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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 84 Cooperation

Qiao Shan stopped asking about the technological heritage, and Qi Yiming stopped talking about it.

As for whether Qiao Shan believed what Qi Yiming said, Qi Yiming didn’t care.

He now had to face a very thorny problem, which was the assassination of awakeners by a mysterious organization.

Qi Yiming wanted to rush to the Azure and strangle Qiao Shan to death, but he couldn’t do it.

Although he was not afraid of this so-called assassination, it was not a solution to always have such a threat.

Now that he had obtained the technological heritage, Qi Yiming had taken a big step forward in his goal.

If he was assassinated on the way to the key point, maybe his descendants would record it for him.

The former emperor’s entrepreneurship was halfway through…

Qi Yiming didn’t dare to think about it anymore. He couldn’t let this happen to him, so he decided to kill them before those people took action.

In fact, Qi Yiming had long wanted to meet this mysterious organization that specializes in assassinating awakeners. After all, they killed Qi Yiming’s former comrades-in-arms, and he couldn’t ignore such a thing.

But there were more important things to do at the time, so he delayed it.

Now that the technological heritage is in hand, the only thing left is to find a suitable place to start a business.

But before starting a business, this organization must be dealt with.

Qi Yiming looked at Qiao Shan, wanting to get some more information from him.

Of course, Qi Yiming has other ideas.

The Azure is still in Qiao Shan’s hands, and robbing is one way.

But there seems to be another way at the moment, which is to pull Qiao Shan into the group. If the captain is dealt with, won’t the warship also be dealt with at the same time?

And to some extent, Qiao Shan and Qi Yiming have the same short-term goals.

Qiao Shan wants to establish a unified human empire, and Qi Yiming also wants to integrate all human forces.

It’s just that the ultimate goals of the two are different.

Qiao Shan simply wants to unify humans, while Qi Yiming wants to take back what once belonged to humans from the Zerg.

Qi Yiming also understands that the Zerg has only temporarily given up its attack on humans, but it is not certain that it will come back one day.

If that day really comes, with the current strength of humans, it may really not even be able to keep the fire.

So Qi Yiming’s eyes turned fiery when he looked at Qiao Shan.

Qiao Shan was a little scared by Qi Yiming’s fiery eyes, thinking: “What is this guy going to do? When he looked at his subordinates just now, his eyes were a little erratic. Could he have any improper thoughts about me?”

Qi Yiming cleared his throat: “This, Mr. Qiao…”

“Stop…” Qiao Shan raised his right hand and made a gesture to stop Qi Yiming: “Can we talk normally? You look at me with that kind of eyes, and I feel a little uneasy.”

Qi Yiming scratched his head awkwardly and changed his expression: “Do you want to know more secrets about the Azure? How about we cooperate?”

Qiao Shan looked at Qi Yiming with a vigilant look: “Are you not going to take the Azure from me?”

“Aren’t I trying to convince you to join us?” Qi Yiming tried to put on a flattering expression.

“Join you?”

“Yes, to some extent, we are also a family…”

“Who the hell is a family with you?” Qiao Shan lost his temper again, “Can you be more shameless?”

Qi Yiming was also angry. He had never spoken to anyone so servilely.

“I just saved you, and now I’m kind enough to ask you to join… Don’t be shameless!!” Qi Yiming was not much worse than Qiao Shan in being rude.

“I gave you face? Who asked you to save me? Do I need you to save me?” Qiao Shan was obviously a little lacking in confidence.

“Fuck… I haven’t settled accounts with you for leaking my identity, and now you are so ungrateful…”

Ye Lu, as a bystander, was already laughing in the bridge of his warship.

Wang Shuhua twitched his mouth and looked at the two people who were arguing.

Wang Sen was finally awakened by his crew members who fanned and splashed water, and looked at everything happening in front of him in confusion.

“Give it to you, just say whether you will cooperate or not?” Qi Yiming panted and roared.

“Cooperation…” Qiao Shan also yelled.

“Fuck you…” Qi Yiming, who was about to continue arguing, was stunned: “What did you just say?”

“I agree to cooperate.”

Although Qiao Shan was arguing with Qi Yiming, his mind was not confused at all.

He took advantage of the time when he was arguing with Qi Yiming to carefully think about Qi Yiming’s proposal.

It must be said that Qi Yiming is still very attractive.

Let alone whether Qi Yiming has obtained the technological heritage, Qi Yiming’s understanding of the ancient warship alone is worthy of Qiao Shan’s cooperation with him.

And the two people essentially have no irreconcilable contradictions.

Moreover, does Qi Yiming really care whether the Azure is under his control?

Qi Yiming has experienced the human-insect war. What he cares about is the rise and fall of the entire human race. The pain of leaving his hometown and watching his friends being drowned by the swarm of insects have become his nightmare in this life.

So as long as the Azure can be used by him, Qi Yiming doesn’t care who it belongs to.

But there is one thing Qi Yiming will never share with Qiao Shan, that is the technological heritage. At least in the early stage of cooperation, he will never tell Qiao Shan about it.

After all, this thing is much more important than a battleship.

The two of them finalized the cooperation intention with red faces and thick necks.

Wang Sen rolled his eyes and almost fainted again.

He has never seen anyone talking about cooperation like this? It seemed that the posture just now was about charging up the main gun and firing. The next second, the two of them were laughing and talking about the details of cooperation.

Ye Lu and Wang Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they were a little hesitant to attack their former friends.

Although they can only be regarded as peripheral members of the Glory Federation, the awakened people among their parents have indeed received a lot of care, and they cannot forget this love.

There is no need to take action now, but the two parties are showing signs of converging with each other, and of course they are happy to see it happen.

Now that the two parties have cooperated, Qiao Shan naturally shared the information about the assassination of the Awakener organization with Qi Yiming.

The full name of the assassination organization is called Light of Purification of Humanity, and its purpose is very clear to kill all the awakened people.

As for the reason, Qiao Shan is not very clear.

However, it can be analyzed from various clues that the top leaders of this organization definitely know the existence of the Zerg and have a very good understanding of the Zerg’s combat power.

They do not want another war between humans and insects, and the Awakened are currently the biggest variable among humans.

Like Qi Yiming, many awakened people have a heart for revenge.

In order to prevent the Awakened from provoking another war between humans and insects, and at the same time consolidate their privileged position, killing these insiders is the simplest choice.

Qi Yiming just smiled coldly when he heard this analysis.

“These people are so ignorant, we know what the insect swarm is like better than you.” Qi Yiming glanced at the people on the communication screen: “Now that they don’t attack humans, do you really think everything is fine? “

Some of Qiao Shan nodded, some shook their heads, and their opinions were not unanimous.

Qi Yiming continued: “I just want to tell you what I have seen. Bugs drag dead human corpses back to their nests. After a few days, a female bug will come out of the nest and plant a… eggs, and within those eggs are their new generations.”

Qiao Shan looked at Qi Yiming with wide eyes, “You mean, they are using human corpses as nutrients?”

Qi Yiming nodded: “According to my estimation, the reason why the insect swarm does not attack humans now is because the number of humans is too scarce now, and the insect swarm master is waiting…”

As for what he was waiting for, everyone could figure it out without Qi Yiming having to challenge him.

This chapter was not written smoothly. There were too many details to consider, otherwise the cooperation between Qi Yiming and Qiao Shan would have seemed too inconsistent and would have easily caused drama. I have tried my best to describe the psychology of the two people, and I hope you will not look too dramatic.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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