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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 64 Negotiation

Qi Yiming studied the star map on the ship for three days. When he was having a headache about how to break into Boss Cat’s lair, Wang Sen ran back with a happy face.

“The client brought back good news.” Wang Sen took a deep breath before speaking out the news brought back by the client in a leisurely manner: “That cat boss wants to negotiate with us.”

“Negotiation?” Qi Yiming also looked shocked. He had been preparing to use force for a long time, but he didn’t expect that the cat boss would actually want to negotiate.

“How to talk? Where to talk?”

“The other party was quite sincere and let us choose the location and time.”

“Have you asked how our people are doing now?” Qi Yiming was most concerned about his subordinates.

“The situation is not good. Xu Ruifeng was beaten half to death. Wang Shuhua and Ye Lu were both held in solitary confinement. However, their lives are not in danger for the time being.” Wang Sen said with a worried look.

“Xu Ruifeng deserves to be beaten…it’s just a pain for Brother Wang and Sister Ye!” Qi Yiming had no sympathy for Xu Ruifeng’s experience.

“That person is still waiting for our reply.”

“The sooner the better, let’s do it tomorrow! The location is in the asteroid belt of this galaxy.” Qi Yiming opened the star map and clicked randomly near the asteroid belt, then stored the location data into the information storage device and handed it over. Gave it to Wang Sen.

After watching Wang Sen leave, Qi Yiming informed the officer on duty to recall all the crew members and the Xuefeng was preparing to leave the port.

Qi Yiming needs to investigate the situation in advance, so as not to take action when the time comes and cause his own disadvantage.

An hour later, the Xuefeng quietly left the port and headed directly to the asteroid belt.

At this time, in Boss Cat’s lair, a mysterious man wrapped up tightly was sitting opposite Boss Cat, speaking in the tone of a superior to a subordinate: “This is the first time the organization has given you a task. I hope you will…” Don’t screw it up.”

If Qi Yiming were here, he would definitely recognize this person as Qiao Shan, the captain of the Azure.

The cat boss said to Qiao Shan with a flattering look on his face: “Don’t worry, I will definitely complete the task beautifully.”

The next day, the cat boss took a dozen of his men to the asteroid belt decided by Qi Yiming to negotiate.

Qi Yiming had long been waiting for the cat boss to arrive at the agreed place. Looking at the mighty fleet, Qi Yiming frowned and gave an order to his weapon commander: “Recharge the weapon slowly and don’t have too much energy. spillover.”

“Are you here to negotiate?” Wang Sen also looked at the dozen destroyers and a cruiser opposite with a pale face.

Just when Qi Yiming ordered the entire ship to be on alert, Boss Cat sent a directional communication.

“Are you the boss that Xu Ruifeng mentioned?” The cat boss looked fierce in the communicator, but in Qi Yiming’s eyes, he was particularly happy.

A big, white, fat face filled the entire screen of the communicator, and his voice was exceptionally thin. Qi Yiming even looked carefully to see if the other party had an Adam’s apple.

“What do you want me to ask you?” The cat boss was a little annoyed when Qi Yiming didn’t speak.

“I can’t talk about it, boss. Those people you kidnapped are all my companions.” Qi Yiming answered the other party while suppressing a smile.

“Tell me, what are you going to redeem them for?”

“You robbed one of our ship’s energy blocks and two other transport ships. Our people are of no use to you. Why don’t you return them to me first?” Qi Yiming had no intention of doing anything good. , put forward conditions at will.

Even if the cat boss was kind and sent the people and the three battleships back, the problem was that without the three transport ships, Qi Yiming couldn’t do anything at all.

It means that we have to return home just after the journey begins. Maybe we all have to work as workers in the Fan Universe Business Alliance for a period of time to save some money to go back to the Xuanwu Star Territory in despair.

“It’s easy to talk about the replacement, but how to calculate the ransom?”

“Boss Cat, let me know. I’ll take it…”

“Hey… you are still knowledgeable!” The cat boss mocked Qi Yiming in his high-pitched voice: “Then use your ship in exchange!”

How could Qi Yiming, who was once famous as the star thief nemesis in the Xuanwu Star Territory, accept such conditions.

Since there was no better plan, Qi Yiming stopped acting. After receiving the look from the weapons commander indicating that the main gun had been recharged, Qi Yiming directly ordered the Xuefeng to fire.

The star thief who was suddenly attacked did not panic. The cat boss looked at one of his destroyers that was sunk and looked at Qi Yiming with eyes wide open: “How dare you be so arrogant on my territory? I’ll fight later.” You kneel down and call daddy…”

After saying that, the cat boss hung up the communication.

“Yi Ming, if we start fighting like this, aren’t you afraid that the other party will break up your vote?” Wang Sen was a little worried about the safety of those who were abducted.

“Didn’t you realize that this negotiation was a conspiracy from beginning to end?”

“Conspiracy? Weren’t you still negotiating the price just now?”

“This is what you told me a few days ago. They got a boat full of energy blocks, why do they still need to negotiate?” Qi Yiming looked at Wang Sen standing next to him.

“Yeah…how could I forget this!” Wang Sen suddenly woke up, but he still couldn’t understand why the other party still proposed negotiations?

“If I guessed correctly, the Azure should be nearby…” Qi Yiming told Wang Sen while ordering the radar chief to increase the detection of the surrounding space.

Qi Yiming didn’t take the dozens of Star Thief warships in front of him seriously at all.

As expected, the Star Thieves collapsed quickly, not as Qi Yiming expected.

The Xuefeng only attacked for three rounds, and several battleships in the Star Thief’s fleet broke away from the formation and prepared to flee the battlefield.

However, there is no shortage of bloodthirsty among the star thieves. The four destroyers surrounding Boss Cat’s ship were very calm and followed Boss Cat’s cruiser Lao Mao towards Xuefeng from the beginning to the end.

Qi Yiming also quickly discovered the difference between these warships. They kept changing their formations as they approached the Xuefeng. As long as a warship was attacked by the Xuefeng, the attacked warship would retreat. Go behind the remaining battleships and perform emergency repairs.

What a familiar strategy…

“It’s so damn haunting…” Qi Yiming cursed secretly.

Qi Yiming thought that he would meet the Light of Humanity combatants again on the way, but he did not expect that it would happen so soon.

I had just come out of the Ancestral Star Territory, and I ran into this group of people again before I even had time to rest.

“Weapons chief…reduce the charging intensity of the main guns. I want to capture these battleships!” Qi Yiming was cruel this time: “The internal guards are wearing armor and preparing to engage in a broadside battle.”

Wang Sen’s face turned pale when he heard about the boarding battle. In all his years of fighting, he had never seen how a boarding battle was fought in space.

But then he felt relieved when he thought about the magical tractor beam on the Xuefeng ship. Other warships couldn’t pick up the ship, but the Xuefeng could.

“Navigator, maximum engine power output…approach the enemy ship with all your strength…”

As soon as the order was given, the Xuefeng ship immediately became lively.

As the security personnel on the Xuefeng, the internal security forces are uniformly from Yarrow.

And it formed its own faction, which was usually responsible for the order within the ship. It didn’t listen to anyone’s orders and only followed Qi Yiming’s arrangements.

However, there has always been no eye-catching performance. This time, they finally got a chance to show their faces. Everyone roared and put on the single-person exoskeleton armor as if they had been given a shot.

It’s late again…Sorry! !


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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