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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 68 Qiao Shan's Ambition

After Qiao Shan’s Azure merged into this huge fleet, he himself took a transport boat to the battlecruiser Light of the Future.

His butler and Qiao Shan’s father’s loyal servant Wei Feng was the captain of this battlecruiser.

“Master, why did you stay out for so long this time?” Wei Feng looked at the dusty and simple Qiao Shan, but his heart ached.

Wei Feng has watched Qiao Shan grow up since he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qiao Shan is half a son.

Since the death of Qiao Shan’s father, Wei Feng has been by Qiao Shan’s side.

He watched Qiao Shan get to where he is today.

The once weak and helpless boy has now grown into a qualified captain and is transforming into a successful leader.

Wei Feng knew that Qiao Shan had been holding a breath in his heart. He wanted to avenge his father and kill all those who planned to purge the top leaders of the Glory Federation.

Fortunately, Qiao Shan had the capital. His father left him a piece of top-secret information, which was of course about the location of the crash of the shield-based modular warships in the strategic strike fleet, as well as the specific information about the capital galaxy of the former Human Federation. Location.

After his father died, Qiao Shan found the Azure Number based on intelligence and they had conducted experiments.

Even though the Azure is just a frigate, its combat power is the same as that of the original Guardian, and it is already comparable to destroyers among current human battleships.

Wei Feng believes that it won’t be long before Qiao Shan completes his revenge.

But it seems that Qiao Shan’s ultimate goal is not just revenge, he also has a higher ideal, which is to establish a unified political power in the human world.

For this reason, he was even willing to risk an expedition to the capital galaxy of the former Human Federation to obtain the technological crystals left by humans there.

“Uncle Wei, I met an ancient battleship this time when I went out.” Qiao Shan sorted out his thoughts: “That battleship should also be a modular battleship of the strategic strike fleet that my father mentioned.”

“Tell me…” Wei Feng looked at Qiao Shan curiously.

Qiao Shan recounted the entire process of meeting Qi Yiming in detail.

Wei Feng frowned after hearing this.

“Back then, my old master didn’t mention that the strategic strike fleet had modular warships that could repair their own armor.” Wei Feng groped his chin: “However, the information my old master received was not complete, and it is possible that some of it was missed.”

“I think so too.” Qiao Shan nodded to agree with Wei Feng’s point of view: “Back then, my father also said that the strategic strike fleet of the former Human Federation would never have the strength described in the intelligence, otherwise humans would not be able to Defending the capital galaxy despite the large-scale invasion of the Zerg.”

“What are you going to do, young master?” Wei Feng knew that Qiao Shan would definitely not let go of the opportunity to get the battleship.

“Send someone to cause some trouble for the captain first.” Qiao Shan said without any hesitation: “And I have a hunch that the captain has the same purpose as us, to go to the capital galaxy of the former Human Federation.”

“I’ll make arrangements right away…” After saying that, Wei Feng turned around and said a few words to his adjutant, and then prepared to continue listening to Qiao Shan’s story about his experience when he went out alone.

However, Qiao Shan, whose action failed, seemed to be in low spirits. After giving instructions to Wei Feng, he sat alone and silently in the captain’s room of the battlecruiser Light of Humanity, closing his eyes and meditating.

Wei Feng stopped interrupting and quietly exited the captain’s room, returned to the bridge of the Light of Humanity, and organized the fleet to prepare for the jump.

At this time, Qi Yiming, who was two galaxies away from them, was also setting off.

Wang Shuhua and the four others seemed a little excited to have a new battleship. After all, the battleships they had flown before were all monkey versions.

This time not only did they exchange shotguns for cannons, but they also each obtained a special battleship whose average combat power was higher than that of the original battleship.

Especially Wang Sen and Xu Ruifeng.

Wang Sen behaved quite normally, but Xu Ruifeng really went crazy.

Ever since the new warship was obtained, the fleet communication channel has never been quiet.

At first Qi Yiming gave a few warnings, but after a while Xu Ruifeng would mutter again in the communication channel.

In the end, Qi Yiming simply blocked Xu Ruifeng’s communication, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Only then could Qi Yiming focus on planning their next course of action.

Originally, Qi Yiming planned to walk as steadily as possible on the road, and try to stay for one day if he met those who could supply supplies at the Free Airport, so as to make supplies and find an excuse to give his men a day off.

It’s a pity that he met Qiao Shan, which gave Qi Yiming a very strong sense of urgency.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only reduce the number of supply calls to the port as much as possible.

However, what Qi Yiming didn’t expect was that a big net was slowly opening against him.

The capital galaxy of the Van Universe Business Alliance is home to 80% of the high-value chambers of commerce currently in human power.

Zhang Tong, Qiao Shan’s sponsor, was on the phone with Wei Feng at this time.

Of course, what the two discussed was aimed at Qi Yiming.

The two chatted for nearly half an hour before ending the communication. Afterwards, Zhang Tong called his butler and told him to hold a small cocktail party at his mansion in the evening, and asked the butler to go down and prepare.

That night, dozens of well-known financial group leaders gathered at Zhang Tong’s residence. While changing glasses, Zhang Tong quietly leaked the information about Qi Yiming.

Among them is Flamingo, an arms company that boasts and crosses the stars. Its head is Mao Qifan, a well-known person in the business alliance.

There were rumors that this Mao Qiming actually killed all the humans on a habitable planet in order to obtain an ancient warship.

Although the rumors were exaggerated, they did reflect the cruelty of this person.

After the cocktail party, Zhang Tong looked at Mao Qifan who left in a hurry and raised a smug smile.

It was so nice to punish a person without doing it himself. This was Zhang Tong’s only thought at the moment.

Two days later, a large number of mercenary fleets around the capital star accepted a commission. The content of the commission was very simple, which was to capture Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng.

For a time, Qi Yiming and his Xuefeng were famous in the major colonial galaxies of the Commercial Alliance.

But Qi Yiming, who had been sailing in deep space, knew nothing about it.

It was not until his fleet docked for supplies that Wang Sen, who loved to inquire around, learned the news from a small businessman who was more talkative.

“Mr. Qi, what should we do now? Seeing that we have become the rats of the festival, and have become the point where everyone shouts and beats us…” Wang Sen contacted Qi Yiming, who had been staying on the Xuefeng, as soon as he got the news.

In fact, Qi Yiming didn’t have any good ideas. If he wanted to go to the former capital star system of the Human Federation, he had to pass through the territory of the Fan Universe Business Alliance no matter how he planned the route.

At present, they had only traveled a quarter of the route within the territory of the Business Alliance.

At the current speed, the Xuefeng and the fleet would have to sail in the territory of the Business Alliance for at least three months.

And these three months were enough for the various mercenary groups to find Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng.

If the Xuefeng was really surrounded, Qi Yiming’s situation would really be a bit precarious.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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