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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 99 A new beginning

Faced with Qi Yiming’s ferocious firepower output, Zhang Wei’s brain tended to shut down.

He really couldn’t understand, how could even a special cruiser have this level of firepower density?

But it was too late. The Xuefeng’s second round of attacks came much faster than Zhang Wei imagined.

The pioneering fleet, which had already lost all its destroyers in the first round of attacks, only had three cruisers accepted the baptism of fire from the Xuefeng this time.

The intensive blasting lasers hit the hulls of the three cruisers, like tearing pieces of paper, easily penetrating the outer armor of the three battleships.

Seeing that the pioneering fleet was about to be destroyed, Zhang Wei hurriedly shouted to Qi Yiming through wide area communication.

“Which department does the brother opposite belong to? We are from the Flamingo Group… Please show mercy!”

Qi Yiming only replied: “It’s you flamingos who were beaten…”

That’s how ungrateful he is.

As soon as Zhang Wei heard Qi Yiming’s roll call, he wanted to cause trouble for their flamingos, and his heart was filled with chills.

It was also a battleship. Zhang Wei felt that the opposite was a Gundam, and his battleship was like a fire stick, so he decisively showed the white flag and surrendered to Qi Yiming.

It was good for Qi Yiming to be able to capture a few warships, so Qi Yiming asked the other party to raise the muzzle of the gun and turn off the engine through the wide area broadcast.

After seeing that the other party complied with the request, Wang Shuhua and others were allowed to step forward to board the ship. The Xuefeng’s main gun was still in a state of firing at any time to prevent the other party from cheating.

“Yi Ming, what should I do with the personnel on the ship?” After taking control of the surrendered enemy ship, Wang Shuhua asked Qi Yiming what to do with the prisoners.

Qi Yiming thought for a while: “Gather the supervisors of each position together and keep the other personnel in custody. We don’t have that many people to pilot the warship for the time being.”

Moreover, Qi Yiming felt that it would be a bit too cold-blooded to kill all these people. After all, these people did not have such a big problem with him. He would keep them in custody first and slowly influence them. Maybe he could have a few more qualified captains under his command. .

After dealing with the pioneering fleet, the next step is to take over the Gaia planet in front of us.

In a sense, Qi Yiming has helped the humans on the planet Gaia, otherwise they would soon be sold by the Flamingo Company like commodities.

As for the fate after the sale, it can only depend on their luck.

Now that he was rescued by Qi Yiming, his favorability was immediately increased, especially among the elites on this planet.

When they realized that they were just fat in the eyes of these alien visitors, they all couldn’t wait for Qi Yiming to take them flying together.

Of course, just taking over the planet and mobilizing as many as 300 million humans on the planet to work for itself will take a long time.

However, Qi Yiming is not worried about this. As long as the humans on the planet can experience tangible benefits in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about them not working for Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming first asked Wang Sen to send all the humans on the transport ship back to the ground to calm the emotions of the humans on the planet. He did not want to be mistaken by those people as being with the Flamingo Company.

Then he arranged for Wang Shuhua to put the prisoners into a surface prison, and then organized manpower to level out a large open space so that Qi Yiming could land the captured warships on the surface.

After all, the operators on the battleship are not reliable yet. Although there are internal guards to suppress it inside the ship, no one knows what if someone can’t think of it and starts a rebellion or something to destroy the battleship from the inside. It would be quite distressing.

As for the fleet brought by Qi Yiming, two ships were left to guard the home, and the rest of the warships were sent out to explore the Ancestral Star Territory in the shortest possible time.

This will be Qi Yiming’s home court from now on. As a host who is not familiar with his own territory, it is a bit unreasonable.

But the question of who should be left to guard the house is that everyone is divided.

Everyone wanted to stay and take care of their families. Although they rested in the Xuanwu Star Territory for a few days, after more than four years of deep space navigation, how could it be possible to relax in a few days.

Only on the issue of Wang Sen staying behind, everyone was surprisingly unanimous.

Wang Sen was excluded from the list of left-behind candidates, and no one wanted their newly found place to be affected by the Wang family’s miraculous physique.

Wang Sen could only return to his Yuanwang with tears streaming down his face. He cried all day long, looking longingly at the blue planet in front of him.

As a result, the two remaining places were obtained by drawing lots by two of Qiao Shan’s old subordinates.

After the two lucky people drew the lottery to stay behind, they looked at the dissatisfied eyes of the big bosses and hid the lottery in their hands tremblingly behind their backs, refusing to hand it over at any cost.

The big guys were too embarrassed to rob them, so they had to return to their respective battleships and go separately to explore the situation in the Ancestral Star Territory.

A day earlier to explore them clearly would be a day earlier to feel the down-to-earth feeling again.

Qi Yiming gave some instructions before everyone set off: “This time we are just roughly exploring the distribution of various galaxies in the star field. There is no need for everyone to take risks. If you encounter any special space signals, just record them.”

As the soul of the team, Qi Yiming certainly has some privileges.

He separated Chen Cheng and his wife’s Revenge from the Xuefeng and let them go out alone to experience it.

Qi Yiming himself took the two lucky ones and Fang Min and Liu Bishu, who had no battleships to command, down to the surface of the planet.

Qi Yiming needs to understand Gaia’s current technological level and power distribution, and make preliminary preparations to quickly increase Gaia’s productivity.

However, what makes Qi Yiming satisfied is that human technology on this planet is probably in the post-industrial revolution era, and has just stepped onto the threshold of galactic civilization.

The so-called galactic civilization is a civilization that has the ability to move freely within its own galaxy.

As for the government, there are too many…but luckily they have a nominal coalition government.

What Qi Yiming needs to do is to strengthen the role of this nominal coalition government and gradually dilute the national concept of human beings on this planet.

The first is to let each country give up the power to own its own armed forces, reorganize all violent institutions, and then unify command authority under the name of the coalition government.

There were already signs of this before Qi Yiming and the others came, but now it’s a little earlier.

The process was of course tortuous. Qi Yiming led his people to suppress several rebellions before centralizing the command of the violent agencies in various countries.

Once this problem is solved, the rest will be easy to solve.

Coupled with the support of a large portion of the elite Qi Yiming, the integration of various forces on the planet Gaia went smoothly.

In more than a month, Qi Yiming initially completed the transformation of the administrative system of the planet Gaia.

Of course, these things cannot be done without the help of Fang Min and Liu Bishu.

Qi Yiming really didn’t expect that Fang Min was actually a good handler in internal affairs. In the negotiations between various forces, he was very good at balancing interests. Liu Bishu was also a natural politician.

One of them was a good person and the other was a bad person. In the process of integrating the forces of all parties, Qi Yiming was promoted to the throne of the head of state.

With a unified planetary government, Qi Yiming first selected some talents who were only obsessed with scientific research from the few scientists on the planet Gaia.

He randomly found a place on the surface of the planet to gather them together, and then sent his own internal security forces to guard the place closely.

Qi Yiming must control this group of people, because the task of analyzing the technological heritage will be left to these people.

When the productivity and technological level meet the requirements in the future, Qi Yiming will build a small space city for these people alone and send a fleet to closely guard it.

It won’t take so long, it will be released as soon as the modifications are completed.

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Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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