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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 53 Qi Yiming’s considerations

When the Xuefeng arrived at the Song family’s second line of defense, the remaining fleet of the Song family was already ready.

But the captains of each battleship were trembling.

They know very well the combat power of Xuefeng. Compared with Xuefeng… well… there is no need to compare, they are not in the same dimension at all.

Just when Qi Yiming was getting ready for another massacre, the remaining fleets of the Song family suddenly turned around and evacuated the second line of defense.

This made Qi Yiming suddenly alert.

“When something goes wrong, there must be a monster… We were obviously planning to fight just now. Such a sudden retreat is either a trap or a collective mental breakdown…” Qi Yiming muttered in a low voice, just enough to make people laugh. The couple heard.

“At times like this, I’d rather be slow and don’t rush for quick results.”

So Xuefeng began the demolition work, while waiting for the follow-up fleet to catch up.

Ten minutes later, Liu Jun finally followed up with the remaining fleet of the Xuanwu Federation.

At first Liu Jun thought Qi Yiming would give him the task of demolishing the second line of defense like before.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yiming actually started the demolition work with him.

“Mr. Qi, why don’t you rush?” Liu Jun used the honorific title unknowingly.

Qi Yiming looked at the slightly excited Liu Jun on the communication screen and became angry.

When talking about Zheng Hu’s death in battle, part of the original intention was that Liu Jun and the others were defeated in battle. Qi Yiming actually didn’t want to see these people at all.

But nominally these people are still his comrades-in-arms, and no matter how angry they are, this is not the time to show off their temper.

“The Song family’s participating fleet retreated a little strangely. I’m going to take a moment to see what kind of medicine they are selling in their gourds.” Qi Yiming explained while suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart.

But what Qi Yiming didn’t expect was that Liu Jun, a coward, actually volunteered to investigate in front of the Song family’s last line of defense.

Qi Yiming originally wanted to refuse, after all, his intuition told him that the investigation mission was very dangerous.

But then he thought again, it would be a good idea to investigate, just in case he felt wrong.

“Then be careful. You must calculate the charging time of the jump engine and don’t break away from the jump in front of the opponent.” Qi Yiming reminded him for the sake of his comrades.

After watching Liu Jun enter the jump acceleration mode, Qi Yiming organized the remaining fleet to continue the demolition.

But before the main control room on the defense line was destroyed, Liu Jun came back in a hurry.

“Mr. Qi…run quickly…that old bastard from the Song family didn’t know where to get a battlecruiser!” After Liu Jun connected to the communication, he urged Qi Yiming to leave quickly with a look of despair.

“What? Battlecruiser?” Qi Yiming suddenly stood up from the captain’s chair.

Qi Yiming did not doubt Liu Jun’s words. After all, no one would be stupid enough to lie about military information at this time.

“Yes, a battlecruiser, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Qi Yiming breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his intuition was not wrong. The Song family did have a trump card.

“Did you see the mark on the battleship clearly? Are you sure it’s the Song family’s battlecruiser?” Qi Yiming continued to ask for details.

“It seems, probably, it may not be the symbol of the Song family.” Liu Jun rolled his eyes and thought hard for a while before saying something unsure.

“I asked you to do the investigation, and your uncle did this for me…” Qi Yiming complained crazily in his heart.

“Forget it, it’s most likely an imperial battleship. The imperial battleships that can appear on the Song family’s territory now are definitely not here for us to visit.” Qi Yiming no longer struggled with the origin of this battlecruiser, but considered Can Xuefeng cope with it with its combat power?

Although Xuefeng was able to deal with it easily in the previous battles, the next battle will have to face a battlecruiser.

After all, it was a battlecruiser. No matter how advanced the Xuefeng was, it would have to think carefully when facing someone much bigger than itself.

“Mr. Qi, you don’t want to continue attacking, do you?” Liu Jun suddenly discovered a terrible fact, and Qi Yiming went crazy.

“Why not?” Qi Yiming raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Jun on the communication screen.

Liu Jun rolled his eyes and almost fainted. He roared in a high-pitched voice, trying to pull Qi Yiming back from the edge of madness: “That’s a battlecruiser…”

In fact, Qi Yiming knew that it was not impossible for Xuefeng to kill a battlecruiser, but it would only involve taking great risks.

Because in the era of the Human Federation, the destroyers of the Strategic Strike Fleet once set a record for a single battleship sinking a battlecruiser, but that was during an exercise.

What Qi Yiming has to consider now is whether to take this risk.

After all, he is the one who wants to leave the Xuanwu Star Territory. Whether the Xuanwu Star Territory will follow the empire or form its own system after Qi Yiming leaves has little to do with Qi Yiming.

But the problem is that the only exit from the Xuanwu Star Territory is the territory of the Wanluo Empire.

He believed that the Wanluo Empire would definitely have heavy troops stationed at the exit to prevent the various forces in the Xuanwu Star Region from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Then there will be a discussion on how to fight the next battle.

Not only did he want to hurt the empire, but he also wanted to make the empire hate Qi Yiming, so that Qi Yiming could smoothly pass through the territory of the Wanluo Empire.

“It’s a bit difficult…” Qi Yiming groped his chin and carefully considered the pros and cons of the whole thing.

“Mr. Qi…Mr. Qi…” Liu Jun frantically called Qi Yiming, who was deep in thought, on the communication channel.

“You said, I’m listening…” Qi Yiming replied absently.

“You listen to your uncle…” Liu Jun cursed secretly in his heart, but he said cheerfully: “Let’s withdraw, a battlecruiser is not something our small federation can deal with… “

“Wait, what did you just say?” Qi Yiming seemed to have caught something and asked Liu Jun eagerly.

“I…I said it’s not something our little federation can handle…” Liu Jun timidly repeated what he just said.

It’s not that Liu Jun is timid, he is really frightened by Qi Yiming’s abnormal combat power. Liu Jun believes that Qi Yiming can’t defeat the battlecruiser, but it will only take a matter of minutes to kill him, so Qi Yiming’s The sudden question made Liu Jun think he had stepped on Qi Yiming’s tail.

“Yes, why am I so stupid… War is a continuation of politics… I can make the empire unprofitable, so how effective will it be even if they defeat me?” Qi Yiming finally thought of a perfect solution to this problem. .

Qi Yiming believed that the Wanluo Empire was willing to spend so much money to support the Song family, and there must be some shady deal involved.

If you analyze it carefully with your brain, it is nothing more than that the Song family used the Xuanwu Star Territory as a bargaining chip to make some kind of political deal with the empire, but this kind of political deal requires the empire to pay a price.

If Qi Yiming can make this cost high enough and then come up with a plan with a relatively small cost, there is no need to worry about the empire not agreeing to the armistice.

Now it depends on what level this battlecruiser is in the eyes of the empire’s senior officials. If it is just a dispensable battleship, Qi Yiming really has no other good way to deal with the matter at hand.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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