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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 82 Insect Swarm

At first, the ground was shaking, and several people were a little unsteady.

Then a strange neighing sound reached the ears of several people from far to near.

The last black line appeared at the end of the city street, and the black line quickly approached the government building where everyone was.

Qi Yiming, who saw the situation clearly, couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Among the dense springtails were several giant beasts over 5 meters tall.

The giant beast waved the pair of ridiculously large sickles under the giant crocodile, and the ground shook every time it took a step forward.

Others, who had never seen such a scene before, all collapsed on the ground.

Fortunately, the swarm of insects stopped behind the Erha and did not attack everyone.

“Get what belongs to you and leave immediately! This is my thanks to you…” After the voice fell, Erha turned around and merged into the insect swarm.

Qi Yiming looked at the place where Erha disappeared in confusion and thought about what the swarm master said just now: “This is a thank you to you… What are you thanking me for? Are you thanking me for killing so many of his descendants?”

But the most important thing right now is the storage device behind him. It seems that the insect swarm will not attack for a while, so it needs to be moved quickly.

Under the blood-red eyes of the insects, everyone tremblingly loaded the remaining storage equipment onto the transport boat.

After Qi Yiming confirmed that everyone was on board the traffic boat, he immediately ordered the boat to take off.

As soon as the transport boat took off, the swarm of insects launched an attack.

In less than twenty seconds, the federal government building was reduced to ruins, and the underground data room was invaded by a swarm of insects, tearing all the storage equipment inside into pieces.

This is the revenge of the insect swarm masters Qi Yiming and others for returning to the Federation and destroying human historical documents.

From then on, the Human Federation truly became history, no… it didn’t even count as history, and her existence was completely erased from this universe.

Fortunately, Nova’s host fleet was not damaged, along with the identity information of Federation citizens.

The transport craft back in space isn’t much safer.

In the low orbit of the blue planet, there are countless Zerg species that Qi Yiming calls flying dragons, and there are also some crab-like creatures among them.

These insect swarms in space are also staring at Qi Yiming’s fleet and fragile transport boats.

Qi Yiming was sweating on his forehead at this time. After so many years, the fear brought to him by the insect swarm was still so clear.

“Hurry up, don’t delay…” Qi Yiming, who returned to the bridge of the Xuefeng, urged all ships to follow the Xuefeng and leave here quickly, flying towards the star gate closest to them.

Ye Lu came back to his senses and asked Qi Yiming in the fleet channel with a trembling voice: “Yi Ming, is this the bug you mentioned? Apart from being scary, I really can’t think of any words to describe it.”

“Just the appearance alone has scared you. If we really fight, you will probably commit suicide out of despair.” Qi Yiming smiled bitterly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead again.

After passing the star gate, Qi Yiming discovered through radar that the insect swarm was still following his fleet unhurriedly, as if monitoring his departure from the territory of the Human Federation.

Qi Yiming rolled his eyes and thought of Chai Wei and others who had not yet dealt with it.

“I’m sorry, Lao Chai… you may not be able to go back!”

With that said, he asked the navigator to move forward quickly along the path he pointed out.

At this time, Chai Wei had been trapped in the galaxy where Qi Yiming had left him behind for several days. No matter how hard he tried, he could not pass through the star gate in front of the fleet.

Until Qiao Shan appeared in front of them by accident.

After establishing communication, the two asked each other in unison: “Why are you here?”

“I came here with that bastard Qi Yiming.” Chai Wei smiled bitterly and said, “I was tricked by that bastard and trapped here. What about you? How can you pass through the Star Gate?”

Qiao Shan looked at Chai Wei with a tired face: “Qi Yiming and I have the same purpose, but we don’t know the way. We have been wandering here for several days, and I almost vomited. I can cross the star gate because I This ancient battleship – the Azure!”

Chai Wei nodded, seeming to be thinking about something.

“Don’t count on me. My fleet is still waiting at the border of the Human Federation, and they can’t get through.” Qiao Shan guessed what Chai Wei was thinking, and shattered Chai Wei’s hopes as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Then I have to wait here to die?” Chai Wei was a little desperate.

“That’s not the case. You don’t need to use the star gate! I checked and found that the farthest distance between star gates is no more than 700 light years. You can fly with a spaceship.” Qiao Shan told Chai Wei What a bad idea.

“Give me a look…” Chai Wei rolled his eyes at Qiao Shan angrily.

The conversation between the two was casual, and it seemed that they had known each other before.

“Then what should we do now? Qi Yiming has probably obtained that technological heritage.” Chai Wei pointed to the star gate in front of him: “He passed by here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the light curtain of the Star Gate flicker a few times. Qi Yiming’s fleet appeared in front of Chai Wei again.

“Holy crap… you kid, you dare to come back!” Chai Wei became angry when he saw Qi Yiming’s fleet: “Every ship, pay attention, charge the main guns, kill this guy for me!!”

“No, no… Qi Yiming should be the awakener, you have to rely on him to get out of here!!” Qiao Shan hurriedly stopped Chai Wei’s excessive behavior.

But Qi Yiming simply ignored the existence of the two of them, and just sent an encrypted message to the Azure through the Xuefeng: “If you want to survive, just follow me…”

Then Qi Yiming’s fleet flew past Chai Wei and Qiao Shan like crazy and flew towards the next star gate.

Qi Yiming didn’t really care about Qiao Shan’s life or death, but it would be a pity if something happened to the Azure.

Without completing the analysis of the scientific and technological data, Qi Yiming was not sure whether he could build another Azure, so he could only save Qiao Shan while saving the Azure.

Qiao Shan was a smart man and knew that Qi Yiming was not concerned about him.

Qiao Shan was reluctant at first, but when he saw the huge swarm of insects following Qi Yiming through the gate, he immediately turned the bow and followed Qi Yiming’s fleet.

Chai Wei was not so lucky. After passing the gate, the swarm of insects found that there was another fleet here. They could not attack Qi Yiming’s fleet, but the fleet in front of them was not within the range.

The swarm of insects rushed towards Chai Wei’s fleet one after another as if they had seen their lover.

As expected of an officer, Chai Wei reacted immediately after the initial brief shock.

But he didn’t have enough knowledge about the Zerg, and thought that as long as he relied on his three battlecruisers, he would be able to defeat this group of monsters.

“Attention, all ships, charge all gun groups…”

So the battle began.

The fleet led by Chai Wei only carried out one round of artillery fire, and was surrounded by a group of dragons in the center.

To say that their attack did have some killing effect on the Zerg, but Chai Wei stood in the bridge with a look of despair, recalling the effect of the previous round of artillery fire.

A round of artillery fire only killed 10 dragons, and it seemed that another dragon was injured.

The problem is that 10 dragons are not worth mentioning for the huge number of Zerg.

The battle lasted only 3 minutes, and the three battlecruisers were torn into pieces by the violent Zerg one after another.

Please forgive me for quoting the setting of the Zerg in StarCraft here. After all, this Zerg has been written about too much, and everyone can associate it.

The most important thing is that I want to be lazy… and no matter how I change the setting of the Zerg, it can’t escape the shadow of StarCraft, or the shadow of the Zerg in Galaxy Fleet, so I might as well just use it directly. Although there is nothing new, at least everyone can see it more familiar, which is worse than me tossing out a weird one. I hope everyone can understand.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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