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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 59 Acting Alone

Facing the Xuefeng’s attack, the Azure’s energy shield only dimmed a little.

But there was nothing the Azure could do against the Xuefeng, and the two warships were in a stalemate.

Qi Yiming tried to contact the other party many times during the battle, but was rejected by the other party.

It’s not that Qi Yiming is timid, but that he really wants to know if the captain of the Azure Blue is his former comrade-in-arms?

If so, why would he ignore his presence?

The two battleships were in a stalemate for more than half an hour, and the Azure was the first to withdraw from the battlefield.

Qi Yiming originally planned to continue the pursuit. Even if the Azure and Xuefeng did not belong to the same system, being able to capture the Azure would also improve Qi Yiming’s overall combat power.

But Qi Yiming received a deep space distress signal from the remaining fleet.

Qi Yiming had no choice but to give up the pursuit of the Azure, turned the ship around and returned to the X-113 galaxy for rescue.

Fortunately, this strange enemy only made a feint shot and made slight contact with Wang Shuhua and the others. After showing enough force to eliminate them, it entered the jump mode and broke away from the remaining fleet.

By the time Qi Yiming returned to the X-113 galaxy, the remaining fleet was out of danger.

Qi Yiming didn’t have much regret for not successfully capturing the Azure. After all, it was just a battleship, and no matter how important it was, it was not as important as the lives of his teammates.

And he believed that since he could meet the Azure once, there would be another time.

After reuniting with the remaining fleet, Qi Yiming asked everyone to take a short rest and continue to the next marking point.

Along the way, Qi Yiming was thinking, who restarted the Azure?

If it were his former comrade-in-arms, perhaps the mysterious man’s reaction would not be so radical.

At least like him, the first time he saw the Xuefeng, he would guess whether Qi Yiming was also an awakener.

But the man only asked Qi Yiming one question and didn’t even listen to the answer. Just because Qi Yiming hesitated, he ordered the Azure to attack the Xuefeng.

Qi Yiming once wondered if it could be the missing He Yong?

But in the end Qi Yiming rejected the idea.

What if it is He Yong? Then why did he go out of his way to hand over the location to Qi Yiming? Couldn’t he just come here and activate the Azure?

Qi Yiming carefully recalled the entire process of meeting He Yong. There was nothing strange about it. To say it was strange could only be because He Yong wrapped himself up very tightly.

But that also has a prerequisite. As a member of the Glory Federation, when the top management is being purged on a large scale, it is not too much to dress up like that in order to protect yourself, not to mention that he still has the location markers of three ancient battleships in his hand.

Thinking of this, Qi Yiming suddenly had a bad premonition.

Qi Yiming felt that He Yong did not regret joining his fleet, but was probably killed.

If He Yong was really killed, then all this would make sense.

Qi Yiming was supposed to set out before the Xuanwu Star Territory War broke out, but was delayed because of the war.

During the delay, He Yong was found and killed by this group of mysterious people, and the locations of three ancient warships were obtained from He Yong.

Although He Yong originally handed over the storage device that stored the location and punctuation information to Qi Yiming, Qi Yiming believed that He Yong had definitely read the contents.

Even if this group of mysterious people does not have an information storage device, by extracting a confession from He Yongdi or even reading his memory, as long as they can get a few clues, they can follow the clues to find the specific locations of these three markers.

Now Qi Yiming was really worried. If things were as Qi Yiming inferred, then the next target of this group of mysterious people would definitely be another ancient warship located in the X-211 galaxy in the Ancestral Star Territory.

If this is really the case, then they must speed up and reach the X-211 galaxy before that group of people.

“Brother Qi, I didn’t say anything! With Xuefeng’s combat power, it’s just one word – go ahead!” After Qi Yiming and Xu Ruifeng shared some of their guesses, Xu Ruifeng was the first to speak.

Qi Yiming would not take Xu Ruifeng’s words seriously.

“He Yong must have been killed or kidnapped!” Wang Shuhua groped his chin and thought for a while before speaking.

Ye Lu didn’t speak. She was not good at these things.

Commanding a battleship Ye Lu already feels very difficult, and I rarely think about such complicated things.

“Brother Wang is right. There is a high probability that the information on the three punctuation points has been leaked.” Qi Yiming thought over and over again: “For the sake of safety, I will rush over alone.”

“No…it’s too dangerous!” Ye Lu was the first to object.

Surprisingly, Wang Shuhua nodded in agreement: “Yiming can concentrate on dealing with this group of people if he goes alone. If we go together, we may become a burden to him.”

“What are you afraid of? The worst is possible! Brother Qi, don’t worry about us then, just kill these people…” Xu Ruifeng roared excitedly in the fleet channel.

“You only know how to fight the enemy to the death…” Ye Lu, as the eldest lady, taught Xu Ruifeng a lesson, then looked at Qi Yiming on the communication screen and said: “Brother Wang is right, we can’t be a burden to you. “

Qi Yiming did not deny the statement of being cumbersome. He pointed to a point on the star map and said: “You pass the jump bridge in the northwest of the Ancestral Star Territory. From there, go to the Fan Universe Business Alliance. After passing the jump bridge, you find the nearest free airport. Rest and resupply, I will meet you as soon as possible.”

“This group of people is probably related to the group that sent assassins to assassinate the awakened people. The strength behind them must be quite big. You must be careful, Yiming.” Ye Lu looked at Qi Yiming worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Sister Ye. Even if I don’t get to the target first, I can still escape smoothly!” Qi Yiming comforted Ye Lu with a smile.

Ye Lu’s worried expression softened slightly.

Two days later, Qi Yiming separated from the fleet.

Wang Shuhua took the rest of the people and continued to follow the route planned by Qi Yiming to the Fan Universe Business Alliance, while Qi Yiming commanded the Xuefeng to go to the X-211 galaxy alone.

Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng released multiple combat probes as soon as it arrived in the X-221 galaxy, and scanned the X-221 planet three times. After confirming that there were no abnormalities, the Xuefeng departed from The edge of the galaxy goes into the interior of the galaxy.

“It seems that those people haven’t come here yet. Maybe they really just got some clues. It will take a lot of effort to find the specific location.” Qi Yiming said to Wang Sen, who had been standing beside him.

“He Yong must have been killed…” Wang Sen sighed and said no more.

Qi Yiming nodded silently, and he was more inclined to the guess that He Yong had been killed.

“What the hell is this a mysterious organization that only has selfish interests in its eyes… I will uproot you sooner or later!” Qi Yiming said bitterly.

At this time, the Xuefeng was rapidly approaching a red, deserted planet. The location information obtained by Qi Yiming showed that the ancient battleship was on this red, deserted planet.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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