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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 83 Qiao Shan and Qi Yiming

After Qiao Shan followed Qi Yiming through several star gates, he was still a little shocked.

After calming down, he asked Qi Yiming through temporary communication: “What are those monsters?”

Qi Yiming didn’t intend to hide anything and told Qiao Shan the truth directly.

Qiao Shan was stunned after hearing this. This was the first time he heard someone describe the former Human Federation in such detail.

“No wonder those people would leave a sentence like ‘They will awaken the devil’ at the scene after assassinating the awakened ones.” Qiao Shan’s whispered words were transmitted to Qi Yiming through the radio device of the communicator.

Qi Yiming asked curiously: “Have you seen those people who assassinated the awakened ones?”

Only then did Qiao Shan realize that he had let it slip, but it wasn’t a big secret, so luckily he told Qi Yiming.

“My father once took in some resuscitated people, but without exception, those resuscitated people died violently at home within three days after their identity was exposed. There will be such a paragraph at the scene.” Qiao Shan fell into silence after finishing speaking, obviously thinking of Something unpleasant happened.

Qi Yiming nodded and said, “What they said is right. Sooner or later, we people will seek revenge on those bugs.”

After hearing Qi Yiming’s words, Qiao Shan raised his head and stared at Qi Yiming in the communicator: “Are you really an awakener?”

“Didn’t you guess it all?” Qi Yiming did not deny Qiao Shan’s statement.

“Aren’t you afraid that your identity will be exposed and you will be assassinated?”

“Will you tell it?”.

“I’ve already said it…” Qiao Shan looked at Qi Yiming awkwardly.

Qi Yiming looked at Qiao Shan blankly: “Holy shit…what the hell…is this something a human being can do?”

“It was also in order to slow down your schedule that I revealed things that I was not sure about at the time.”

“Your uncle… aren’t you afraid that I will be killed and the battleship will be taken away by others?” Qi Yiming was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick.

“You won’t…” Qiao Shan said firmly this time, but Qi Yiming was stunned. Qiao Shan continued: “You are different from other awakened people. You have a battleship, but they don’t!”

“You mean, none of the awakened people you’ve seen has a battleship from the Human Federation era in their hands?” Qi Yiming couldn’t help but be a little surprised. After all, he was on his own battleship when he woke up.

Qiao Shan nodded: “When they were discovered, many of them had died in the dormant cabin, and only a handful of them were dying.”

“You mean discovered?”

“Of course, couldn’t they have escaped from the dormant cabin on their own?”

But Qi Yiming was a little confused. Looking back on when he woke up, except that he felt uncomfortable physically, he had no difficulty in moving.

The most important thing is that he woke up on an uninhabited planet and was not discovered by others and awakened.

Thinking about it now, Qi Yiming felt that he was very lucky, and then looked at Wang Sen in the fleet channel with gentle eyes.

Wang Sen suddenly trembled…

After Qiao Shan learned that Qi Yiming was an awakener, his attitude changed slightly and he seemed to talk more.

Qi Yiming also learned that Qiao Shan had helped awakened people with the same identity as him many times, and he was no longer so hostile to Qiao Shan.

But Qi Yiming was also curious about why Qiao Shan extended an olive branch to the awakened person, so he asked more questions.

“It’s not impossible to tell you. Everyone who should know knows it anyway.” Qiao Shan actually knew everything about the leak of his identity. He had never underestimated those who purged the top leaders of the organization.

And the reason why he was able to survive until now after his identity was leaked was actually because of the Azure Ship’s credit.

Nowadays, humans do not have a very effective way to quickly defeat the energy shield of the Azure, so Qiao Shan can successfully escape every time he encounters an ambush.

Qi Yiming acted like he was all ears.

Qiao Shan spoke slowly: “I am the son of the legendary high-ranking executive who disappeared after the Glory Federation was purged…”

“Pfft…” Qi Yiming spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Do you still remember Liu Bishu’s speculation about Qi Yiming’s identity when he was in the Xuanwu Star Territory? Qi Yiming saw the real owner at this time and looked at Wang Shuhua and Ye Lu on the fleet communication screen with embarrassment.

Qi Yiming actually didn’t know how Liu Bishu introduced his identity to Ye Lu and the others, but it was obvious that both of them were a little confused now.

Ye Lu looked at Qi Yiming in one corner of the communication screen, then looked at Qiao Shan in the other corner and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Qi Yiming said, “Sister Ye… I am indeed not the person you imagined.”

But Wang Shuhua said: “You don’t need to explain. I knew you were not that person when I first met you, but I knew you could lead us in revenge. That’s enough.”

Ye Lu also nodded solemnly at this time.

Qiao Shan never expected that Qi Yiming would react so greatly after his identity was revealed.

At first, I thought Qi Yiming was not only an awakener, but also a member of the Glory Federation.

But as I listened to the conversation between the three of them, the more I listened, the more I felt something was wrong. Why did I feel like Qi Yiming was cheating under his own banner?

So Qiao Shan asked Qi Yiming angrily: “Who are you? Why do you use my name?”

Qi Yiming looked at Qiao Shan awkwardly and thought to himself: “I really want to know that you are the missing son of that high-level executive, and I won’t even ask you why you take so much care of the awakened person until I die.”

But it’s too late to say anything now, so I told Qiao Shan the conversation I had with Liu Bishu when they were in the Xuanwu Star Territory.

Although Qi Yiming did not acknowledge Liu Bishu’s statement at the time, he did not deny it either.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming just used this status to recruit some people, and he hasn’t done anything harmful to the world yet.

Qiao Shan forgave Qi Yiming for the sake of saving him this time.

But he was also curious. Qi Yiming, the awakened person, organized manpower and traveled far away. What was he going to do?

Qi Yiming took a look and realized that since everyone had become so close to each other, they stopped covering up.

“I want to fight back with humanity…” Qi Yiming dropped a bombshell, which made several people feel dizzy.

Qiao Shan simply opened his mouth and pointed at the portraits of several of them in the communicator, and then pointed in the direction in which they had just escaped.

The meaning is very clear: “With these people, you also want to kill those bugs?”

Wang Sen simply fainted. He only knew Qi Yiming had a bohemian soul before, but he didn’t expect him to be so bohemian… He was so bohemian that he wanted to go to heaven.

But Qiao Shan’s expression suddenly calmed down and he asked Qi Yiming curiously: “Did you get the technological heritage?”

Of course, Qi Yiming could not be stupid enough to tell Qiao Shan such an important matter so easily. Who knew that Qiao Shan was not lying.

Qi Yiming waved his hand quickly: “Don’t dare to say this nonsense. If word gets out that I have technological heritage, I will never be able to step into the current territory of mankind again.”

Qiao Shan didn’t quite believe it and stared at Qi Yiming with his eyes.

Of course Qi Yiming had a backup plan: “You also saw those bugs. I went to the capital galaxy, but just after I passed the star gate, I was blocked by bugs.”

Qiao Shan nodded slightly reluctantly: “That’s right. The swarm finally captured the capital galaxy of the Human Federation. How could it leave so easily? It seems that the matter of technological heritage is in ruins.”

Thanks to the two big guys for the reward.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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