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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 45 Xuanwu Federation

A few days after Qi Yiming sent the message to each family, the heads of each family came to Xuannv Galaxy one after another, but Qi Yiming never participated in their meeting.

The negotiations lasted for two weeks, and the Song family negotiating team left alone midway.

On the day the negotiations were completed, Wang Sen’s mood was not high.

Qi Yiming knew the reason.

Wang Zhengfeng and others decided to form the Xuanwu Federation.

When Qi Yiming found Wang Sen, he was sitting alone in a bar drinking.

“Come with me out to see the outside world…” Qi Yiming asked the bartender for a drink and sat across from Wang Sen.

“My wish since childhood is to lead our Wang family to unify the Xuanwu Star Territory step by step…”

“Isn’t this almost finished?”

“You know I’m not talking about this form of unity…”

“The outside world is thousands of times more exciting than this corner, don’t limit yourself too much…”

After speaking, Qi Yiming stood up and left the bar.

He had to rush home to meet He Yong. Liu Bishu had told him the day before that He Yong would come to his home tonight.

When He Yong arrived, he was wrapped up tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed on his face.

Qi Yiming looked at He Yong warily: “Isn’t it a bit rude for Mr. He to meet his collaborators like this?”

Liu Bishu, who came with He Yong, hurried out to smooth things over.

“Mr. Qi, don’t be angry. He has been like this since the high-level purge. He must be tightly wrapped when going out. I will let him take it off right now.”

As he spoke, he turned around and whispered to He Yong to remove his disguise.

He Yong hesitated for a long time, and when Qi Yiming was about to lose his patience, he slowly took off his disguise and showed his true face.

Qi Yiming looked at He Yong carefully and found that there was nothing special about him. He was the kind of person who was difficult to find even if he was thrown into a crowd.

“I heard that Mr. He has some position markers in his hand?” Qi Yiming didn’t have a good impression of He Yong, so he spoke in a stiff tone.

He Yong didn’t say much, and directly took out a storage device and inserted it into the personal terminal he carried with him.

Two landmark points are displayed on the screen of the personal terminal.

Qi Yiming frowned and looked at Liu Bishu: “Didn’t you say it was a batch? Why are there only two?”

Liu Bishu looked at Qi Yiming awkwardly, not knowing how to explain it.

“It’s not his fault. I said it was a batch on purpose. He didn’t know the actual quantity.” He Yong’s voice was a little hoarse and he came to Liu Bishu’s rescue.

“Forget it, let’s talk about the situation of these two points first.” Qi Yiming stopped asking and looked back at the information on the personal terminal screen.

The information showed that a warship was located close to a system on the border of the Dolon Federation. It was an unexplored area, so the Dolon Federation had never discovered the warship.

The other battleship is not far from the first battleship, two star systems apart in the same star field.

But the specific location mark is in an encrypted state.

“Is it convenient to leave the information?” Qi Yiming tentatively asked He Yong.

He Yong happily pulled out the memory device from his personal terminal and handed it to Qi Yiming: “This thing is a disaster to me. I can’t wait to take action quickly.”

Qi Yiming was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

It is true that if this kind of thing falls into the hands of a person with little background and strength, it can only bring him countless troubles.

“But I have a condition…” He Yong suddenly said when Qi Yiming’s finger touched the storage device.

Qi Yiming withdrew his hand and said, “Tell me…”

“I want to join your team…”

Qi Yiming didn’t understand what He Yong meant and said doubtfully: “Aren’t you a member of the Glory Federation? Now we are companions.”

He Yong smiled faintly: “I mean to join your battleship and serve!”

“This is impossible…” Qi Yiming rejected the other party without even thinking.

Just kidding, Wang Sen has been hanging around with him for so long but he still hasn’t been able to visit the interior of the battleship.

A random person shows up with two position markers that he doesn’t know are true or false, and then says he wants to sail? Do you think Qi Yiming is a fool?

Why can Hao Chenqi and his wife, as well as the Yaluo people and those war orphans board the ship, but these people can’t?

The reason is very simple. Half of the people on board the ship have insufficient knowledge reserves, and it is impossible to leak the internal situation of Xuefeng in a short time.

The war orphans were all young men who were inexperienced in the world. Their backgrounds were very simple. As long as Qi Yiming guided them properly, he believed that no one would leak the situation of the Xuefeng.

The backgrounds of these people in the Glory Federation were too complicated, and Qi Yiming was worried about these people running the ship.

Qi Yiming’s decisive refusal made He Yong’s shining eyes suddenly dim.

But Qi Yiming went on to say: “I will be traveling far away soon, and I will definitely bring some transport ships with me. We need manpower on the transport ships. If you are willing, you can serve on the transport ships.”

When He Yong heard that Qi Yiming did not completely reject him, but asked him to serve on the transport ship, He Yong suddenly became happy again. He immediately stood at attention and saluted, calling the captain hello.

It seems that he doesn’t care which battleship he serves on, but as long as he can get on the ship.

“Is there anyone else who wants to serve on the ship?” Qi Yiming simply asked Liu Bishu.

Liu Bishu said that the others had their own battleships, and just hoped that Qi Yiming could take them with him when he set off.

Qi Yiming thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

I don’t know how much trouble I will encounter along the way. One more battleship will be more help. If the Xuefeng encounters an emergency, it will be very embarrassing if there is no helper.

“Then tell them that I will tell you in advance when we set off, and let them gather in the Xuannv Galaxy.” Qi Yiming thought for a while, but did not go to see those people immediately.

After all, now is not the time, the matter in the Xuanwu Star Territory has not been settled yet, and the Song family’s departure in the middle obviously means that the talks have broken down.

As for Wang Zhengfeng, the first president of the Federation, the first thing he did after taking office was to mobilize a large amount of resources to prepare supplies for Qi Yiming’s long journey.

The most important thing is the energy block.

Qi Yiming was so cruel that Wang Zhengfeng almost fainted again when he realized that Qi Yiming needed a cargo ship full of energy blocks.

The energy block is not large in size, and it would take more than 2 million blocks to fill a cargo ship with a standard tonnage.

What is the concept of more than two million energy blocks? The integrated Xuanwu Federation will take nearly a year to produce.

Fortunately, all the major families had their own private treasury, so they scraped together, and Wang Zhengfeng paid a certain amount of political benefits to collect the energy blocks Qi Yiming needed in a short period of time.

On the day of departure, Xingwang, the capital of the Xuanwu Federation, was crowded with people seeing him off.

Wang Zhengfeng looked at the transport ship that was about to set sail with tears in his eyes, while Zheng Hu and Qi Yiming were chatting happily.

“I really hope that I can go out and have adventures with Mr. Qi!”

“Okay, I welcome you with both hands…” Qi Yiming joked with Zheng Hu with a smile.

Wang Zhengfeng wiped away his tears and came to Qi Yiming: “Mr. Qi must come back…”

Special reminder: Due to lack of experience, you can skip chapters 46 to 56 in this book without affecting the subsequent plot. I wrote these ten chapters myself, and the plot is a bit delayed. I wanted to delete it, but if I delete a large number of chapters, the book will be locked, so I won’t delete it. I hereby explain. Readers who want to read it can also read it. It is a war that should not be written about.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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