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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 81 A dog?

The traffic boat crossed the sea and arrived at a coastal city.

The city is still clean and tidy, with huge traffic pipelines running across the entire city.

Unfortunately, the private shuttle that once shuttled back and forth inside has disappeared without a trace.

Occasionally, you can see cleaning robots on the city’s roads that make emergency maneuvers due to the appearance of humans.

“This used to be the political and economic center of the Human Federation.” Qi Yiming pointed to the 20-story high-rise building not far ahead and said: “That’s the government building of the Human Federation. Nova’s data center is on the 17th floor underground of the government building. “

Wang Shuhua and the others were a little uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

Indeed, this place is much more ordinary than the planet they lived on.

There are no giant towers reaching into the sky, and there are no so-called industrial areas. There is a green scenery everywhere.

“It’s summer, when the plants are at their most luxuriant.” Qi Yiming recalled some scenes from his childhood: “Winter is a different scene, a vast expanse of white, with everyone wearing light coats playing in the park. “

“Is this what is called otherworldly?” Wang Sen looked fascinated.

“It turns out that with the support of ultra-high technology, human life is so close to nature.” Ye Lu also looked hopeful.

“Where have all the industrial facilities gone?” Wang Shuhua’s focus is different from others.

Qi Yiming pointed to the top of his head: “Industrial facilities have been relocated to space. Before the Federation evacuated, the planet was surrounded by dozens of space cities in high orbit. People usually take the space elevator to work and live on the ground. “

“Where’s the space elevator?” Wang Shuhua looked around, hoping to see the space elevator, which was rare in the Xuanwu Galaxy.

“The base is still some distance away from here. The main body was taken back to the space city during the evacuation.” Qi Yiming pointed to the south of the city and continued: “The space city was later dragged away by the colonial spacecraft.”

“It’s really unimaginable, there are more than a dozen space cities!” Ye Lu looked at the sky in awe.

“Don’t think about it. As long as we get the technological heritage of the Federation, we will have these sooner or later.” Qi Yiming waved his hand and led everyone into the government building of the former Human Federation.

Internal security personnel had already entered the building and searched it inside.

After finding nothing special, Qi Yiming entered with everyone.

“Nova… take us to your data room.”

“Confirm the identity of the authorizer…”

Suddenly, a door frame protruded from the floor of the empty hall. The color inside the door frame was almost the same as the light curtain when the star gate was opened.

Qi Yiming stepped into it, and the next second he appeared in Nova’s data room.

Others walked out of the door in shock, wondering what had just happened.

Qi Yiming smiled and said: “I don’t really understand the principle of the portal. It was all made by the monsters from the Academy of Sciences. It is said that it was still in the experimental stage back then, but it turns out that it has been applied for a long time.”

Everyone was shocked beyond words. It was unbelievable that something magical like a portal could be realized.

“Okay, let’s get down to business! I always have a hunch that it’s not very safe here!” Qi Yiming has always had a feeling of palpitations since he entered the government building.

Looking at the huge data room, Ye Lu couldn’t help but frowned: “How should we move such a big data room?”

“There are not so many scientific research materials. Most of the documents stored here are human history documents.” Qi Yiming called Nova: “Nova, identify the federal scientific and technological data storage area.”

“Please follow the guidance lights, in area D-173.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a dotted line appeared in front of Qi Yiming and the others, extending to where they were going.

Arriving at Area D-173, Nova explained to everyone: “This is where all the scientific research data of the Human Federation from the industrial age to the present is stored.”

A dense row of memories is placed here.

Fortunately, the size is not very large.

The data storage technology of the Human Federation is already very advanced, but this kind of matrix storage device is still needed to store all scientific research data.

But this also facilitates Qi Yiming’s relocation.

“Tell everyone to take action, and be careful when moving!” Qi Yiming waved his hand to the people he brought to start working, and at the same time said to Nova: “Unlock the equipment in the D-173 area, we are going to move.”

“According to Federal Act No. 112, moving the D-173 area storage device requires the consent of at least 10 human citizens with SSS-level clearance. The qualifications are being verified.”

“Qi Yiming: SSS permission confirmed.”

“Zhang Tong: SSS authority, I have lost contact…”

After reading numbers 100 in a row, everyone except Qi Yiming was out of contact.

“There is only one person left with SSS-level authority. Federal Emergency Act No. 0 is activated. When there is only one person left with SSS-level authority, Act 112 can be ignored.”

Then an alarm sounded in the huge underground data room, and air was gradually injected into the originally sealed storage area. The sealed hatch automatically opened after the internal and external air pressures became equal.

Everyone filed in and started the relocation task.

Relocation is very troublesome, there are too many storage devices, and there are only a few traffic boats on the Xuefeng. It will take at least several days of back and forth to empty the storage devices in front of you.

Qi Yiming took advantage of these few days to take everyone to visit the capital star of the former Human Federation.

“In the Federation back then, agriculture had already realized automation and unmanned operations.” Qi Yiming led everyone to sit in a robot restaurant, eating noodles with soybean paste. “Except for some people who are interested in farming, we can grow our own There is only one third of an acre of land, and few people worry about food issues.”

Qi Yiming, who hadn’t eaten mixed noodles for a long time, ate the garlic cloves and didn’t forget to introduce some of the lifestyles of the former Human Federation to everyone.

While everyone was envious, Chen Cheng’s voice came from the communicator: “Captain… we saw a strange four-legged animal on the west side of the government building, a bit like the Erha you mentioned that day.”

Qi Yiming couldn’t take a breath and almost choked to death.

In three or two steps, he climbed into Nova’s temporarily recruited personal shuttle, which quickly took off and entered the high-altitude vacuum pipe.

Within ten minutes they appeared again in front of the government building.

“Look, it’s over there…” Chen Cheng pointed to the square on the west side of the building.

Sure enough, Qi Yiming saw an Erha in the square.

Qi Yiming was ecstatic, and when he was about to step forward to see what was happening to the Erha who was lucky enough to survive until now, his head suddenly seemed to be hit by something heavy, causing severe pain.

And the other people on the side all looked ugly.

Then a strange voice sounded in everyone’s mind: “Humans… you shouldn’t come back!!”

Qi Yiming, who recovered from the severe pain, looked at Erha not far away in horror.

“Lord of the insect swarm?” Qi Yiming shouted in shock.

The people on the side also recovered from the pain and looked at Qi Yiming in confusion, not understanding what the insect swarm master was.

But what happened next was something they would never forget.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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