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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 70 Breakout

Xuefeng’s three main guns focused on a cruiser of the mercenary fleet, and eighteen beams of burst lasers accurately hit thirteen beams at a distance of 300km.

The formation that was still attacking was shaken. The bow of the hit cruiser flashed with a violent burst of fire, and then some of the crew members were thrown into the universe.

But a cruiser is a cruiser after all, and even though it suffered heavy damage, it still led the fleet to rush towards the Xuefeng.

Soon the horseshoe-shaped fleet formation surrounded Xuefeng among many battleships.

“You guys, fight me to death! The employer said that as long as we can bring back the fragments of the battleship and the on-board brain, we can still get huge rewards for the mission.” In the mercenaries’ fleet channel, the captain said Jesse roared wildly.

His ship had been severely damaged by the Xuefeng, but in order not to affect morale, he still led the fleet to surround the Xuefeng in the center of the formation.

The Xuefeng, which was surrounded in the center, was not affected by the encirclement at all and was still firing unhurriedly.

In order to improve the efficiency of bombardment, Qi Yiming even ordered the weapon commander to lower the charging intensity of the main and secondary guns, so that the intensity of the burst laser was just enough to penetrate the armor layer of the enemy ship, while the firing speed of the main gun was increased to two shots per minute.

The torpedo launch bay on the Xuefeng is even more prosperous.

Although this is an unmanned post, the information panel in front of Qi Yiming shows the torpedo assembly situation in detail.

Qi Yiming transferred all the extra energy from the main and secondary gun fire to the torpedo cabin, which reduced the original three minutes to make a torpedo to 2 minutes and 23 seconds. Adding in the torpedo reloading time, the Xuefeng was able to produce a torpedo every three minutes. The speed of launching two torpedoes poured firepower on the enemy ships.

The Xuefeng’s armor integrity, supported by the Guardian’s powerful repair capabilities, has remained stable at 56%.

It has to be said that the quality of the mercenaries is much better than that of the Star Thieves.

With an absolute advantage in the number of warships, not a single warship escaped from the battle position privately.

Even if a battleship suffers heavy damage, it will move the battle position to the back row of the fleet formation under the cover of teammates for emergency repairs.

Therefore, from the beginning of the war to now, Xuefeng has only sunk four enemy warships in five minutes.

But then the Xuefeng had to face attacks from literally all directions.

Qi Yiming also discovered the difference between these mercenaries and the Star Thieves. They were obviously higher in organization and morale than the Star Thieves.

When it comes to mastering battle formations, the mercenaries are much better than the star thieves.

Originally, they wanted to quickly sink the flagship in the enemy’s formation to cause a major blow to the morale of this group of mercenaries, but the cruiser cleverly used the formation change to avoid it.

Qi Yiming gritted his teeth and replaced the torpedo in the torpedo cabin with a micro-jump engine on the operating screen in front of him.

The attack targets of the two torpedoes were set to be a cruiser in the enemy fleet and another destroyer that seemed to be more active.

Jesse looked at the two torpedoes fired from the Snow Peak and didn’t pay too much attention.

Although Xuefeng fired its torpedo for the first time, it hit his ship and another destroyer respectively.

The destroyer was blown to pieces by torpedoes at that time, and Jesse’s ship would probably have been killed in the first round of attack by Xuefeng if it had not been for luck.

With the experience and lessons learned this time, of course I feel particularly confident in dealing with it.

Jesse organized more than a dozen of his warships to shoot torpedoes at the same time, hoping to intercept the two torpedoes flying towards their fleet with a dense barrage.

But a strange scene happened. The torpedo that was flying quickly suddenly disappeared in the airspace in front of them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, torpedoes appeared on the battlefield again.

The location that appeared this time was only 5km away from the target that the two torpedoes were going to attack.

The mercenary warships had no time to adjust the secondary gun muzzles, and could only watch helplessly as two torpedoes penetrated into their flagship and a destroyer not far from the flagship.

The next second there was a violent explosion and flames, almost lighting up the entire battlefield.

When the torpedo appeared 5km away from his ship, Jesse knew that it was impossible to intercept it and decisively issued the flagship order.

Fortunately for him, the aftermath of the explosion only pushed his life capsule away from the battlefield, and he was eventually rescued by a friendly ship.

Most of the life capsules were penetrated by scattered warship fragments. Of course, no one hiding inside could escape death.

Jesse came to the bridge of the friendly ship in embarrassment. After re-establishing command authority through fleet internal communications, he stabilized the mood of the captains of each ship.

However, the sinking of Jesse’s own ship created a large gap in the mercenaries’ formation. Xuefeng took the opportunity to rush out of the mercenaries’ horseshoe-shaped formation.

Xuefeng put on a desperate posture from the beginning of the battle, which caused a certain mislead to Jesse.

Jesse thought that the captain of the target battleship had lost hope of survival knowing that he had been surrounded by a large number of mercenaries. When he encountered his own fleet, he was determined to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yiming was just bluffing, and his purpose was to attract Jesse’s fleet to attack.

And Jesse lived up to expectations and really brought his entire fleet to press forward.

Qi Yiming would have allocated most of Xuefeng’s internal energy to the engines after the first round of attacks, so as to quickly reach the jumping bridge.

However, he did not expect that the Xuefeng’s first attack actually missed. Although the torpedo hit the cruiser, it only made a big hole in the cruiser’s huge hull and did not cause any substantial damage.

The cruiser just threw a lot of equipment and personnel into space and continued to lead the fleet to attack him.

The torpedo attack was successful because of its suddenness and great power. The first wave of attacks failed, and the second attack was easily intercepted by the concentrated firepower of the local fleet.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only use a few micro-jump engines.

Again increasing the surprise of torpedo attacks.

The second torpedo attack did not disappoint Qi Yiming.

The two torpedoes that suddenly disappeared and then reappeared instantly sank the already severely damaged cruiser and a destroyer next to the cruiser, tearing a large hole in the enemy fleet.

Qi Yiming saw the opportunity and ordered the Xuefeng to advance at full speed. With the supply of excess energy, the engine provided strong thrust for the Xuefeng.

Under the stunned gazes of the mercenaries, Xuefeng rushed towards the jumping bridge at a speed that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Jesse could only yell weakly in the fleet channel: “Stop that battleship…stop it quickly…”

But everything happened too fast, and there was no chance for everyone to react. The Xuefeng had already broken out of their encirclement.

By the time Jesse organized the fleet to pursue, the Xuefeng had already arrived near the jumping bridge.

Qi Yiming glanced at the battlefield situation map and smiled contemptuously: “Navigator, start jumping off the bridge… let’s get out of here!”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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