Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 18

Su Xiao looked in the direction Jack was looking at.

I saw a girl wearing a blue vest and trousers, with a hot figure and a beautiful face, who actually took the lead and got into a very sci-fi style and valuable super sports car.

Lidya Su has a good memory.

Although they had only seen it once, they clearly remembered that the middleman wanted them to target a wealthy businessman, which was the car the girl got into.

There were actually two middlemen, both eyeing the same supercar.

And it happened to hit him?

“Su, when we go, we must not let that woman get there first.”

Jack greeted and rushed forward first.

Lidya Su originally planned to follow, but suddenly felt a sense of alarm in her heart.

“Jack, come back! Jack!”

How could Jack listen?

Wakako paid a lot of money, how could he just watch and let the duck fly?

After the girl got into the car, she did not use the key, but she may have used a cracker or other tools, and she successfully cracked the supercar’s security program.

The car lights came on, obviously it had been started.

And just at this moment, Jack arrived.

Since the security program has been cracked by the girl, Jack can also open the car door from the outside.

I didn’t expect that there would be people who cut off their beards.

The girl’s delicate face suddenly showed an expression of shock and anger.

Jack was not polite to her either.

Leaning against the car door, he pointed a pistol at her head.

“Come out.”

Chapter 16 Get down to business, Jack

Run away in a car? Or talk?

The girl struggled for a second and gave up her plan to escape by car.

The gun was pointed at her head, and she didn’t think she could outrun the bullet.

Maybe some people can use their muscles to withstand continuous fire from a 20mm cannon when they are extremely angry.

But people and their constitutions cannot be generalized.

When she is extremely angry, she will only be extremely angry.

The girl raised her hands obediently.

He was afraid that if he moved too much, he would irritate Jack.

“OK, take it easy.”

Seeing that the girl was willing to cooperate honestly instead of trying to step on the accelerator and throw herself away, Jack’s expression softened a lot.

However, the gun never moved away from the girl’s head.

“I’m not targeting you, friend, it’s all business. Rayfield belongs to me.”

The girl was shocked and angry, “What? Brother, don’t you understand the rules on the road? First come, first served, I came first.”

Jack knew that what he was doing was unethical and unreasonable.

So he wasn’t going to argue with the girl.

“Listen, I only give you two options – peaceful solution, or violent solution.”

“No matter what, there is only one ending – I drive the car away.”

Jack turned his head quickly.

Seeing that Lidya Su didn’t follow him.

My heart skipped a beat.

But now it is difficult to get off the tiger.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

Jack wanted to pull the girl out.

But at this moment, the sirens suddenly sounded loudly.

Two police cars roared into the parking lot and drifted to a stop in front of the two men.

In a semi-encirclement manner.

“iQué chingados (holy shit)…?!”

Jack was dumbfounded.

Why is NCPD here?

And it came so quickly?

At this time, he suddenly remembered that Lidya Su had previously said that he had a bad premonition.

I didn’t expect it to come true.

“NCPD! Drop your weapons!”

“Don’t move!”

“You’re all under arrest!”

“Stand where you are!”

The officers got out of the car and aimed their guns.

Jack quickly raised his hands, then slowly bent his knees, put the gun on the ground, and threw it close to the ground.

You know, with his skin color, if he walks on the street, even if he does nothing, he is very likely to get a free magazine emptying package service from the NCPD.

Not to mention he actually had a gun.

After Jack took the initiative to disarm himself, two more courageous police officers came forward.

They pushed Jack and the girl to the ground respectively.

A man walked slowly out of the Tyndall effect of car lights and dust in the air.

Looking at the two people who were kneeling on the ground, he said with a mocking tone in his spare time.

“Jack Wills, an old friend of the Bureau. After all these years, why don’t you still have a long memory?”

Jack raised his head and said, “Hey, isn’t this Inspector Stings? Long time no see.”

“It’s Inspector Stings,” the man corrected.

Jack curled his lips disdainfully.

“A virtuous (cao) line.”

Stings didn’t take Jack’s words seriously.

Instead, he turned to look at the girl.

“Speaking of which… your accomplice looks familiar.”

Seeing that the girl didn’t speak, Stings said again: “Come on, if you have anything to say, just say it. I’m waiting.”

“You recognize me, but I don’t recognize you.”

Seeing that the other party did not recognize him, Stings did not bother to introduce himself. Instead, he listed the other party’s recent situation: “I ran to Atlanta to look for a happy life. It seems that you didn’t find it.”

Stings walked slowly and deliberately in front of the girl and squatted down.

The police badge pinned to his chest shines brightly in the light behind him.

The work badge hanging around his neck dangled with his movements.

“I’ve said it before, you bunch of stinky maggots from Heywood are all virtuous (cao) people.”

“Born here, mixed here, died here. It seems I was right.”

The girl was very unconvinced: “Have we talked enough? What do you want?”

Stings scoffed.

“When you go out to fool around, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand upright when you are beaten. Don’t you understand this?”

“If you weren’t caught, you could drive around the city in a supercar, but if you are caught, you’re going to have to suffer a lot.”

A policewoman next to her reminded in a low voice.

“Superintendent, if the chief hears this, he will definitely accuse you of being politically incorrect again.”

Stings’ facial muscles twitched.

Jack next to him said, “Hey, let us go. If you say you’re going to arrest us, what else can we do besides beating us up until the trial?”

“The worst I can do is just a few months. Let me tell you, these days only the prison camp has a place, so if you can’t get enough guarantees, you have to be released early.”

Over the past 50 years, dramatic changes in social structure have greatly increased the proportion of the poorest people.

The economic recession, the global financial crisis, and the growing poverty rate have created a large number of underclass and marginalized classes in cities.

In today’s era, the right to education is firmly in the hands of companies. For ordinary people, let alone climbing up, it is good enough not to decline.

Oh, you are already at the bottom and marginalized class of society, and there is no room for decline?

That’s okay.

Most people in this world, when they first see their parents when they come into this world, are 200% what they will be like in the future.

When I first saw the environment I was in, I realized that it was one thousand percent myself. From now on, I would never be able to escape from the plight of poverty.

Technology is everywhere, but rapidly developing technology will always only take care of a very small number of people at the top of the pyramid.

Stings himself came out of Heywood.

But he knew that people like him were cases that could not be used as a reference.

In addition to him, there is another Haywood man who plays basketball and also gets the opportunity to change his destiny.

There are very few people like them in such a big Heywood.

More other Haywood people either joined the Valentino Gang and were shot to death by flying bullets at some point.

Or just be an unknown ordinary person, and then be shot to death by flying bullets one day.

Even if you are lucky enough to not be involved in various accidents in your life, you will definitely be squeezed to death in this life.

So Stings doesn’t say, “Get down to business, Jack.”

It’s not Jack’s fault.

It’s the world’s fault!

It’s Night City’s fault!

It is the fault of a company that takes everything away from people and then gives a little to make people grateful!

Just like Jack said, the NCPD doesn’t have enough cells to house thieves like them.

Even if they were really stuffed in, they would only be locked up for a few months at most.

Moreover, they will be released early because there are not enough cells.

Night City is like that.

There are so many criminals that there is no room for them in the cells.

NCPD receives dozens of police calls every minute.

Fifty percent of the NCPD’s police force is assigned to North Oak and Charter Hill.

The former is the mansion of dignitaries, and the latter is the paradise of the middle class.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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