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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 44 Integration

The captains of the two cruisers tremblingly ordered their navigators to turn off their engines and await their fate.

“Don’t be too afraid. I won’t embarrass my defeated generals. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Zheng Hu…” Qi Yiming raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Hu, who was still in the communication channel.

Zheng Hu twitched the corners of his mouth and forced an ugly smile.

The elder of the Zheng family had already sat on the ground with his legs limp.

Even if he made a bold guess, he could not imagine that the battle scene in front of him would be a one-sided massacre.

Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng cruise is as simple as a trip to the vegetable market.

“Leave the combat readiness energy blocks on your ship and you can leave.” Qi Yiming didn’t say anything more to them, but just asked them to take messages to their respective families.

“Go back and tell your family master that I will give them a week to make a decision. If they still haven’t decided after a week, I will come to inquire in person.”

The surviving captains, as if they had been granted amnesty, packed the combat-ready energy blocks on the battleships into boxes and threw them into space, and left the Xuannv Galaxy without looking back.

Only the Zheng family’s fleet was left shivering in front of the Gray Rock Star’s defense line.

“Tell me about you!” Qi Yiming turned to Zheng Hu after watching the remaining fleets leave.

“I am very interested in Mr. Qi’s idea of ​​leading the Wang family to unify the Xuanwu Star Territory. I wonder if our Zheng family is qualified to participate in it?” Zheng Hu was not as scared as the other captains.

Because he knew very well that since Qi Yiming did not attack their Zheng family’s fleet from the beginning, it meant that Qi Yiming had already acquiesced in Zheng Hu’s position before the battle began.

“Do you have the right to decide the affairs of your Zheng family?” Qi Yiming was very curious about Zheng Hu’s identity. At first, he thought that Zheng Hu was at most an elder of the Zheng family. Now it seems that Zheng Hu’s identity should be higher than that of the elders. So a little.

“As the future head of the Zheng family, I still have the confidence to dissuade my father from becoming an enemy of Mr. Qi.” After Zheng Hu completely gave up the idea of ​​resistance, he spoke more calmly.

Qi Yiming nodded: “In this case, I will also give you one week. After one week, you will bring all the fleets of your Zheng family to assemble in the Xuannv galaxy. As for the issue of profit distribution, let your family head send someone to talk to Wang Zhengfeng. I’m not involved.”

Zheng Hu originally thought that Qi Yiming would overpower the Wang family and become the true king of the Xuanwu Galaxy. However, in the end, he did not expect that Qi Yiming had no interest in this.

“Don’t look at me like that. I have other things to do. I have no interest in these bullshit profit distributions. You will know after contacting Wang Zhengfeng.” Qi Yiming noticed Zheng Hu’s surprise and added One sentence.

Zheng Hu nodded and stopped asking. To show his sincerity, he ordered the Zheng family’s fleet participating in the attack to disarm and wait for the Wang family to receive it. He himself once again drove the Black Tiger and left the Xuannv galaxy in despair. .

After Zheng Hu left, Qi Yiming commanded the Xuefeng and the Redemption back to the airport of Gray Rock Star.

Wang Zhengfeng and his retainers had been waiting at the airport for quite some time.

Qi Yiming glanced at Wang Zhengfeng angrily after getting off the boat, and Wang Zhengfeng also smiled awkwardly.

After all, the attack on the Wang family this time had something to do with Qi Yiming, so Qi Yiming didn’t want to embarrass Wang Zhengfeng anymore. He just patted him on the shoulder and said: “Maybe it won’t be so good in the future. Good luck!”

Wang Zhengfeng nodded in agreement. It was not like the head of the family talking to his guest at all. Instead, it seemed like a conversation between superiors and subordinates.

“Hurry up and clean up this mess, you may be very busy in the next time…”

Wang Zhengfeng looked at Qi Yiming with strange eyes, and then at his eldest son Wang Sen.

Wang Sen stood behind the Qi Yiming with a serious face, shaking his head and waving his hands to his father, indicating that he should not ask any more questions, and he would explain the details slowly.

After walking for so many days, Qi Yiming was really tired. He ordered the crew members following him to stay on duty. After the rest of the crew dispersed, Qi Yiming went directly back to his residence.

He was very dissatisfied with Wang Zhengfeng’s performance at the airport. It was not the behavior a hero should have at all.

No matter how tyrannical he is, he is still a guest of his Wang family, and the courtesy is acceptable, but listening to him in a humble manner is indeed a bit much.

“Why am I so mean, when others regard me as their ancestor, and yet I despise others for being humble?” Qi Yiming finally laughed at himself and put the matter behind him.

No one bothered Qi Yiming in the next few days, but the Wang family sent someone to invite Qi Yiming on the day Zheng Hu arrived, but Qi Yiming sternly refused.

Qi Yiming is not interested in how the two parties negotiate in the end. As long as they can quickly integrate the Xuanwu Star Territory and provide him with enough energy blocks, Qi Yiming will be happy to see the outcome of the negotiations between the two parties.

But what surprised Qi Yiming was that Liu Bishu came twice during his rest days.

He didn’t say anything when he came over for the first time. He just sat in Qi Yiming’s home and stared at Qi Yiming with shocked eyes.

Qi Yiming thought to himself: “Isn’t this guy having some bad habits?”

Fortunately nothing happened in the end.

Things were much normal the second time he came, and he brought some good news to Qi Yiming.

“Mr. Qi, I have contacted some former members of the Glory Federation, and some of them are willing to follow Mr. Qi.” Liu Bishu respectfully handed Qi Yiming a list of personnel.

Qi Yiming took a quick glance and put the list away. In fact, Qi Yiming had given up the idea of ​​winning over these people after Liu Bishu refused the invitation.

But now these people took the initiative to stick to him again, which made Qi Yiming a little difficult to deal with.

Don’t look at Qi Yiming’s surface laughter, passing by everything, and being polite to strangers, but it’s really not easy to really gain Qi Yiming’s trust.

And what Qi Yiming needs is timely help, not Liu Bishu’s icing on the cake.

To be honest, with this group of people from Yaluo Star and the war orphans selected from the Wang family, Qi Yiming no longer needs those people from the Glory Federation.

Liu Bishu is not a dull person. He can see that Qi Yiming has some intention of rejecting them.

He immediately threw out the trump card: “One of these people is called He Yong. He has a group of location markers in his hand. It is said that they were all recorded by people sent to explore everywhere during the active period of the Glory Federation.”

“Location markers? What’s there?” Qi Yiming’s curiosity was aroused.

“Ancient warships…” Liu Bishu said word by word.

Although the navigation logs of several warships in Qi Yiming’s hands also record the locations of the forced landings of many other warships in the strategic strike fleet, more than a thousand years have passed after all. The places where they were forced to land may have changed their original positions as the celestial bodies in the universe continue to move.

It would be very difficult to find those warships according to the navigation logs on the warships.

In a thousand years, the distance of celestial body movement is nothing for the large-scale universe, but for humans, anything can happen in a thousand years.

“In this way, I will meet this He Yong first… I will talk about the rest slowly after I meet He Yong.” Qi Yiming finally decided to accept some people from the Glory Federation to a limited extent.

“The glory of the Federation, illuminate the stars…” Liu Bishu was naturally happy to achieve his goal.

“The glory of the Federation, illuminate the stars…” Qi Yiming habitually returned the greeting.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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