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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 65: Boarding battles also have standard procedures

The Xuefeng’s engine erupted with strong power under the excessive supply of abundant energy, raising the Xuefeng’s speed to a suffocating speed.

A destroyer rushes towards an enemy ship at a speed of 600km per hour.

The cat boss stood in the bridge and stared at the Xuefeng rushing toward him, dumbfounded.

“What is this man going to do? Is he planning to die with me?” The Old Cat was at the forefront of the fleet, providing cover for other warships.

Faced with this kind of lifeless fighting style, everyone will feel scared.

“Navigator… pay attention to avoid enemy ships…” Although the cat boss was a little scared, the order he should give was exact: “Radar chief, calculate the trajectory of enemy ships…”

Soon a dotted line extended from the bow of the Xuefeng on the radar screen, and the end of the dotted line was the Lao Mao.

As both sides approached, they did not forget to project intense firepower on each other.

Although most of Boss Mao’s fleet has retreated, the core force is still fighting with Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng.

“Brother, something doesn’t look right!” A captain under Boss Mao asked a question on the fleet channel.

“What’s wrong?” Even though the cat boss has a reputation for being vicious, he still listens to the opinions of his subordinates.

“The battleship kept adjusting its position during the impact, and seemed to want to use one side of the hull to stick to it.”

The cat boss frowned and carefully observed Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng. It was indeed what his men said.

The impact route of the Xuefeng is not a straight line, and the direction of the ship’s bow is always adjusting during the entire impact process. According to the current adjustment speed, when the Xuefeng enters the starboard side of the Lao Mao, the direction of the ship’s bow will be It happens to be the same as the old cat number.

“You mean he wants to engage in a battle with us?” Boss Cat asked his subordinates in disbelief.

“I guess that’s the case!”

“Isn’t that just what we wanted? I was worried about how to get close to that warship for a boarding battle. She came to the door first.”

The cat boss was a little excited at the moment. He originally thought that the task Qiao Shan gave him was very difficult.

Boarding battles were a type of battle that took place on the sea surface before humans entered the universe. Although boarding battles have occurred since entering the space era, they were all helpless choices made at the moment of life and death.

Therefore, in this era, as long as the two sides are not life-and-death enemies, they will basically not choose to use side battles.

Many battleships are not equipped with weapons and equipment for side combat.

But as the Star Thief’s battleship, the Old Cat is equipped with equipment for boarding warfare.

But I didn’t expect that the Xuefeng on the opposite side actually initiated a boarding battle. How could this not make the cat boss excited?

But at this time, there was a different scene on the Xuefeng.

“Prepare for boarding battle…” There is obviously a prefabricated boarding battle program inside the shipboard brain.

“All personnel please wear spacesuits inside the cabin…”

Except for the internal guards who had already put on armor, all the crew members of the Xuefeng quickly put on a close-fitting one-piece suit, an airtight helmet on their head, and a pair of magnetic boots on their feet.

After everyone has finished dressing, the shipboard brain continues the next step of the process.

“This ship is about to turn off the artificial gravity field, please turn on the magnetic boots…”

“This ship will recycle the air inside the ship and adjust the environment inside the ship to a vacuum. Please turn on the internal life support system of the space suit…”

“This ship will close the airlock connecting each cabin. No one is allowed to leave their respective cabins without the captain’s order…”

“This ship will turn off the guidance lights and all non-essential lighting equipment inside the ship. Please watch your step…”

After a series of instructions, the interior of the Xuefeng was pitch black. There is only a dark red light working in front of the workbench in each cabin.

The light is very dim, but enough for the operator to clearly see the location of the buttons on the console.

Wang Sen looked at Qi Yiming curiously: “What is going on? Is it so troublesome to have a boarding battle? Aren’t two warships connected together, and the internal personnel rush into the other side’s warship through temporary connection equipment and chop them randomly? “

Qi Yiming rolled his eyes and looked at Wang Sen: “Today I’m going to show you what a boarding battle was in my era.”

Wang Sen had been following Qi Yiming for such a long time, and he had guessed Qi Yiming’s identity as an awakener, so Qi Yiming stopped covering up and openly admitted his identity as an awakener.

On the other hand, on the Lao Mao, the combatants preparing for the boarding battle were all wearing heavy armor. Note that it was heavy armor that could truly defend against cold weapons.

Since he is wearing heavy armor, it is impossible to wear an in-cabin spacesuit and an airtight helmet.

He held a sword, gun, sword and halberd in his hand, as if he was going to fight with cold weapons.

The interior of the battleship is brightly lit, and the guidance lights inside the ship are working frequently to guide the staff inside the ship to their respective destinations.

“Brothers, don’t be afraid later! I must rush to the front…” The charge captain on the Lao Mao stood on a box and loudly encouraged the combatants who were preparing to participate in the boarding battle.

The cat boss also appeared at the mobilization scene at the right time: “Brothers, everyone knows what my old cat is like. As long as we can capture that battleship, my old cat will take care of your brothers’ futures!”

“Brother, aren’t they just a group of bumpkins from the countryside? Wait and see how the brothers chop melons and vegetables, and let them kneel down and call daddy…” A man with scars on his face shouted in a rough voice.

The rest of the combatants waved their weapons and cheered loudly at this statement.

As star thieves, they have actually fought a lot of this kind of boarding battle. After all, sometimes they need to board the ship by force, otherwise they won’t be able to grab valuable things.

The star thieves who thought they were experienced didn’t take the people on the Xuefeng seriously at all.

The distance between the warships on both sides is getting closer and closer. All main guns have stopped firing, and only the secondary guns continue to attack.

Because Xuefeng has the ability to repair itself, the loss is not great.

The Lao Mao was also covered by other warships during this period, and returned to the rear for emergency repairs without losing much combat power.

Qi Yiming stood in the bridge and watched the execution of the boarding battle procedures.

On the situation map, the two warships were basically aligned at this time.

Snow Peak’s starboard side faced Old Cat’s port side.

“Entering the final procedure, please prepare all personnel…” The shipboard brain warned again.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen blue tractor beams were shot from the starboard side of Xuefeng, firmly fixing the Old Cat, and then pulled it sharply towards itself.

At the same time, two temporary connections were extended from the bow and stern of the Xuefeng on the starboard side.

The front end of the connection port quickly attached to the outer armor of the Old Cat.

Then a high-energy laser cutting equipment protruded from the inside of the connection port. As the equipment was started, a high-energy laser beam hit the outer armor of the Old Cat and quickly drew a circle with a diameter of two meters.

Thirty seconds later, the outer armor of the Old Cat was burned through by a high-energy laser beam, and a circular entrance with a diameter of two meters was cut out.

The big guys who invested first have been updating for 30 days in a row. Can you give me some recommendations and encouragement?


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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