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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 75 Everything is on the line

Qi Yiming commanded the Xuefeng to make a large circle to rendezvous with his fleet.

Wang Zongsheng’s remaining combat power is no longer enough to threaten Qi Yiming’s safety. Even if they engage in a conventional artillery battle, Qi Yiming and the others will be able to kill Wang Zongsheng with the support of the Redemption.

Wang Zongsheng was very embarrassed. His teeth fell out before the duck was cooked, and he couldn’t stand it on anyone.

What’s more, Wang Zongsheng is a very competitive person, otherwise he would not be able to operate such a large mercenary fleet.

But what if you don’t give in?

If he had not given up the attack on Wang Shuhua just now, Qi Yiming might have considered the safety of his teammates and given up attacking them, and instead went to rescue his own teammates.

But there is no time retrieval device in the world, and it is impossible for him to have a chance to do it again.

If you don’t want to retreat, the remaining warships pose no threat to the Xuefeng at all.

Just when Wang Zongsheng was hesitating, a special battlecruiser with a hull exceeding 15km suddenly appeared near the battlefield.

Qi Yiming, who had already relaxed, became nervous again.

The unknown warships that appeared near the battlefield at this time were enemies, not friends.

“Captain of that ancient battleship, I am Mao Qiming, the head of the Flamingo Arms Group. I wonder if we can talk?” Mao Qiming extended an olive branch to Qi Yiming through directional radio.

“What do you want to talk about?” Qi Yiming asked knowingly.

“Should we establish a private communication channel first?” Mao Qiming then sent a communication request to Qi Yiming.

“If you have anything to say, just say it. I’m very busy…” Qi Yiming did not give the other party a good look.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

“My surname is Qi.”

“Mr. Qi, you have demonstrated your powerful combat power in a stunning battle. Do you have the confidence to defeat my battlecruiser?”

Mao Qiming used threatening tactics as soon as he came up, hoping to use the gap between the battleships to pressure Qi Yiming into submission.

But is Qi Yiming the kind of person who accepts threats? Obviously not.

“It’s just a battlecruiser…” Qi Yiming looked at Mao Qiming in the communicator calmly.

“What about those two ships?” After a while, another battlecruiser appeared near the battlefield.

Qi Yiming didn’t speak, just looked at Mao Qiming quietly on the communication screen.

Mao Qiming smiled faintly: “What if there is a third ship?”

Just as he finished speaking, a third battlecruiser also appeared near the battlefield.

Wang Shuhua and the other three were already ashen-faced at this time, knowing that they had to answer here today.

Wang Zongsheng on the side twitched the corner of his mouth and said to the adjutant standing next to him: “Three battlecruisers were not brought out early and let us people stand in front as cannon fodder. What a profiteer…”

In fact, Wang Zongsheng misunderstood Mao Qiming. He also took great risks by mobilizing these three battlecruisers.

These three battlecruisers were originally parked in the shipyard of the Flamingo Arms Company, and were products waiting to be delivered to customers after completion of assembly. This time they were pulled out in the name of sea trials.

If there was any loss and the delivery date was delayed, he would have to pay huge compensation.

But Qi Yiming and the others didn’t know this. This was the first time for Wang Shuhua and the others to see so many battlecruisers, and they were shocked.

Qi Yiming, on the other hand, was thinking about how to solve the problem at hand.

Now that the opponent has an absolute advantage, if a fight breaks out, the outcome is already determined.

Although Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng had a record of capturing a strategic cruiser, there was only one battlecruiser at that time, but now there are three.

Failure to respond for a long time is likely to anger the other party. Qi Yiming did not remain silent for too long: “What does Mr. Mao want to talk about?”

“It’s very simple, as long as Mr. Qi cooperates with my engineering department to do some research on your battleship.”


“Yes, we at Flamingo are a famous manufacturer and seller of battleships. So we are very interested in the ancient battleships in Mr. Qi’s hands. We hope to learn some different design concepts from them to improve the quality of our group’s products.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Probably not…” Mao Qiming smiled when Qi Yiming asked this question.

Facing the opponent’s strong pressure, Qi Yiming really had no choice, but he was unwilling to hand over the Xuefeng just like this.

The only way now is to shift Mao Qiming’s attention to a more impactful target.

The only bargaining chip in Qi Yiming’s hand that can arouse Mao Qiming’s interest is the technological heritage of the former Human Federation.

Since Qiao Shan already knew the secret, one more person wouldn’t hurt.

Moreover, Qi Yiming knew very well that there was a cruiser-class modular battleship waiting for him to start on the route he planned.

Why is he so sure? Because Qi Yiming’s classmates from the military school at the same time served on that battleship, Qi Yiming had paid special attention to the situation of that battleship.

Once Qi Yiming gets the cruiser-level modular battleship, with Xuefeng’s ability to leapfrog the battleships, it should be easy to deal with several battlecruisers.

“Mr. Mao, aren’t you curious about why I drive an ancient warship and wander around so arrogantly?” Qi Yiming asked a question first.

Mao Qiming was confident of winning, and his mood improved a lot, so he started chatting with Qi Yiming: “This is indeed a bit unreasonable.”

“Mr. Mao, please step aside.” Qi Yiming said pretending to be mysterious.

Mao Qiming thought for a while, waved to the people standing around him, and put on the headset.

“A person of Mr. Mao’s status should have heard about the former Human Federation, right?”

Mao Qiming first looked at Qi Yiming with shocked eyes, and then he was relieved: “Mr. Qi is the awakener?”

Qi Yiming did not deny or confirm, but just continued: “Aren’t you curious whether the former capital of the Human Federation has the scientific and technological heritage of the Human Federation left behind?”

“Of course…” Mao Qiming only said half of his words and looked at Qi Yiming again with shocked eyes: “Do you know the location of the capital star of the former Human Federation?”

Qi Yiming’s words were so clear, and coupled with his fleet’s posture of preparing for a long journey, it is easy to think of Qi Yiming’s purpose.

Qi Yiming nodded calmly.

Qi Yiming was not afraid that Mao Qiming would do something to him after telling this secret. After all, he was the only one who knew the situation in the capital star of the Human Federation best.

Qi Yiming can use the information gap to deceive Mao Qiming.

Of course, Mao Qiming is not a fool. He can’t believe it just because someone says he knows the secrets about the former capital of the Human Federation.

“There are a lot of liars these days!!” Mao Qiming was cautious about Qi Yiming’s revelations.

Qi Yiming certainly has a way to make the other party believe in him.

Because since Mao Qiming can know that he owns the ancient battleship, it means that whether directly or indirectly, this Mao Qiming definitely has a certain connection with Qiao Shan.

“I wonder if Mr. Mao knows Qiao Shan?”

“Qiao Shan?” Mao Qiming frowned and thought for a long time before he found this person from his deep memory. Then he nodded and looked at Qi Yiming.

“Qiao Shan also has an ancient battleship, which has the same origin as my battleship, and this kind of battleship is the key to entering the capital star of the Human Federation. If I guessed correctly, Qiao Shan had already set off for the former Human Federation by this time. Capital star.”

Mao Qiming’s pupils tightened, and for a moment he didn’t know whether to believe Qi Yiming, after all, he had already said that he had a nose and eyes.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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