident occurs, the family will not be far away from extinction.

Therefore, no one with any brains would do this kind of thing.

Furthermore, Qi Yiming actually doesn’t care at all about the treatment of his so-called retainers. If it weren’t for the insufficient reserves of the energy block, he would really not be willing to join any force and become someone else’s thug.

But the situation is stronger than the person. How can a piece of energy be a hero?

Before having other stable sources of energy blocks, Qi Yiming could only commit himself to becoming someone else’s thug.

In the end, Qi Yiming agreed to Wang Sen’s suggestion. Soon Wang Sen went through the entry procedures for Qi Yiming through his own authority. From this moment on, Qi Yiming became a team leader under the Wang family.

At the same time, Qi Yiming also found information on the Wang family’s personnel changes on the public Internet, and information and photos about himself were listed.

“Mr. Qi, as a retainer of this family, you can drive a warship into the core area, where a special parking spot has been designated for your warship.” Wang Sen did not change Qi Yiming’s attitude because of Qi Yiming’s joining. Still respectful.

“Externally, you are a retainer of my Wang family. Privately, we can be very good friends. I don’t have any airs.” Wang Sen also changed his previous business-like attitude and spoke more casually.

After the two sides gained initial trust, the next thing was much easier to handle. Under the guidance of Wang Sen, Qi Yiming drove the Xuefeng into the core area of ​​the Wang family and parked the warship in his dedicated berth.

Then the isolation of alien contamination ended naturally, and he got off the battleship alone and came to Wang Sen, who was already waiting outside the docking door of the berth.

Qi Yiming started his acting career again and gave Wang Sen a standard military salute, which actually made Wang Sen tremble.

Qi Yiming is not embarrassed. Since he wants to act, he has to act in full.

If you have agreed to join the other party, you must play the role of a thug from today on.

Qi Yiming refused in his heart: “It’s impossible to help you fight, even in this life. Let me stay here for a while, and when I figure out the rules of the new world, I can rely on my deformable ship Battleship, don’t I just do whatever I want?”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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