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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 56 The traitor must die

Zhang Kunyu nervously asked the leader of the engineering team if he had any solutions.

However, the answer given by the engineering team made him feel on pins and needles.

“If it had been discovered earlier, there might be a way to solve it, but now it’s a bit troublesome to solve it in a short time!”

Zhang Kunyu sat down on his seat and looked at the dark bridge without tears.

“It’s done…” Qi Yiming clapped his hands excitedly, “Communications officer, quickly contact Liu Jun and ask the remaining battleships to come over and prepare for a boarding battle. We want to capture that battlecruiser.”

When Liu Jun received the news, he was completely confused. He never believed that Qi Yiming could kill the battlecruiser.

But now we have to engage in a boarding battle. What the hell? Are battlecruisers so accessible?

But the fact was right in front of him, and he couldn’t help but not believe it.

The boarding battle went smoothly. Although the empire had an advantage in the tonnage of the battleship, it did not have an advantage in the number of crew members. It only took Qi Yiming and the others half an hour to break through the bridge of the battlecruiser and capture the ship. battleship.

When the imperial envoy learned the news, he was so frightened that he lost control of his urine.

The head of the Song family was even more ashamed.

By the time Qi Yiming led his people into the residence of the head of the Song family, the originally joyful banquet had already ended. Only the head of the Song family and the imperial envoy were the only major figures in the banquet hall.

Qi Yiming ignored the head of the Song family and looked directly at the imperial envoy: “This must be Mr. Special Envoy, right?”

The special envoy nodded: “I, Lu Weiming, do you know what your name is?”

“Qi Yiming…”

Lu Weiming pretended to be calm and asked: “Why did Mr. Qi attack my escort warship?”

“Are you really good at acting?” Qi Yiming said with a smile: “You invaded the Xuanwu Federation, what? You don’t allow us to defend ourselves?”

“Invasion? Where do you start talking about this? I am just the Song family who was ordered to go on a mission to the Xuanwu Star Territory. How could it be an invasion?”

“Okay, Mr. Special Envoy, we are all smart people, so let’s stop acting here!” Qi Yiming did not give the other party a chance to refute, and continued: “As a family under the Xuanwu Federation, the Song family colludes with foreign forces. Invasion, and the empire is the driving force behind it, doesn’t it have anything to say?”

Lu Weiming smiled awkwardly: “Mr. Qi is joking, how could the empire do such a thing.”

“We have blocked the jumping bridge. Do you really want to keep your words, Mr. Special Envoy?” Looking at the imperial envoy who refused to admit his fault, Qi Yiming did not get angry.

He knew that in order to successfully pass through the empire, he really couldn’t do anything to this special envoy.

Qi Yiming knew that politics meant saying the most disgusting words with the most holy expression, so he still looked at the imperial envoy with a smile.

When Lu Weiming heard that the bridge jump had been controlled by the Xuanwu Federation, he acted calm on the surface, but in his heart he greeted the female relatives of Hongshan, the commander-in-chief of the imperial invasion fleet.

“What do you want, Mr. Qi?” Lu Weiming acquiesced to Qi Yiming’s accusation against the empire. After all, his life was now in the hands of the young man in front of him.

“It’s very simple. The empire withdraws its troops and recognizes the sovereignty of the Xuanwu Federation…” Qi Yiming put forward the conditions he had thought about in advance.

“This is impossible. The empire cannot change its established policy just because of me.” Lu Weiming refused without even thinking.

This did not go beyond Qi Yiming’s expectation: “I wonder how the war between the Empire and the Turing Republic is going? If the Xuanwu Federation gets involved at this time, I wonder if we can get something unexpected.”

“You…are you threatening the empire?” Lu Weiming was finally angered by Qi Yiming and looked at the young man in front of him angrily.

“Don’t get me wrong, special envoy, the Xuanwu Federation just doesn’t want to be watched by a helpful person all the time…”

The news that there was a war going on between the Wanluo Empire and the Turing Republic was discovered when he checked the battleship’s logbook after capturing the empire’s battlecruiser.

Moreover, he also discovered that the Wanluo Empire only had two battlecruisers, and now one was captured by Qi Yiming, which would have a considerable impact on the war between the empire and the Turing Republic.

Lu Weiming also knew this. The empire must not fight on two fronts at this time, otherwise the empire would be in danger of overturning.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Weiming finally laughed and said to Qi Yiming in front of him: “I came to the Xuanwu Federation this time with the empire’s friendship with the Xuanwu Federation. Unfortunately, I was kidnapped by this Song family. I’m really grateful. Your country’s rescue.”

Lu Weiming suddenly changed his tune, leaving Song Xingang, the head of the Song family standing aside, stunned. He never thought that people could be so shameless.

The person who was clearly discussing with him a few hours ago how to help the Song family unify the Xuanwu Star Territory was now brazenly saying that the Song family had kidnapped him.

Qi Yiming was also a little confused, “What the hell… what the hell is this? How come you have become a special envoy to witness the friendship between the two countries?”

But being confused, Qi Yiming still had to say what he needed to say about the situation: “Where, where…these are what we should do.”

The next scene is very harmonious. Song Xingang, the head of the Song family, is a transparent person from beginning to end. No one cares about his mood at this moment.

In fact, the moment Qi Yiming captured the empire’s battlecruiser, Song Xingang’s fate had already been decided.

The Song family said that Po Datian was also a local force in the Xuanwu Star Territory, and actually colluded with outsiders to invade the Xuanwu Star Territory for their own selfish interests.

Even without the establishment of the Xuanwu Federation, from a personal emotional point of view, no family in the Xuanwu Star Territory would forgive the Song family’s cheating.

After negotiating the terms with the imperial envoy, Qi Yiming just waved his hand, and his men swarmed in and arrested the head of the Song family, including all his retainers.

“The traitor must die… As for other accomplices, they will be punished according to the crimes they committed…”

After handling the affairs of the Song family, Qi Yiming smiled and said to Lu Weiming: “Mr. Special Envoy, please come with me to the capital star of the Xuanwu Federation to observe the celebration of the founding of the Xuanwu Federation.”

“Of course, I came here just to participate in this celebration.”

Both sides tacitly made no mention of the battlecruisers.

Because Lu Weiming knew that it was impossible to get this battlecruiser back, because she had become the Xuanwu Federation’s biggest support against the empire.

Lu Weiming was right. After Qi Yiming captured the battlecruiser, he immediately sent someone to notify Wang Zhengfeng to send someone to drive the battlecruiser away to avoid causing trouble.

Now the imperial envoy wisely did not mention this issue, and Qi Yiming was happy and at ease, as he did not have to waste time arguing with the other party.

Two days later, the head of the Song family, Song Xingang, and his immediate family members were sentenced to death for treason. The remaining accomplices were more or less imprisoned for 30 to 50 years.

The imperial envoy who attended the celebration happily set off back to the empire after being merciless in accepting the gift.

At this time, Qi Yiming began to prepare for his journey again. After all, he had been delayed for a long time.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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