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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 62 Another mysterious organization

“Navigator, adjust the bow of the ship to be the same as the enemy ship, and increase the charging intensity of the weapon commander by 5%…”

Qi Yiming gave orders to the supervisors at the two positions.

Ma Wei saw the Xuefeng change its maneuvering method and knew that the moment of decisive battle had arrived.

In fact, Ma Wei also knew in his heart that his two destroyers were no match for the Xuefeng.

Only more than 2 minutes have passed since the two sides engaged in the battle. Ma Wei has not forgotten that Xuefeng also has torpedo attack methods.

Sure enough, just as Ma Wei remembered this, the Xuefeng fired two explosive torpedoes from the torpedo tube on the bow.

Just when Ma Wei closed his eyes and waited for the death of the general, the expected torpedo attack did not come.

When he opened his eyes to observe, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

I saw that the two torpedoes were approaching my warship at a normal speed and did not make a short jump.

“Quick…the secondary battery is ready to intercept…” Ma Wei then remembered to order the secondary battery to intercept.

In fact, Ma Wei didn’t know at all that Qi Yiming also needed one less micro-jump engine.

Although the Hammer can assemble and produce torpedoes by itself, they are all conventional torpedoes.

The torpedo hammer that attacked the Azure just now and can make short-distance jumps cannot be made by itself.

The most important reason is that the Hammer cannot manufacture a micro-jump engine.

But even for conventionally flying torpedoes, their speed is unreachable by humans today.

It only took less than 15 seconds for the two torpedoes to travel 300KM.

There was no chance for Ponytail to correct his mistake.

The tracking speed of the secondary battery was simply unable to successfully intercept the two torpedoes launched by Xuefeng.

Ma Wei could only watch as two torpedoes hit the friendly ship and his own ship respectively.

This kind of heavy torpedo was originally used to deal with large buildings or super flagships. One is enough to deal with small characters like destroyers without energy shields.

The violent energy directly tore the two destroyers into pieces, and the members inside the ship did not even have a chance to escape.

Ma Wei took one last look at his ship with determined eyes, and hammered his right chest with his left hand: “Long live the light of mankind…”

The rest of the crew also ended their lives in the same posture.

Qi Yiming did not see the final madness of these people, but became curious about the crippled destroyer.

Unexpectedly, Xuefeng destroyed itself before it even got close to the battleship.

“What a pity. It would be great if we could capture this battleship!” Qi Yiming looked at the self-destructed destroyer with a pained face.

To be honest, Qi Yiming really wanted to update the battleships for the captains in his fleet.

Especially after this battle, it was really too dangerous for the monkey version of the warship they were driving to sail far away.

Originally, Qi Yiming thought that the warship technology of the Wanluo Empire was already at the top level, but he did not expect to encounter several warships with similar combat power to the Xuefeng here.

If the Xuefeng had not had the ability to repair itself, it was not certain who would win today.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Qi Yiming was a little lost in thought.

To this day, he still doesn’t understand. What is happening in human society today?

Historical chronology? Technology era?

Or is the historical truth only in the hands of some people? Really advanced technology is only in the hands of some people?

Qi Yiming is more inclined to the latter. After all, someone seems to be trying his best to assassinate Su Xing? What for?

Part of it is to prevent the real historical truth from being known to the public, but isn’t it also to prevent advanced technology from flowing into the hands of their hostile forces?

The wreckage of the two battleships on the battlefield had been pushed to unknown directions by the kinetic energy generated by the aftermath of the explosion. The only one with a chance to collect loot was the self-destructed destroyer.

It is also one of the few opportunities to get to know this enemy.

The Xuefeng used a tractor beam to immobilize the paralyzed destroyer. After sending internal guards to sweep the ship around, Qi Yiming entered the destroyer.

The ship was in a mess, with crew members losing vital signs floating everywhere.

Qi Yiming first checked the destroyer’s weapon system. Like the Xuefeng, the destroyer’s main gun also has a charging intensity grading system.

It’s just not as detailed as Xuefeng’s.

Qi Yiming walked around the battleship and couldn’t see anything special. This was the difference between the engineering staff and the command staff.

The leader of the Xuefeng engineering team later submitted a detailed report to Qi Yiming.

The destroyer was completely hopeless, its internal wiring was severely damaged, and its onboard brain was severely burned. Repairing it was no different than building one. Qi Yiming also gave up the plan of towing it to the airport for repair.

As for the parameters of the destroyer, Qi Yiming scratched his head and looked at the data on it, then put it away with a smile, saying he would look back later.

Next, Xuefeng will seize the time to head to the next landmark.

After arriving at the outskirts of the galaxy where the marking point was located, Qi Yiming still scanned the galaxy first. After confirming that there was no danger, he recharged the jump engine and headed to the marking point.

There is indeed an ancient battleship in the galaxy. Unfortunately, it is not a modular battleship, but a destroyer from the former Human Federation garrison fleet. It was seriously damaged and has no use value.

Qi Yiming dismantled the shipboard brain on the battleship and deleted the voyage log on it before returning to the Xuefeng.

The shipboard intelligent computer was not big or small, but it took nearly a day to move it back to the Xuefeng.

Qi Yiming didn’t know what he would encounter along the way. The shipboard intelligent computers of the former Human Federation were all universal models, but the corresponding computing power was opened according to the different levels of the captain’s authority.

Although the warship was seriously damaged, the shipboard intelligent computer was still usable, and it would be a little more reassuring to dismantle it as a backup.

At the third punctuation point, Qi Yiming did not find any trace of the Azure, which made Qi Yiming a little disappointed.

But this was also expected. The task force of the Light of Humanity suffered heavy losses. Only the Azure left the battlefield in the entire fleet. Qi Yiming believed that it would be impossible to encounter the Azure again in a short time.

But another thing made Qi Yiming have to start considering how to deal with it, that is, the Xuefeng entered the vision of the organization of the Light of Humanity.

On the way later, Qi Yiming not only had to face the troubles brought to him by the unfamiliar route, but also had to guard against the sneak attack of the mysterious organization of the Light of Humanity.

Qi Yiming rubbed his forehead: “We have just set out and we have gotten into such a big trouble…”

But Qi Yiming knew that he could not avoid this matter, after all, it involved another system in the strategic strike fleet.

And Qi Yiming clearly knew that in order to activate the Mozi war star, the pinnacle of the human federation’s technological level, no warships from the two systems could be missing, otherwise it would greatly affect the combat power of the war star.

There are two solutions now. Either Qi Yiming returns to the former human federation capital star to obtain the complete technological heritage and spends a lot of effort to build a strategic strike fleet.

The second solution is to do everything possible to capture the Azure when you meet it in the subsequent battles.

Sorry sorry!! It’s late… I went to visit relatives today…


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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