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Start in Night City — Chapter 17

Money is a good thing.

Especially in a place like Night City.

One euro stumps a heroic man, but without money it is difficult to move forward.

But stealing a car, something that is immoral and not recommended, made Su Xiao immediately face JOJO.

“Daga, the road is wide and open.”

Yes, he was short of money.

But he has a bottom line.

Even in a worse place like Night City, there are some things that just can’t be done.

“Don’t refuse in a hurry, Su.” Jack seemed to understand the reason for Su Xiao’s refusal. “I’ll show you something good.”

Jack was working on his laptop again.

Clicked on a video.

The scene in the video looks like a press conference.

A Japanese man wearing glasses and a suit spoke to the camera with a bad Japanese accent.

“In my opinion, the poverty problem in Night City can actually be easily solved. As long as the city hall enacts such a system—for every scalp of a poor person turned in, a reward of 100 euros will be given.”

“Believe me, before Thanksgiving next year, the poor in Night City will be as rare as endangered animals.”

The sexy female host holding the microphone asked cautiously, “Don’t you think this is too cruel to the poor?”

The Japanese laughed.

“Cruelty, what is cruelty? The reason why the bottom of Night City is poor is because they don’t work hard enough and don’t know how to be grateful.”

“In my hometown, Japan, the rich live in villas with bright windows and beautiful surroundings, while the poor can only live in moldy and rotten slums. But the poor will not complain and resentment, because they know that they are just like the rich. , all have a bright future.”

Su Xiao felt her blood pressure rise.

Hard, hard, fist hard.

“You want to mess with this guy? Okay, take me with you, Jack.”

“I knew I could count on you, Su, let’s walk.”

While taking the subway to Ember Nightclub, Su Xiao suddenly thought of a question.

You must know that high-end mobile phones in the early 21st century all have safety measures that allow the human and machine to be separated by ten meters and automatically explode.

It’s already 2077, and the level of safety measures for a high-end car like this will only become safer.

How else to do it?

I’m afraid that the alarm will be triggered before getting close.

Lidya Su expressed her doubts. Unexpectedly, Jack listened but didn’t take it seriously.

“What you thought of, of course I thought of it too.”

“Although I have never been to Ember Nightclub, I know the rules there.”

“Guests who go to Ember will throw their keys to the parking boy, who will then park the car in the underground parking lot.”

“Then leave the keys in the security room in the parking lot.”

“When the guests have had enough fun and come out, the parking boy will take the keys from the security room, drive the car out of the parking lot, and return it to the guests.”

“What we have to do is go directly to the security room, take the keys, start the luxury car, and drive away.”

Chapter 15 Are you the famous V?

The northern part of the valley area,

It’s different from elsewhere.

The further north you go, the more prosperous it becomes.

Especially the part near the Civic Center.

It will make people mistakenly think that they are in America’s most glorious golden years during Roosevelt’s New Deal.

There are no unemployed people, no seedy shantytowns and no gang activity.

Instead, patrolling police cars and police officers on duty can be seen on many roads.

There is no doubt that the security situation in the northern part of the valley where the city hall is located is not much better than in the south.

After getting off the subway, Su Xiao and Jack walked on the way to Ember Nightclub.

“Who was the middleman who called you?”

“Wakako Okada, some people call her the Queen of Westbrook. However, in my opinion, although she is not the real queen, she is almost there.”

Although Jack looks big, he is not stupid at all.

He is not a muscular man with “well-developed limbs and simple mind”.

In fact, he also guessed that Su Xiao’s previous statement that “he took the order from the middleman” was probably false.

However, he himself also wanted to leave Su Xiao and run away.

So it’s even.

Since they were going to work together in the future, Jack patiently explained to Lidya Su.

“In Night City, middlemen are not uncommon. They are organizers, agents, and introducers.”

“They know the latest news on the street, who’s paying the right price, and whose order smells fishy from afar.”

“Every middleman has his own style of doing things, but they all follow certain rules:”

“——As long as you work for them, they will never leave you alone.”

“Of course, the reverse is also true. If you don’t believe it, just try it and see what the results will be if you use the middleman to make fun of you.”

Lidya Su asked curiously.

“Has no one thought about bypassing the middleman and allowing mercenaries to do business directly with customers?”

Jack laughed.

Lidya Su’s idea is not surprising.

It can be said that newcomers who have just arrived in Night City will basically have this idea.

“Of course, but once you’ve been scammed once or twice, or you didn’t get the money and got shot instead, you’ll know that you should find a reliable middleman.”

“As long as you prove your strength, you no longer have to worry about not getting an order. The middleman will help you select people and negotiate a good price – after all, they want a commission from it.”

“No matter what kind of trouble you get into during the mission, they’re going to fish you out – unless it’s your own fault, in which case no one can help you.”

“However, when we become famous, we really don’t need to offend them anymore.”

“When the time comes, no matter what the commission or the middleman, let them all stand aside.”

Lidya Su nodded.

His eyes suddenly glanced at a weapons store on the roadside.

“Wait for me, I’ll be right back.”

Jack was stunned.

“Hey, hey, what are you doing?”

Unlike real gun stores, you don’t need to show any proof to purchase weapons in Night City’s weapon stores.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy weapons.

Of course, weapons stores sell mostly weapons produced by low-end manufacturers.

If you want military technology, constitutional military industry, or mid-to-high-end products from Kangtao and Arasaka, it is difficult to buy them in regular weapons stores.

If you really want it, you can only try your luck on the black market.

And the prices are usually very high.

Lidya Su didn’t plan to buy high-end goods.

He just bought some flash bombs and smoke bombs in the store for emergencies.

As soon as he paid, Jack caught up with him.

“Why did you buy these things?” Jack said in a low voice, “We are going to pick up the car, not to fight.”

Lidya Su also lowered her voice: “I have a bad feeling.”

Jack was stunned for a moment: “Then do you often have premonitions like this?”

“No, but something bad happens every time.”

Jack cursed in Spanish.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Lidya Su, but he is unwilling to give up like this.

Because Wakako gave too much.

He sighed.

We can only take it one step at a time and adapt to circumstances.

Huge skyscrapers cover endless winding streets.

The neon halo sets the stage for the reinforced concrete ballet.

Under the floodlights and giant screens that fill the sky, bulky floating vehicles move like swimming fish.

Ember Nightclub, here it is.

“This way.”

Arriving in front of the Ember Nightclub building, Jack took Su Xiao familiarly and walked towards the alley next to it.

A homeless man was rummaging through cans in the garbage.

He quickly hid the can he just picked up in his clothes.

Afraid of being snatched away.

The two of them ignored him and just walked straight to the side elevator.

The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of them was a long and narrow aisle.

There are many doors on both sides of the corridor, and I don’t know where they lead.

Go through the passage, open the door, and finally arrive at the underground parking lot.

The brightly lit parking lot is filled with all kinds of high-end cars.

Sports cars, muscle cars, SUVs…it’s all there.

“Get down and follow me.”

Of course in the underground parking lot

Full of surveillance.

But Jack knew that there was a blind spot in this surveillance.

After all, this is just a nightclub, not Arasaka Tower.

As long as you stick to the wall and walk to the security room, you can get the key to the supercar and turn off the surveillance of the entire underground parking lot.

But when the two of them cautiously approached the security room, something unexpected happened.

There was no one in the security room.

Where are people?

Why is such a big living person missing?

Could it be that he went to fish, right?


At this time, Jack next to him cursed.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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