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Start in Night City — Chapter 22

Insert the chip into Su Xiao’s laptop.

The content is displayed quickly.

What can be seen is that Kirk did take over the job of the Uzumaki Gang.

The Uzumaki Gang’s main source of income is smuggling illegal drugs and flash.

They transported Sparkle to the Badlands and sold it to a gang of knives, who then bought illegal drugs that the knives had obtained from the company.

Luandaohui does not refer to any specific group of people.

Instead, they are made up of robbers, criminals, and outcasts who committed crimes and were expelled from the wandering families, collectively known as the Random Sword Society.

Kirk hired a driver to help the Whirlpool Gang move goods.

And what they have to do is simply find a way to mess up Kirk.

Regarding this, Su Xiao already has a plan.

As long as the plan is successful, it will be guaranteed that Kirk will not be able to eat and walk around.

The only problem is that there are many roads from Watson District to the Badlands to the east.

Which way would Kirk’s hired driver take?

Discussions lasted until midnight over Mexican noodle soup and nachos served by Mrs. Wells.

Finally, Su Xiao discovered the blind spot.

They can completely ambush the driver on his way.

Since we are sending Twinkle to the bad land in the east, we must pass through Santo Domingo.

There is only one main road from Watson District to Santo Domingo and then to the border checkpoint in the east.

As long as you set up an ambush on this road, you will definitely be able to ambush someone.

After the plan was finalized, the three of them fell asleep and slept until now.

Although Pepi and he were neither relatives nor friends, their friendship was not deep.

But he was friends with Jack.

If you can take care of it, you should try your best to take care of it.

What’s more, people are always in trouble.

Helping others also means hoping to get help from others when you are at a low point.

Lidya Su believes it.

When he and Jack are in trouble, Pepi will come to their aid.

In the bar, Pepi is helping Mrs. Wells clean.

When it opens for business, he has to retreat to the garage.

Kirk said that he would not cause trouble for Pepi.


But Jack and V didn’t intend to help Kirk.

To be on the safe side, it was safer for Pepi to hide in the garage until the matter was resolved.

Su Xiao approached Pepi.

Pull him aside.

Sneak him a few hundred euros.

“Su, I’m very grateful, but I can’t accept this money. Besides, it won’t be enough for me to pay back the interest.”

“What are you thinking about? This money is not for you to pay off your debts. Give me something to win.”

Pepi gasped, shocked.

Looking at Lidya Su’s eyes,


“Su, what do you want with that? I’m telling you, don’t touch that. If you do, this person’s life will be ruined.”

Lidya Su rolled her eyes.

When he was in kindergarten, he memorized “Never engage in pornography, gambling, or drugs.”

He was born and raised in a country with the strictest anti-drug laws and the most successful anti-drug education.

The Americans and the Seris are in danger, who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru?

“Of course I know, this is not for my own use. Don’t ask, just buy it.”

With that said, he patted Pepi on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of these few days. After these few days, Kirk will no longer be able to cause trouble to you.”

In the next few days, regular visitors to the Wild Wolf Bar discovered that the bartender had changed from a muscular man to a young man.

Most people are okay with that.

As long as someone can pour the wine.

One morning a few days later, Pepi took a brand new shoe box and handed it to Su Xiao.

What is inside is what Lidya Su wants.

Su Xiao asked Pepi to wait for his good news in the garage.

I called V and Jack and drove to Santo Domingo.

Santo Domingo is one of the oldest districts in Night City.

It is bordered by Westbrook to the north, Heywood and Pacific Island to the west, and the windswept badlands to the east.

Tens of thousands of cramped apartments are crowded into towering super-buildings.

The suburban utopia dream created through single-family houses can be seen everywhere in Night City.

But nowhere is this more apparent than in Santo Domingo.

High-rise buildings and low-rise buildings are next to each other, and factories and power stations are close to each other. The community should be filled with an idyllic atmosphere.

The urban planning that divided different functional areas based on service functions completely came to nothing.

Santo Domingo is like your good-for-nothing cousin’s backyard, full of tattered pickup trucks and moldy garden decorations.

The place looks different from day to day.

Because land is cheap, no matter how ridiculous a development plan is, it can be launched and then neatly scrapped to make way for the next attempt.

Santo Domingo is divided into two areas: the River Valley and the Rancho Coronado.

In the Valle district, the abandoned buildings of bankrupt factories dot the industrial heartland of Santo Domingo.

Unfortunately, desolation also brought with it an inexorable creep of low-level criminality and depravity.

But in the bedroom community of Coronado Ranch, white picket fences, and pristine green lawns surround the sprawling homes.

There is another breathtaking beauty.

Tree-lined streets wind like meadow streams through them.

Leading residents from the tranquility of the countryside to the factories and foundries of the river valley.

Chapter 21 Barbie is Qing now

Su Xiao and the other three drove to the main road in the river valley area.

After observing the area for a while, I finally decided on a location.

“Just be there.”

In the direction Su Xiao was pointing, there was an unfinished building. It was one of the many unfinished projects and abandoned factories in Santo Domingo. It had an excellent view, but at the same time it looked very ordinary and would not attract anyone’s attention.

Even if an accident occurs, you can evacuate from behind in time.

“You guys go over there first, I’ll be back later.”

Su Xiao picked up a backpack, got out of the car, and walked to the main road.

From his backpack, he took out the Twinkle that Pepi had bought.

Then, he took out two more shoes from his backpack.

He put the package into one of his shoes.

Tie the laces of both shoes together.

Then he threw the two shoes onto the wires in mid-air.

He’s lucky.

It worked the first time.

After doing this, he went to join V and Jack.

In the abandoned unfinished building, black and smelly water flows across the ground, and there is garbage everywhere you look.

But even in such a harsh living environment, there are still marginalized classes who are not even at the bottom and regard this place as their home.

Licking wounds and starving.

Arriving at the top of the building, V and Jack were already waiting there.

As soon as he saw Lidya Su coming up, Jack couldn’t help but ask: “What did you throw up there?”

When he came over, he saw Lidya Su taking something out of his backpack.

Just because of the perspective, I didn’t see clearly what it was.

Lidya Su didn’t hide it either.


“Are you sure it’s Twinkle? Not a bomb?”

Jack was stunned.

I really don’t understand what use that thing could have.

Lidya Su smiled and didn’t explain much.

The three of them continued to lurk.

Soon after, a truck appeared on the road.

It was coming from the direction of Westbrook.

There is also a Whole Foods Factory pattern printed on the carriage.

All three of them were refreshed.

“This is this car, what should we do?”

Su Xiao held Jack down and said, “Don’t move, just let me do it.”

He set up the Ice Storm sniper rifle, put the truck firmly into the scope, and followed the movement of the truck.

His finger was on the trigger, but there was no movement.

Seeing the truck heading to the border inspection station in the east, Su Xiao seemed to be asleep and did not react at all.

Jack couldn’t help but said anxiously: “Su?”

V also looked at Lidya Su nervously


But Su Xiao turned a deaf ear.

He was concentrating as if the only thing left in the world was the truck in the scope.

Finally, when the truck passed by the wire with the shoes hanging on it, Su Xiao fired.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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