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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 41 Wang Sen cried

After successfully escaping from the empire, Qi Yiming felt much better, and even felt like humming a tuneless hometown tune.

Qi Yiming’s good mood also made all the crew members feel less sore in the waist and legs, and more energetic in walking.

“In a dozen days, we will reach the Xuannv Galaxy. Then we will give everyone a holiday and have a good rest for a while.” Qi Yiming said generously to the couple who had been on the Redemption.

Qi Yiming then boarded the Redemption in a transport boat. He had to hold a funeral for the crew members of the former Human Federation.

When the two warships flew over a star, Qi Yiming personally pressed the button to eject the coffin.

The crew members on the two warships were all wearing neat former Federation uniforms, standing in neat rows in front of the huge hanging window to salute.

Qi Yiming solemnly saluted his comrades and checked the Federation flag covering the coffin one by one to see if there were any wrinkles.

The funeral ceremony was simple and solemn. After the last coffin was launched from the escape passage, all the crew members gradually dispersed. Only Qi Yiming stood quietly in front of the hanging window and watched his comrade’s coffin go away.

Two days after the ceremony, Qi Yiming was in a depressed mood. He sat lazily in the captain’s room most of the time to adjust his mood.

“Report…” Qi Yiming’s temporary adjutant knocked on the door of the captain’s room.

“Come in…”

“Report to the captain, there is an unknown warship approaching my formation ahead.” Adjutant Qin Fei gave a not-so-standard military salute.

“I’ll be at the bridge right away, you go first…” Qi Yiming stood up and said to the adjutant.

A few minutes later, Qi Yiming appeared on the bridge.

The communications chief of the Xuefeng had already contacted the warship on the opposite side.

“Wang Sen? How did you get into this state?” Qi Yiming saw that Wang Sen was trying his best to explain something to the communications chief on the communicator screen.

Wang Sen was stunned at first, and then looked at Qi Yiming with tears in his eyes.

Qi Yiming suddenly felt sick, and he was too tired to complain.

You can guess what happened by looking at the situation of Wang Sen’s ship.

Although Wang Sen replaced his frigate, which he had been driving for who knows how many years, he is now sitting in the bridge of a cruiser.

But the cruiser has holes everywhere except the bridge, which has not suffered much damage.

It is a miracle among miracles that Wang Sen can insist on driving his ship here.

“Mr. Qi… my hometown is going to be taken away again…” Wang Sen cried to Qi Yiming without any shame.


Qi Yiming really didn’t know how to continue. He really wanted to turn around and leave at this moment.

Looking at Qi Yiming’s angry expression, Wang Sen knew that something was going to happen, and hurriedly added.

“It’s really not our Wang family’s fault this time!!”

“The old family is about to be destroyed, what else do you want to say?”

“Mr. Qi, you don’t know, since you destroyed the Flying Eagle Federation alone last time, all the families in the Xuanwu Star Region have been stunned.”

“You mean you blame me for this?” Qi Yiming was a little amused, this destruction of the country has caused trouble.

“No, no… I don’t mean that.” Wang Sen hurriedly shook his head to deny: “Later, all the major families came to their senses. They colluded privately and took advantage of Mr. Qi’s absence to form a temporary alliance and assemble a large fleet to attack us.”

Qi Yiming’s expression became slightly more relaxed.

Originally, he thought that this time the Wang family was asking for trouble again, and the main force was destroyed and then the old nest was attacked.

Qi Yiming thought carefully, and the destruction of the Flying Eagle Federation was indeed a little ill-considered.

Originally, the various forces in the Xuanwu Galaxy were in a very delicate state of balance. Qi Yiming’s sudden destruction of a family, and the abnormal record created by a single warship, would indeed touch the fragile nerves of each family.

They may not have much to do with Qi Yiming, but directly killing the Wang family that Qi Yiming helped can also play a certain role.

At least all the families are back to the same starting line. It depends on which family can successfully win over Qi Yiming in the end.

The problem is that Qi Yiming doesn’t want to get involved in this kind of shitty thing. He chose the Wang family on a whim and didn’t consider it so complicated at all.

“What is the current battle situation?” Qi Yiming was too lazy to ask Wang Sen about the details and asked directly about the current situation.

“When I came out to ask for help, my father was holding the second line of defense of the Xuannv Galaxy with the remaining fleet.”

Qi Yiming nodded. This time it was not bad. He was not directly attacked on the ground battle on the Graystone Star.

During the conversation between the two, the Redemption was also slowly repairing Wang Sen’s Struggle cruiser.

When the two finished talking, the outer armor of Wang Sen’s Struggle was brand new.

At the beginning, Wang Sen was focused on explaining things to Qi Yiming and didn’t pay attention to these.

But when his ship joined Qi Yiming’s formation, he found that his warship seemed a little different.

“Captain, our armor integrity rate has just been restored to 100%.” ​​The adjutant, who had been unable to interrupt, had the opportunity to report this strange thing after Wang Sen ended the communication.

In their opinion, the Struggle was beyond repair.

After the war, it would either be sent to the battleship graveyard or dismantled as a whole.

But in just five or six minutes of conversation, the outer armor of Wang Sen’s Struggle was miraculously repaired.

“System? System daddy…” Wang Sen actually shouted the lines that usually only the protagonist said.

He actually thought that he was lucky and had awakened some kind of system to repair his Endeavor without his knowledge.

The embarrassed adjutant standing aside tugged on Wang Sen’s sleeve and pointed to the Redemption next to the Endeavor.

“There was a light green light just now, emitted from that battleship from time to time.” The adjutant looked at Wang Sen who was wiping his saliva in a panic and continued: “Every time a green light passes, our armor integrity rate will increase. Quite a few, and where the light shines, the originally damaged outer armor will also be repaired.”

Wang Sen was stunned for a while before he came to his senses and quickly asked to speak to Qi Yiming again.

“I know what you want to ask, it’s confidential…” Qi Yiming said simply and hung up the communication.

Although he decided to help the Wang family tide over the crisis again, Qi Yiming was still very angry and did not want to see Wang Sen’s face again in a short time.

“I owed you the Wang family in my last life… You were beaten once when I went out… Even though I returned to the Xuanwu Galaxy, all I fought was to abuse the food. The problem is that doing this kind of thing too much will destroy your character. Say, maybe it will lower my IQ…”

Qi Yiming sat in Cambridge with an expressionless face, but his heart was racing…

“When I go back this time, I have to finish everything in the Xuanwu Star Territory in the shortest possible time. I can’t delay here anymore.” Qi Yiming finally made a quick decision to cut through the mess.

Since it’s a game of abuse, let’s do it all at once.

It just so happens that all the forces in the Xuanwu Star Territory have assembled their fleets in the Xuannv Galaxy, so they will cook it up without stopping.

After it’s over, whoever is unconvinced will be killed directly.

Thank you to all readers for your monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you all!


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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