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Start in Night City — Chapter 10

At this moment, both sides burst out with amazing speed.

Both the katana sword and the mantis sword are so fast that only blurry phantoms can be seen.

The light and shadow of swords are like ocean waves, one wave higher than the other, endless.

The blade tore through the air and erupted into a shrill scream.

when–! !

Murasame and Mantis Knife collided hard again.

This time neither side gave in.

Through the two weapons, Su Xiao could smell the stench emanating from the other party.

And out of the corner of his eye, he saw another mantis knife slashing from the side.

He quickly lowered his head.

The mantis knife, reflecting the cold light, swung dangerously over his head.

Take away a few strands of black hair.

Without waiting for the mantis knife that was swung in the past to come back, Su Xiao held Murasame’s knife handle tightly with her right hand and continued to wrestle with the man.

He quickly took out the kinetic energy pistol from his waist with his left hand.

Aim at the past.

He didn’t deliberately aim at the head. This was not playing a game. Instead, he aimed at the torso, which had the largest hit area, and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

At such a close distance, the man finally couldn’t avoid it.

The chest, waist and abdomen were hit, and blood bloomed.

However, Su Xiao’s arm holding the gun was also scratched by the mantis knife that was chopped back.

If he hadn’t shrunk his hand quickly, his entire left hand would have been gone.

Seeing the mantis knife slashing at him again, it was also a horizontal slash with a huge attack range.

Su Xiao rotated the kinetic energy pistol held in his left hand ninety degrees, and stuck the gun body at the joint of the Mantis Knife.

Two people, four weapons, standing together, wrestling with each other.

The outcome of the battle depends on who is exhausted first.

Apparently, men think so too.

He tried so hard that veins appeared on his face.

The man was loaded with a large number of combat-type military prosthetics, while Su Xiao was alone.

Su Xiao definitely has no advantage in simply fighting with strength.

But he never thought about winning by relying on strength.

When he used the kinetic energy pistol to jam the Mantis Knife, he deliberately rotated the gun body ninety degrees.

That’s not to look cool, but to keep the gun pointed downward.

boom! Bang bang bang!

Su Xiao fired all the last few bullets in the magazine.

There was a burst of smoke and dust on the ground.

The man’s instep was also hit.

This made him groan.

The center of gravity is unstable and the balance is lost.

The pressure from the knife suddenly relaxed.

Lidya Su took the opportunity to duck to the side.

Then he put the red blade into the scabbard and assumed an Iai stance.

However, his posture is a little different from ordinary Iai.

Generally, Iai holds the scabbard with his left hand and holds the handle with his right hand, or not far from the handle.

But Su Xiao’s right hand was a shoulder away from the handle of the knife.

“Go to hell!”

The pain stimulated the man to lose his mind.

The man knew that even if he won, there was little hope of survival, so he simply gave up his defense.

Like a wounded beast, with a fishy wind, it pounced fiercely.

Even if he dies, he will take Lidya Su with him to be buried with him.

Lidya Su’s face didn’t change.

Holding the scabbard with his left hand, his index finger pulled the trigger on the scabbard.

One obvious difference between McCoy’s heirloom sword and other samurai swords is that it has an ejection device installed on the scabbard.

The Murasame hidden in the scabbard shot out!

The five fingers of his right hand were brought together to hold the handle of the ejected knife, and with the help of the force of the ejection, he struck out a slash that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

This knife cut into the man’s right side of the abdomen, like a hot knife cutting through butter, making a diagonal cut very easily.

The red blade finally slashed out from the man’s left shoulder.

Just cut the man in two.

Looking at the fallen man, his eyes gradually dimmed, Su Xiao relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

A thin layer of sweat had already formed on his forehead.

The back was also wet and soaked with sweat.

He finally understood why the Sheriff wanted someone to deal with this cyberpsycho instead of doing it himself.

You know, even if there is only one sheriff in the town, the Second Amendment of the United States guarantees that every citizen has the right to bear arms.

In other words, every civilian in the town can be used as a militia when needed.

Faced with the villains who endanger the town, the sheriff can gather a team of people and shoot them with guns.

Regardless of whether he is Miyamoto Musashi or Sasaki Kojiro, he will only end up dying with hatred.

But the Sheriff didn’t do that.

It is because of this cyberpsychosis that he has a bunch of combat-type military-grade prosthetics installed on his body.

Letting a group of civilians without combat prosthetics kill him is no different than hitting an egg with a stone.

It would just be a massacre.

In fact, what Su Xiao didn’t know was how much he was favored by the goddess of luck.

Each one is equipped with military

Anyone who has a super prosthetic body will not miss a prosthetic body called “Sianwistan”.

“Sianwistan” can greatly improve your nerve reaction speed.

How much of an improvement is there?

It’s so big that you can feel time slowing down.

Fortunately, the “Sianwistan” implanted in this man’s body had already broken down.

Therefore, in the battle just now, the man did not activate “Sianwistan” from beginning to end.

Although the battle was extremely thrilling, even I almost died.

But at least he survived.

In this way, the reward of two thousand euros can be put into his pocket.

Not only that.

After Su Xiao relaxed from her tense nerves, when checking the information, she discovered that there was an unexpected surprise.

“You killed an enemy and gained 2 potential points.”

Chapter 8 Sheriff: Listen to me, thank you, it warms the four seasons

The potential value contributed by a cyberpsycho is equivalent to twenty miscellaneous soldiers? !

Lidya Su couldn’t restrain her inner excitement, and her face was full of happiness.

Paralyzed, I finally didn’t waste my exhausting work in vain.

After breathing for a while and almost resting, Su Xiao stood up from the ground.

He returned to his car first and saw the townspeople sitting inside, looking shocked.

Then he patted the car window.

This movement startled the townspeople.

“You…you actually killed that cyberpsycho?”

“Isn’t it just cyberpsychosis? Look at how cowardly you are… Now that you’ve seen it all, you have to give me a good testimony when you get back.”

At first, Su Xiao wanted to take away an item that was enough to prove it.

For example, the cyberpsychotic prosthetic eye, or the mantis knife.


It always feels so disgusting.

Anyway, this town citizen watched it from beginning to end.

Having this witness is probably enough.

Before leaving, he thought about it and entered the shed.

As he expected, the room was in a mess and there were no lights.

Everywhere you look, there is only garbage.

Nothing to loot.

He shook his head in disappointment.

About to leave.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that there was a laptop placed in an inconspicuous corner of the room.

Because it was covered with garbage and there were no lights in the room, it was easy to miss it if you didn’t look carefully.

He took out the computer.

By reading the information on the computer, Su Xiao learned the identity information of the cyberpsychotic.

This man is the executioner of Arasaka’s secret force “Troy”.

Code name “Zanke the Behead”.

Arasaka Corporation is the world’s longest-running supercompany, dating back to the mid-20th century.

Today, Arasaka Corporation has become a giant in arms manufacturing, and their presence can be seen in military conflicts on all continents.

“Troy” is Arasaka’s secret force, dedicated to eradicating the traitors who betrayed Arasaka.

Zanke developed a habit by constantly eradicating traitors every day, and gradually he was no longer satisfied with killing people only when there was a mission.

Due to too many killings, or possibly due to the implant, he could hear the cries of people who died on his hands from time to time.

And only when killing people can he temporarily feel peaceful.

When he rebelled against Arasaka, he was hunted down by his former colleagues, but he was lucky enough to escape with his life.

But he’s smart.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode