Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 13

In other words, goods will be “lost” once they cross the border.

Some of the stock is still there, but it’s gone;

Some items are gone, but they are still there.

That’s pretty much it.

But if you want the goods to be lost, this piece of paper alone is not enough.

We need something that everyone likes.

“And where is the chip that holds the money?”

“it’s here.”

Su Xiao sandwiched the credit chip inside the customs declaration form.

He asked Jack to stay in the car while the border guard asked him to go for questioning.

Don’t turn off the car yet so you can run away if something happens.

After getting out of the car, he entered the door of the border defense building.

First at the service desk, store the weapons.

Then follow the staff’s instructions and go to Room 2.

The room is not big.

A table and two chairs already occupy the main space.

There was a border guard sitting in the room. Seeing him come in, the guard pointed to the chair opposite: “Please sit down.”

The lights fell from overhead, illuminating only the tabletop and the border guard sitting in front of it.

The atmosphere was solemn and tense.


When Lidya Su sat down, the border guard sounded indifferent.

And Lidya Su didn’t talk much.

He took out the customs declaration form that Jack gave him, made sure to put the credit chip in it, then put it on the table and slowly pushed it over.

The border guards here are also veterans, and they will understand at a glance.

He pulled out a document from the ashtray and covered the credit chip sandwiched in the customs declaration form.

Then I picked up the customs declaration form.

I glanced at it casually.

In fact, he didn’t even look at it carefully.

He has been doing this for many years and is very familiar with it.

Some things can be checked and some things cannot be checked.

Otherwise, if something is really found out, it will be bad for everyone.

“The order is fine, welcome to Night City.”

The tone of the border guard was obviously different from before. Not only was it much more relaxed, but there was also a kind smile on his face that had undergone prosthetic transformation.

“Thank you and have a nice day, sir.”

Su Xiao stood up and was about to leave when she suddenly heard the border guard ask an unreasonable question.

“Ah, by the way…which wanderer family are you working for?”

Is there any connection between this issue and the current situation?

Lidya Su frowned.

He originally wanted to answer that he no longer worked for any family.

However, when he saw the face of the border guard hidden under the brim of his hat and not illuminated by the light, he suddenly shut up.

And instinctively became alert.

“Does this question have to be answered? In the normal process, there is no such item.”

“Yes, no, this is…a little curiosity of mine.” The guard tapped his fingers on the table gently, “Of course, I can understand if you don’t want to disclose it.”

Su Xiao opened her mouth and said: “There is nothing to hide, I am from the Snake State.”

The border guard was stunned: “What did you say?”

“Snake State, this car, this product, and this commission all belong to Snake State.”

As he spoke, Su Xiao put the Snake Nation logo that he had torn off from the clothes of the dead Snake Nation warriors on the table.

“Snake bang, huh?” the border guard lit a cigarette.

Others may not know it yet.

But people like them, who often interact with homeless people, know them very well.

Although Su Xiao took out the Snake State logo, the guard still had a look of obvious disbelief on his face.

“Snake State is one of the seven major states of your wanderers. How could such an important product be handed over to a young boy like you who has no hair on his lips and can’t do his job well?”

Things worth marking L.O.A on the customs declaration form are not simple goods.

At least they are assets worth five figures in euros.

He had a phone handy.

If he could confirm that the homeless man in front of him was alone, he could immediately call the company and ask them to cut off the shipment.

Lidya Su suddenly smiled.

He put his hands on the table and looked down at the guard.

“Did you know? In Kang Tao’s motherland, there is a saying:”

“–do not judge a book by it’s cover.”

“I don’t have a beard, but how do you know that I can’t do my job well?”

The atmosphere in the dim room was silent.

Only the cigarette in the guard’s hand was left, filled with smoke.

After a while, the border guard leaned back and leaned on the back of his chair.

“You talk interestingly. Okay, you can go. Your assistant is still waiting for you in the car. Don’t forget to take your personal belongings.”

Su Xiao stopped talking, took the customs declaration form and the Snake State logo, and walked out.

The border guard’s expression changed several times.

He picked up the phone on the table and tried to call Military Technology several times.

But in the end, he silently put down the phone.

Although he was sure that what Su Xiao and the others were smuggling must be good things.

If you report it to Military Technology, you will definitely get a huge commission.

But the problem is that he can’t confirm whether there is really Snake Bang behind Su Xiao.

If it is a lone wolf among the wanderers, or those weak families, that’s it.

The problem is that even among the Rangers, Snake State is huge.

Of course, no behemoth can defeat a company.

But Snake State couldn’t deal with the company, so it wouldn’t be easy to crush an ant like itself.

To put it bluntly, even if his life is really in danger, military technology cannot send people to protect him 24 hours a day.

He is just a small border guard. In the eyes of the company, he is just a dispensable person.

Just numbers.

Ultimately, the border guard didn’t bother to get the phone.

Compared with life, this extra money is not worth it.

When Su Xiao came out of Room 2, the staff at the service desk outside were talking to each other.

“Those little bastards still think that Night City is paradise.”

“Then what can you do? Young people are naive.”

There are people sitting on the chairs.

There was no place to sit, and some people had to stand.

They are all outsiders who come from other places and want to enter the Night City, become famous and prosperous.

Su Xiao picked up the stored weapons from the service desk.

Exit the border building.

Jack was seen leaning against his car.

As soon as he saw Lidya Su coming out, he couldn’t wait to ask: “What’s the situation inside?”

PS: There will be a chapter later.

Chapter 11 Loli!

Su Xiao opened the car door: “I’ll tell you later, let’s get out of here first.”

“Yes, hurry up.”

Jack was convinced.

The two got into the car and drove out of the border inspection station.

The road behind the checkpoint is blocked by roadblocks on both sides.

You can only keep driving along the road.

After driving for a while, I saw that the checkpoint was getting further and further away.

Jack couldn’t help but ask again.

“What’s going on inside? Tell me about it?”

“It was almost like a regular inspection, but the person asked a question that, normally, he shouldn’t have asked.”

“what is the problem?”

“He asked me what family of Rangers I was from.”

Jack is a native of Heywood. He doesn’t even do the business of “carrying goods” often, and he doesn’t know anything about homeless people.

“Then how did you answer?”

“I said Snake State.”

“Then are you from Snake State?”


Jack had a troubled expression on his face

“Is it going to be okay?”

Su Xiao took out the weapons, checked them one by one to make sure they were correct, and placed the weapons where they could be used at any time.

“Drive it, Jack, just drive it.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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