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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 92 Hidden Danger

Qiao Shan didn’t know anything about these situations, so Qi Yiming wasn’t surprised that he would react like this, nor did he blame him.

After Qiao Shan vented hysterically and his mood gradually calmed down, Qi Yiming explained in detail to Qiao Shan why he had to get this arc generator.

Qiao Shan didn’t have much expression after hearing this. He just looked at Qi Yiming silently: “I hope your decision today can play a decisive role in the future battlefield against the Zerg. Don’t let Uncle Wei and the others sacrifice in vain. I think Wait quietly for a while, and the Azure will enter formation flight mode.”

The formation flight mode means that the Azure will open its navigation authority to the flagship, and the flight status of the battleship will be taken over by the flagship.

This is a flight mode commonly used by fleets in formation during long voyages.

After Qiao Shan finished speaking, he turned off the communicator.

But what Qi Yiming and the others didn’t see was the look of hatred in Qiao Shan’s eyes after turning off the communicator.

In fact, Qiao Shan didn’t care whether the insect swarms would attack humans again. The purpose of his cooperation with Qi Yiming at that time was very clear, which was revenge.

Just as Wei Feng told Qi Yiming before his death, all of Qiao Shan’s relatives were killed one by one under his nose. If he hadn’t hid it well at that time, he would have gone with his parents long ago.

Later, Wei Feng found him and slowly provided psychological counseling to Qiao Shan.

Qiao Shan hid the dark side of his heart very well for revenge, and even deceived Wei Feng.

Now for revenge, he hides his hatred again.

Qi Yiming did not notice anything unusual about Qiao Shan. After recovering the arc generator, he ordered all the warships to regroup and quickly leave the galaxy where they were currently located.

The fighting between the insect swarm not far away seems to have come to an end. If it continues to be delayed, they will definitely explain it here when the insect swarm has a new female insect.

Soon the fleet entered jump mode.

Ye Lu was a little worried about Qiao Shan’s condition, and tried to enter the Azure Ship to enlighten Qiao Shan in person.

But they were all rejected by the Azure on the grounds that the captain was resting.

“Yi Ming…Qiao Shan’s state is a bit strange!!” Ye Lu found Qi Yiming and expressed her concerns after hitting the wall many times.

Because the arc generator caused such a huge loss, Qi Yiming actually felt very guilty in his heart. Faced with Qiao Shan’s state, Qi Yiming didn’t know how to deal with it and could only let it go.

“Let him stay by himself for a while longer. Wei Feng’s death may have been a big blow to him…”

Ye Lu nodded: “That’s all we can do… With his crew watching, there shouldn’t be any big problems.”

At this moment, Qiao Shan was holding a small dagger in his cabin and scratched blood marks on his left arm.

Every time I draw a bloodstain, I whisper something.

If you listen carefully, it is a personal name.

If Ye Lu saw Qiao Shan’s state at this time, she would definitely scream in fright.

His left arm has long been covered with wounds made by daggers. New wounds overlap old wounds, and healed scars cover the entire arm. This man has been crazy for a long time. The reason why he looks normal is because there is a His obsession with revenge sustains him to this day.

“Qi Yiming, when I use you to avenge my parents, we will slowly settle today’s debt!” As he said this, he cut his forearm again, and blood immediately flowed out from the wound: “This I’ll write it down for you.”

Looking at the blood flowing out, Qiao Shan did not panic. Instead, he looked at the scars on his left arm with great excitement.

When the blood from the wound had condensed, Qiao Shan pulled his rolled-up sleeves flat, stood up, put on a smiling face, disguised himself again, and walked out of his captain’s room.

Arriving at the bridge, Qiao Shan ordered the communications commander to join the fleet channel.

“Brother Qi… I was a little too excited the past few days. I’m really sorry!” Qiao Shan was completely different from the same person he had been in the captain’s room just now.

Qi Yiming and the others didn’t notice anything wrong, and felt relieved to see Qiao Shan join the fleet channel again.

“Qiao Shan… Wei Feng’s matter…” Qi Yiming wanted to explain something more.

Qiao Shan shook his head and said: “It’s all over. Uncle Wei died a worthy death for mankind… I’m proud of him. Let’s not talk about the past anymore, we have to look forward…”

Hearing what Qiao Shan said, Qi Yiming also showed a long-lost smile.

Ye Luzai looked at the smiling Qiao Shan on the communication screen with vigilant eyes. The woman’s intuition told her that Qiao Shan was definitely not normal, but she couldn’t tell what was strange about Qiao Shan.

“Maybe I’m overthinking it…” Ye Lu shook her head and ignored the matter.

“Where are we?” Qiao Shan pointed at the star map and asked Qi Yiming.

“It will probably be about a year and a half before we reach the human territory.”

“A year and a half, then I will go to sleep during this period! Wake me up when I return to the human realm.”

“Okay, we are also going to hibernate! But we are all worried about your condition and want to wait until you recover before we go to hibernation.” Ye Lu interjected.

Qiao Shan glanced at Ye Lu and said with a smile: “Sister Ye…you won’t blame me for delaying your sleep, right?”

You must know that in the long space voyage, women value their age more than their fate. If they can sleep one day earlier, they will age one day later.

“It only takes a few days, but it won’t be…seeing that you are fine, I can go to sleep with peace of mind.” Ye Lu also showed a long-lost smile.

“After arranging the duty personnel on each ship, everyone can go to sleep. More than a year is quite boring.” Qi Yiming then looked at Wang Sen: “Wang Sen, come to the Xuefeng for a while, we Calculate the supply quantity carefully before going to sleep to avoid trouble later. “

Wang Sen nodded, left his bridge, and handed over command to his adjutant.

Wang Sen, who came to the Xuefeng, handed Qi Yiming a list of supplies: “The situation is very bad. Three transport ships have been lost. There is a lot of supplies on those three ships. I don’t think our fleet can support the human territory. ”

Qi Yiming already knew about this matter after leaving the galaxy where he encountered the insect swarm, but he didn’t expect it to be so serious.

“So unlucky? Are they all fully loaded transport ships?”

Wang Sen shook his head: “There is only one fully loaded transport ship. Although the supplies on the other two ships are not much, most of them are energy blocks.”

“How long can the remaining energy blocks be used by the fleet?” Qi Yiming frowned.

“I calculated that if the empty transport ship is abandoned on the way and the crew on it is transferred to our battleship, the energy block will last until we are at most one month away from the human territory.”

“A month? Can’t even squeeze out a month’s energy?”

“I have tried my best and checked all the places where energy can be saved!” Wang Sen kept flipping the electronic information in his hand.

Qi Yiming frowned. Without energy, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t bring the fleet back.

“Let’s do this for now. You will sleep on the Xuefeng… We will find a solution when we get somewhere. Fortunately, it is not too far from human territory. I hope someone can receive our distress signal by then.”

I forced myself to code a chapter, which was a bit messy. I re-read several books by great masters, and the gap is simply disappointing.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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