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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 76 Temporary Partner

After checking the authenticity of the news, Qi Yiming believed that Mao Qiming had his own channels.

Everyone waited in silence for more than half an hour. One of Mao Qiming’s men hurriedly came to his side and nodded.

“Boss, Qiao Shan did organize a large amount of supplies some time ago. It seems that he is going to travel far.”

A smile appeared on Mao Qiming’s lips, and he looked back at Qi Yiming: “Mr. Qi told me this, aren’t you afraid that I will ask Qiao Shan to cooperate?”

Qi Yiming knew that the other party was going to ask this question, and he had already prepared his words: “Qiao Shan and I are different. He has ambitions, but I only want money!”

“But this does not affect your handing over the ancient warship in your hands now.” Mao Qiming was not deceived by Qi Yiming, “I only care about the benefits I can get now.”

Knowing that the other party would not be so easy to convince, Qi Yiming was not discouraged: “This battleship of mine is the key to entering the capital star of the former Human Federation. Just like Qiao Shan’s ship, no one can enter the capital star system without them.”

Qi Yiming started the trick of deception, but it also contained some real information.

The former capital star of the Human Federation must have its own defense system. It would be difficult to enter the capital star system without registered warship information.

But after the human-insect war, the defense system collapsed long ago.

Mao Qiming didn’t know this. Although he knew about the existence of the former Human Federation, he didn’t know how the Human Federation perished.

“This is easy. Aren’t you under my control now?” Mao Qiming suppressed Qi Yiming’s work before starting negotiations, so as to gain the initiative in the subsequent distribution of benefits.

Of course Qi Yiming would not give in: “Mr. Mao may not know me very well. I am a very stubborn person. If I can’t get something, I would rather destroy it than give it away to others.”

“Haha… Mr. Qi is serious!” Mao Qiming is a businessman, and he knows best what kind of actions people’s hearts will make under the temptation of huge interests.

If he, Mao Qiming, were in Qi Yiming’s position, he would not give away his interests to others easily.

“Since we want to cooperate, do we have to show some sincerity to each other?” Mao Qiming laughed and finally took a step back.

As Qi Yiming said, Qiao Shan is an ambitious person.

Qiao Shan’s life experience is not a secret to these people, and it can be easily found out.

And this Qi Yiming is simply an insignificant role in his eyes. As long as he can get the technological heritage of the former Human Federation, he can kick Qi Yiming out at any time.

So Mao Qimin finally chose to cooperate with Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming thought about it. If he refused too thoroughly, it would easily arouse the other party’s vigilance, but he did not want to reveal too many secrets to the other party.

Finally, Qi Yiming said: “Mr. Mao can send people to board my battleship. Of course, the number of people cannot be too many. When I get the federal technological heritage and I get my due share, this battleship will naturally be yours, but there is no time Maybe you don’t like this battleship anymore.”

Mao Qiming thought about it and understood what Qi Yiming said. After acquiring the technological heritage, would he still care about the ownership of a destroyer?

However, precautions should be taken, what if Qi Yiming ran away halfway.

In the end, Mao Qiming only sent one person aboard Qi Yiming’s battleship.

It wasn’t that he had good intentions, but that Mao Qiming decided to let the three battlecruisers in front of him go with Qi Yiming.

With the technological heritage, Mao Qiming is still willing to part with the mere liquidated damages.

Boarding the Qi Yiming battleship was a heroic young man named Yu Jian.

Qi Yiming didn’t have much interest in this person, but since he boarded the battleship, he has been with Qi Yiming except when Qi Yiming went to the toilet to rest.

Qi Yiming won’t expose him, so just follow him if you want.

After resting in place for two days, two whale-class transport ships appeared in the system where Qi Yiming and the others were located. They were the logistics fleet organized by Mao Qiming.

The two whale-class transport ships were filled with various supplies, enough to support them to reach the capital system of the Human Federation.

As for Wang Zongsheng who had been watching the show on the side, Mao Qiming casually gave him some money and sent it away. As for what will happen to them in the future, these are not things that Mao Qiming has to worry about.

What can Wang Zongsheng do? Qi Yiming had no choice but to surrender to his weak strength. Did Wang Zongsheng have the guts to be tough?

“I’m really unwilling to give our biggest secret away like this.” Wang Sen complained in their fleet channel.

Qi Yiming smiled and comforted him: “Don’t be discouraged, no one can say what will happen next.”

Wang Shuhua heard something in Qi Yiming’s words, but because Qi Yiming had a tail following him, he couldn’t ask more questions.

Ye Lu uncharacteristically said to Qi Yiming: “Why should we share our things with them? Don’t be cowardly and do it with them…”

Qi Yiming was a little stunned for a moment. Is Ye Lu possessed by Xu Ruifeng?

Then Ye Lu herself laughed: “I was thinking of Xiao Xu. If he were still here, he would definitely say that.”

Qi Yiming also laughed, and the team was really deserted without Xu Ruifeng’s jokes.

At this time Mao Qiming sent a communication request.

“Mr. Qi, I’m almost ready. Can we set off?”

“Is there an issue we haven’t discussed yet?”

Mao Qiming’s deliberate failure to mention the distribution of interests was most likely to test him. Of course, Qi Yiming would not follow suit.

“Looking at my brain, it’s best to discuss this kind of thing in advance.” Mao Qiming pretended to suddenly realize.

Qi Yiming did not reveal it: “I have four battleships, two transport ships, and a variety of personnel, totaling nearly 5,000 people. In addition to the rewards for my crew, my three captains plus me, we need 300 Billions of common currencies.”

Qi Yiming made an offer of 30 billion without knowing the specific income. This is already a big deal.

What is the concept of 30 billion? On the richest planet inhabited by humans today, 50 million in common currency is enough for a family to live a prosperous life.

Why didn’t Qi Yiming propose to buy shares?

His current personality in Mao Qiming’s eyes is that of a nobody who got lucky, and at best he has a broad horizon.

Knowing that he did not have the strength to negotiate a shareholding with the other party, offering a sky-high price not only showed his unwillingness to fight for Mao Qiming’s love, but also showed that Qi Yiming is really just an ordinary person without any ambition. people.

Mao Qiming did not agree immediately: “30 billion is a bit too much. I can’t agree without knowing the specific income.”

After a long silence, Mao Qiming spoke again: “I will personally give your team 2 billion in common currency first, which is considered as the reward for this expedition. At least you don’t have to go all the way in vain. As for the specific reward, we can wait until we get the things and we won’t discuss it. Late.”

“5 billion…can’t be any less!” Qi Yiming continued to defend his character in Mao Qiming’s heart.

“Five billion is fine, but the ancient battleship in your hand must be sold to me!” Mao Qiming put forward the conditions again.

Qi Yiming looked very happy this time: “The battleship can be given to you. With so much money, I won’t have to wander around for the rest of my life. I can find a livable planet with a good environment to settle down, and then I can eat… Just wait for death.”

“Haha… Mr. Qi really enjoys it, so I wish us a happy cooperation.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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