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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 6 A little test of skill (please recommend)

After turning on the intranet communication device, the first page of the virtual screen that popped up was some of the Wang family’s family rules.

Qi Yiming glanced at it roughly, and it was nothing more than not using force in the family’s core territory, and not fighting privately among the family servants, etc.

The second page was the decision-making results of the Wang family on some recent events, which were not very related to Qi Yiming, so he just glanced over it.

From the third page onwards, there were various tasks, hundreds of tasks in total.

“Patrol tasks rarely encounter combat, I want to understand my own strength, so I give up.” Qi Yiming clicked on the filter bar and ticked off the patrol task.

“Reconnaissance tasks require going to unfamiliar star fields, and the time is not ripe now, so I give up.” More than a dozen of the hundreds of tasks in the task bar disappeared again.

“Raid missions, the merit value is high, but I am not familiar with the situation and it is still dangerous for me, so I give up.” More than a dozen tasks disappeared again in the task bar.

After screening, the only remaining tasks were combat missions to fight star pirates.

During the cautious period, Qi Yiming chose a task with the lowest merit value.

The mission brief said that a group of star pirates appeared near a remote asteroid belt in the Xuannv galaxy half a month ago, seriously affecting the mining operations of the Wang family there.

The star pirate group only had one frigate and was weak, so the merit value was very low, only 10 points.

This made the retainers of the Wang family uninterested in doing this mission.

“It’s you. Although the combined Xuefeng can no longer be considered a frigate, you should try them first during the cautious period to determine your own level.” Qi Yiming applied on the mission application interface.

It’s not that Qi Yiming is timid, but he really doesn’t know how strong he is. He can’t think that he is invincible just because someone praises his warship for its good combat power. What if they are just complimenting him?

The mission application was approved, and Qi Yiming didn’t say hello to Wang Sen. He took the transport boat back to the Xuefeng alone to prepare for the voyage.

Wang Dong’s office, his adjutant hurried in: “Second Young Master, the new guy has accepted the mission.”

Wang Dong frowned and glanced at the adjutant: “Pay attention to the address, after all, he is a retainer of my Wang family. There should be superficial respect.”

The adjutant nodded repeatedly.

“What mission did he accept?” Wang Dong asked casually while concentrating on processing the documents at hand.

The adjutant first smiled, as if he was very uncomfortable but was afraid of the bad influence and did not dare to laugh out loud: “Mr. Qi accepted a mission with the lowest merit value to clear out the star pirates.”

“Oh? Is it the mission that has been hanging in the task bar for more than half a month and no one is willing to do it?” Wang Dong put down the file in his hand thoughtfully.

“It’s that mission. I heard that the confidant of the eldest young master was so angry that his face turned green.”

“That’s true. Who would have thought that a person who is so valued by the eldest brother would actually accept such a simple mission.”

“Who said it’s not? This mission can be completed by anyone with a decent warship.” The adjutant was obviously a little disdainful.

“The mission says that the pirates have a frigate, but it’s actually a converted small transport ship. Even the main gun on the ship seems to be an electromagnetic rail gun that is about to become scrap.”

“Okay, go down. Just pay a little attention to it.” Wang Dong immediately lost interest in Qi Yiming. How much can a person who doesn’t even want to let go of 10 merit points do.

Wang Sen’s side was even more lively. Wang Sen, who was originally writing a mission report in the office, was suddenly surrounded by his men.

Everyone was talking and making a lot of noise.

“Don’t make a fuss, speak one by one!!” Wang Sen had no choice but to stop the dispute loudly, “Xiao Liu, what did you say?”

The person who was called was Wang Sen’s confidant Liu Bishu. He first wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then sighed hard.

“Hey… Master, you really misjudged me this time. Qi Yiming… He actually accepted a mission with 10 merit points and left the port.”

“Yes, yes, Master, it’s a pity that Master spent so much effort to recommend him to the head of the family. He will definitely be labeled as a bad judge of people.” Everyone was in chaos again.

“It’s impossible. With the combat power of Xuefeng, let alone a combat mission with 100 merit points, Xuefeng can easily complete it.” Wang Sen was also a little confused. What kind of way did Qi Yiming take?

Qi Yiming didn’t care how much impact this incident had caused. At this time, he had already driven Xuefeng to the mission location.

He would never take the risk to accept those high-level missions before he was sure of his rank.

Let’s not talk about the combat power of Xuefeng. Even if the combat power is strong, how much combat power can Xuefeng, which is only assisted by intelligent brain driving, exert? Qi Yiming really couldn’t say for sure.

Mining operations have been suspended for more than half a month. If the asteroid belt itself did not produce much ore, how could the Wang family allow this group of pirates to roam around for half a month? They would have sent people to clean it up long ago.

However, pirates are pirates after all. As soon as Qi Yiming appeared, they drove the armed cargo ship to escape.

The shipborne radar of Xuefeng had already found the traces of pirates as soon as it entered the asteroid belt.

“If you want to run, you have to ask me if I agree.” Qi Yiming was extremely cautious when choosing a mission, but he completely let go when he arrived at the battlefield.

A lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength, let alone the cautious Qi Yiming.

“Charge the main gun.” Qi Yiming ordered immediately.

Xuefeng was in sniper mode, and its main gun began to slowly adjust its muzzle under the guidance of the fire control radar.

As the beep for locking the enemy ship sounded, Qi Yiming decisively gave the command to the ship’s brain to fire.

At this time, the star thief’s warship was nearly 200,000 kilometers away from the Xuefeng. The star thief leader was showing off his alertness to his subordinates, and his subordinates also expressed their appreciation one after another.

Just as they were celebrating escaping a liquidation, two red burst laser beams accurately hit the engine nozzle of the Star Thief warship.

But the blow was not over. The bursting laser beam carried huge energy and penetrated the fragile tail armor of the Star Thief battleship and penetrated into the interior of the battleship.

For a time, a large amount of supplies on the ship filed out from the damaged tail of the battleship, including many star thieves who had not rushed to put on extravehicular space suits.

The burst laser beam, which consumed most of the energy, penetrated the few cabins inside the battleship, and then penetrated the outer armor on the other side from the inside again.

The Star Thief leader standing in the bridge was blown out of the battleship by the powerful energy caused by the air leakage before he could figure out what was going on. He only had time to glance at the direction of the Xuefeng, and his whole body was immersed in the darkness of the universe. The freezing temperature froze my mind.

“I wiped it so hard? It shouldn’t be!” Qi Yiming, who observed everything through optical imaging, touched the bar and said thoughtfully.

“It seems that they are a little too cautious, and the mission selection is too simple. Star pirates rarely have the opportunity to obtain standard warships. Most of them use the hulls of civilian ships to modify them into warships, and their combat power should be slightly lower. “Qi Yiming thought for a while and concluded.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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