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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 86: Taking Chestnuts from the Fire (1)

But facing the swarm of insects, Qi Yiming hesitated.

“Run, why are you still standing there?” Looking at the indifferent Qi Yiming, Qiao Shan was a little anxious.

Qi Yiming’s eyes suddenly became firm.

“We can’t leave…”

“Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? That’s a swarm of insects…” Qiao Shan looked at Qi Yiming in horror.

“Their target is not us.” Qi Yiming briefly introduced the weapons on the desolate planet to everyone.

Qiao Shan calmed down.

But he still felt guilty and asked weakly: “You don’t really plan to rob the two arc generators from the swarm, do you?”

“Those two arc generators may be the only samples.” Although Qi Yiming has obtained the technological heritage, it still takes some twists and turns to get the experimental data to the real object. It is still very important to get the real sample.

Qiao Shan also understood the importance of the two arc generators at this time. After all, according to Qi Yiming, humans and Zerg will sooner or later break out in war again, and it is very important for humans to have a weapon to kill insects.

“Then what are you going to do?”

“No tricks are useful to the Zerg, we can only go for it!” Qi Yiming’s voice was a little low.

“Go for it?” Qiao Shan’s mouth twitched: “Go for it, aren’t we going to die?”

Qi Yiming thought for a while and then said: “Before we get the Ares, we may die, but after we get the Ares, there is still a chance.”

Everyone looked at Qi Yiming with doubtful eyes, and Qi Yiming could only open his mouth to continue explaining.

As a component of the war star, the Ares is not just a firepower warship.

His role in the war star is the energy and weapons integrated management system. When this system is activated, the firepower output intensity of the war star will increase by 50%, and the surface of the armor layer will be covered with a layer of ionosphere.

Of course, the ionosphere and the energy shield are not at the same technological level. It should be said that the ionosphere is the precursor technology of the energy shield.

But when used in combination with the armor layer, it can greatly improve the defensive strength of the battleship armor.

If the Ares and the Xuefeng are combined, the ionosphere will be much stronger when the Ares starts the system, and the firepower will be greatly enhanced.

The only drawback is that most of the energy of the warship is used to maintain the ionosphere and high-intensity firepower output, and the engine power of the warship will drop significantly.

Qi Yiming felt that they had a chance to snatch the two arc generators from the swarm, after all, they were only facing a medium-sized swarm.

So the Xuefeng and the Ares started the combination program again.

Since the Ares was the highest-level modular warship among the modular warships obtained by Qi Yiming, the shipboard intelligent computer defaulted that the main body of the new combination was the Ares.

The original Xuefeng was completely decomposed, and the Redemption also entered the decomposition program at the same time.

Qiao Shan stared at the decomposed Xuefeng in amazement, and counted silently: “1…2…3…” There were five modular warships, so Qiao Shan didn’t know what to say.

All the completely decomposed modular warships slowly approached the Ares.

As destroyers, Lightning and Redemption flew to the left and right sides of Ares respectively, and then bursts of blue current appeared between the three warships, slowly sucking the three warships together.

In the process of approaching, the side of Lightning and Redemption close to Ares also extended rigid protrusions, and they were tightly linked to Ares.

The secondary guns on the two destroyers were retracted into the warships, and the position of the main guns did not interfere with the combination, so they were not retracted.

The Exploration flew to the upper side of Ares, replacing the original fire control radar of Ares and becoming the new eyes of Ares.

The Heavy Hammer was still placed in the belly of the bow of Ares, and the Guardian was placed in the back of the stern of Ares.

The main and secondary guns of the three frigates were all retracted. After all, the capacity of the energy tanks in the main and secondary guns of the frigates was too small, and the energy provided by the cruiser per minute exceeded the upper limit of the energy they could accommodate, and they completely became a part of the new combination.

Several warships attached to the Ares detached their engines at the rear of the ship before they completed the combination.

All these engines were pulled into the hull of the Lightning by tractor beams, forming an energy matrix formed by four destroyer engines and six frigate engines, becoming the strong heart of the new combination.

The powerful computing power of the cruiser’s onboard intelligent brain can of course simultaneously start the system programs of all the warships currently in Qi Yiming’s hands.

Qiao Shan witnessed the entire process of the Xuefeng’s reorganization and was deeply impressed by the technological beauty displayed by the modular warship.

The new Xuefeng’s bridge has also undergone tremendous changes.

The bridge command platform is divided into two layers, the upper layer is slightly smaller, in addition to Qi Yiming’s captain’s seat, there are five control consoles, namely fire control radar, energy management, warship navigation, injury monitoring, and armament control.

The lower layer is the operation monitoring station of several subsystems and a huge battlefield situation map display stand, on which the miniature of Qi Yiming and his galaxy is clearly displayed.

At this time, the swarm is approaching the desolate planet at a very fast speed.

Qi Yiming knew they had no time to waste.

“I won’t force you to go if you don’t want to…you can leave now!!”

Qi Yiming then ordered the navigator to adjust the bow of the Xuefeng ship and start to accelerate urgently in the hope of reaching the desolate planet before the insect swarm.

Ye Lu, Wang Shuhua and Wang Sen did not hesitate and followed Xuefeng into emergency acceleration mode and flew towards the deserted planet.

Qiao Shan gritted his teeth and said, “If a man dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of thousands of years… Let’s do it!!”

At this time, the fleet that followed Qiao Shan saw that their leaders had passed by, and it was impossible for them to leave, and then they also entered acceleration mode.

Qi Yiming and the others were not far from the desolate planet originally, and coupled with the emergency acceleration, they naturally reached the top of the desolate planet before the insect swarm.

But the swarm also arrived near the high orbit of the deserted planet a few minutes later.

There was no communication at all when the two sides met. Qi Yiming directly ordered all weapons of the Ares to fire at the same time.

In an instant, the Ares was like a dandelion. 300 missiles flew out from the missile launchers on both sides of the ship, dragging white smoke towards the insect swarm, and set off a huge explosion in the insect swarm. Firelight.

The Ares originally had ten main guns, and coupled with the main guns of other modular battleships that had not been stowed away, the number of main guns on the Ares had increased to 14.

A front and rear backpack main gun with six barrels, the Ares fired 84 burst lasers in one main gun salvo.

This does not include Ares’s two super-heavy main guns.

When the Ares’ super-heavy main gun fired, it was not a burst laser, but a purple blazing beam.

The beam is continuous, shooting directly from the muzzle to the insect swarm, and sweeping across the entire battlefield as the main gun rotates.

All bugs swept by the blazing beam will either die or be injured.

At this time, Qiao Shan was late, and he didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment when he saw the Ares’ perverted attack.

When Qi Yiming discovered the arrival of Qiao Shan and the others, he didn’t waste any words: “With Xuefeng as the starting point, all the battlecruisers were arranged left and right to widen our front. The remaining battleships were arrayed on the negative and positive levels respectively. “

Soon the fleet formed a not too wide front and began to snipe the insect swarm.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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