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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 74 Crazy Xuefeng

The battleship hit by Xuefeng was directly broken into two pieces from the impact location, and the internal structure of the ship was directly exposed to the vacuum environment.

However, Xuefeng did not stop because of this impact. Its original super high speed only slowed down slightly, and then passed through the body again under the vigorous thrust provided by the engine, and its speed resumed in just a few seconds. to the velocity before impact.

The bow armor of Xuefeng’s bow that was damaged by the impact was quickly recovered by Xuefeng and returned to the warehouse as the battleship speeded up again. The original vacant positions were filled by armor from other places, and the bow of the ship was restored to its pre-impact condition. state.

It’s just that some less important parts of the Xuefeng’s hull are missing part of the outer armor, exposing the internal structural layers.

But with the Xuefeng’s ultra-high speed, there is no need to worry about the enemy hitting these parts with one shot.

As a veteran with more than ten years of mercenary experience, Wang Zongsheng only reacted immediately after being in a daze.

The only way he could think of to deal with this strange attack was to limit the Xuefeng’s speed. As long as the Xuefeng did not have enough speed, no matter how strong her bow was, it would not be able to penetrate the armor of one’s own warships.

“Every ship, be careful, close the safe distance between the ships…and don’t leave enough acceleration distance for the enemy ships.”

This method can certainly effectively reduce the impact intensity of Xuefeng, but Wang Zongsheng forgot that Xuefeng can not only impact, but also carries two main guns and more than a dozen secondary guns on her hull.

After discovering that the enemy’s formation had changed, Qi Yiming did not give up the attack method he was executing.

Instead, all gun crew firepower was concentrated toward the bow of the ship.

When the next target warship is only 5km away, all gun groups fire at the same time.

At this time, the Xuefeng didn’t care where it hit the enemy ship. As long as it could hit the enemy ship and weaken the enemy ship’s armor layer to the maximum extent, it would have achieved its goal.

Before the impact of the Xuefeng, the armor on the side of the enemy ship facing the Xuefeng had been beaten to pieces by a main gun attack. Therefore, when the Xuefeng hit again, the Xuefeng did not lose much kinetic energy, and the entire battleship was directly penetrated. And passed.

Wang Zongsheng really didn’t expect Xuefeng to do this, and the defuse tactics he just used made him feel as uncomfortable as hitting cotton.

Seeing Xuefeng rushing directly to his own ship after ramming two destroyers, Wang Zongsheng panicked a little.

“Quickly… avoid enemy ships…”

But no matter how the navigator controlled the warship to avoid it, Xuefeng always locked onto their ship.

Wang Zongsheng looked helplessly at the Xuefeng rushing towards him: “Everyone, be prepared for impact… all ships are approaching me…”

Wang Zongsheng did not issue an order to abandon the ship. After all, compared with the Xuefeng, his ship was a cruiser, which was much larger than a destroyer anyway.

Even if it was an impact, the Xuefeng would at most open a big hole in the hull, and it would be absolutely impossible for it to pass through like a destroyer.

The problem is that although the bow of the Xuefeng is the collision angle formed by the deformation of the Hammer, the Hammer has not lost the function of launching torpedoes.

Just when the Xuefeng was about to hit Wang Zongsheng’s cruiser, her bow armor suddenly separated, revealing two dark torpedo tubes.

Two heavy torpedoes pierced the cruiser’s hull under Wang Zongsheng’s horrified eyes.

After a violent flash of light, a hole large enough to accommodate the Xuefeng’s bow appeared on the port side of Wang Zongsheng’s ship just before the collision.

Immediately afterwards, the firepower of all Xuefeng’s gun crews was aimed directly at the holes in the cruiser’s hull, unleashing a wave of intensive firepower output.

The internal structural layer of the cruiser was damaged again, and now Wang Zongsheng had no chance to even order the abandonment of the ship.

I saw the Xuefeng increasing its power and following the dense barrage, it also penetrated the cruiser’s hull, and then the bow rushed out from the starboard side of the cruiser.

Only ten minutes into the battle, the flagship of the mercenary fleet was penetrated by Xuefeng, which had transformed into a super torpedo.

The flagship was sunk. Even if everyone was prepared to suffer heavy losses, it was undoubtedly a slap on the head.

Wang Zongsheng did not die with the fall of the ship. At the last moment, he was forced by his adjutant to get into the rescue cabin and escaped from the cruiser before the interior of the battleship exploded due to energy disorder.

The mercenary fleet, temporarily without command, fell into chaos.

Some captains were busy directing their subordinates to rescue the rescue capsules scattered around the battlefield. Some captains were frightened by Xuefeng’s fighting method of using itself as a weapon, and were turning the ship’s bow to prepare to escape from the battlefield.

Seeing that the enemy force in front of Xuefeng had been defeated by Qi Yiming, Wang Shuhua and the others cheered directly in the fleet channel.

But how could Wang Zongsheng, who had put everything he had into this mission, give up so easily.

Forget it if he dies. Now that the life capsule has been rescued by a friendly ship, the battle must continue no matter what.

As the battle progressed, Wang Zongsheng was able to determine that regardless of whether the intelligence was wrong or not, the Xuefeng in front of him was definitely the ancient warship that Mao Qiming named to capture.

After Wang Zongsheng boarded the friendly ship, he naturally took over the command of the fleet again.

“Attention, all ships, I am Wang Zongsheng… give up outflanking from the left and right wings…” Wang Zongsheng did not take Wang Shuhua and his several warships seriously, and now he only wanted to capture the Xuefeng, which was so close.

But in his eagerness for success, he made a mistake that a commander should not make, that is, underestimating the enemy.

No matter how powerful Wang Shuhua and the others are, the Yuanzheng is still a cruiser. If they are ignored like this, everyone will feel offended.

Wang Shuhua is not mediocre. On the contrary, his own quality is definitely not inferior to Qi Yiming.

If Qi Yiming hadn’t owned the Xuefeng, it wouldn’t be certain who would win if the two of them fought.

And Qi Yiming has not forgotten that he is not alone, he is also a team member.

After discovering that he had indeed attracted all the attention of the mercenary fleet, Qi Yiming gave up the attack method of using the Xuefeng to ram the enemy ship, and instead tried to distance himself from the enemy ship and return to long-range artillery battles. in the rhythm.

“Brother Wang, I attracted most of their attention… You take the Redemption and follow the enemy’s butt to harvest as much wool as you can. Be careful not to be too greedy.”

In fact, there was no need for Qi Yiming to remind Wang Shuhua that Wang Shuhua had already started the wool harvesting plan.

Wang Shuhua was not in a hurry, and calmly commanded the fleet to follow the mercenary fleet, calling names one by one from near to far, from small to large.

His goal is very clear. He does not require sinking enemy ships, but only needs to make them lose their combat effectiveness.

The combined combat power of the four battleships Yuanzheng, Yuanwang, Yuanhang and Redemption is not weaker than that of Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng, but the hit rate is lower.

However, these ships focused their fire on one target, and the barrage they fired was enough to kill a destroyer-level warship.

By the time Wang Zongsheng realized that he had been ripped off, Wang Shuhua and the others had successfully paralyzed dozens of enemy ships.

Twenty minutes into the battle, the originally powerful mercenary fleet now had only one cruiser, eight destroyers and five frigates left.

The heavy losses of the fleet made Wang Zongsheng wake up suddenly, but it was too late.

I don’t know if anyone has read it. I would like to express my special thanks to my book friends – it’s so boring. You vote non-stop every day. You have given me a lot of encouragement. Thank you!


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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