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Start in Night City — Chapter 24

New America attempts to capture the city and re-integrate Night City into its sphere of influence.

It was Ryan who “led” the heroic resistance of the citizens, and also invited an aircraft carrier from Arasaka (the latter is the key point).

Only then did they defeat the New American army and safeguard the independence and freedom of Night City.

Because of this incident, Ryan was able to avoid any danger in that election, reversed the decline in one fell swoop, regained the support of the majority of people, and was successfully re-elected.

Now, the mayoral election is half a year away and will be held again.

But not this time, the army of New America came to “help” him.

Not only that, but a new political star named Jefferson Peralez jumped out.

That guy either went to TV and participated in the popular program “Tonight’s Talk”, or appeared on the streets and appeared frequently.

Even the webmaster admits that Peralez’s eloquence is contagious and provocative.

Even the webmaster’s own family members planned to vote for Peralez.

The emergence of Peralez seriously threatens and shakes Ryan’s foundation.

Therefore, it is not difficult to wonder why Mayor Lane insists on wiping out the Whole Foods factory.

If he can destroy a drug den during his term of office, it will still be a big den.

This is undoubtedly a great political achievement.

It can attract a lot of votes.

Thinking of this, the unwilling webmaster thought a little.

In fact, he has some dirty information about Ryan. Should he use this to threaten Ryan and make him change his mind?

But his mind soon changed.

Because when he takes off other people’s underwear, his own underwear will also be taken off.

Moreover, Ryan will never tolerate others holding him back during elections.

The webmaster carefully weighed the pros and cons and couldn’t think of any good solution, so he finally had to give up.

Watson District, North End.

The Whole Foods factory can be seen from the viaduct.

Su Xiao and V were sitting in the car.

Jack was lying on the guardrail of the viaduct.

After returning from Santo Domingo, the three of them first went to a roadside stall and bought some food.

Then I drove directly and came here.

On the way here, Su Xiao explained to Jack the intention of doing this.

To put it simply, they deliberately framed (it doesn’t seem to be said to be framed) the truck of the Whole Foods factory, and then caused the NCPD to target the Whole Foods factory.

But Jack didn’t believe it.

He has been living in this garbage heap since he was born.

What kind of virtue is NCPD? He still doesn’t know?

They would only use this to blackmail and threaten the Uzumaki Gang in Whole Foods Factory, forcing the Uzumaki Gang to share the profits from selling Shining to them.

How could they send troops to attack the Whirlpool Gang?

Have you ever seen a crow with wings that are not black?

Jack came over and put his hand on the car window.

“I said, Su, how long do we have to wait here? They won’t come.”

“They’ll come, just be patient, Jack.”

Jack exhaled and said no more.

But the shaking legs and his expression at the moment.

All revealed the irritability in his heart.

Seeing this, Lidya Su suddenly thought of an idea, “Jack, do you want to make a bet?”

“What are you betting on?” Jack became interested.

“If you win, I’ll pay for your drinks for a month.”

“Su, you finally made some money, you…”

“It doesn’t matter. If you run out of money, you can make it again.”

“Now that you say so…hehe, Su, you will regret it.” Jack rubbed his hands, as if he was already imagining that he would drink alcohol every day for the next month.

You can tell what Jack is thinking just by looking at the beaming expression on his face.

But Lidya Su didn’t expose it either.

“Then what if you lose?”

“Losing? How is it possible? It doesn’t exist.”

Jack felt he had a great advantage.

Su Xiao is a wanderer.

I have only been in Night City for a few days.

Can a native like him understand it deeply?


No one knows NCPD better than me.

“If I lose, I will eat your laptop on the spot.”

As soon as Jack finished speaking, he heard the sound of police sirens below.

Chapter 23 If the NCPD dares to come, I will eat this computer on the spot!

One police car after another roared towards the Whole Foods factory.

At least there are dozens of them.

Maybe all the police from Night City will come.

A large number of police cars were divided into two teams.

One team went straight to the main gate, and the other team went around the back.

Countless police officers wearing bulletproof vests and armed with firearms got out of their cars and used police cars as cover to surround the Whole Foods factory.

Following the police car were several black vans.

After arriving at the destination, no one got out of these vans, but the carriages opened to both sides, like flower buds in full bloom.

What got off the black van was the walking mecha that NCPD purchased from Military Technology at no expense.

The three to five meter tall mecha was completely black and exuded cold murderous intent.

“Fire in the hole!”

The walking mecha fired grenades one after another, blowing open the door of the Whole Foods factory.


Police officers poured in like a tide and engaged in a fierce gun battle with members of the Vortex Gang inside the Whole Foods factory.

The sound of gunfire and fire can be clearly transmitted even from such a distance.

However, the NCPD has serious walking mechas, and grenades and Gatlings are constantly pouring out. The Uzumaki Gang lacks heavy firepower. Even if they are drugged and not afraid of death, they will only suffer heavy casualties.

On the viaduct, Jack looked confused.

He couldn’t have imagined it.

Why did these guys from the NCPD suddenly change their temper?

Did you take the wrong medicine?

Brick took several of his cronies and finally escaped from the secret passage.

Fortunately, the exit of the secret passage is located on another street next to the Whole Foods Factory.

Even though the NCPD has surrounded the Whole Foods factory, it’s still safe.

Near the exit of the secret passage, there is a car specially used for escape.

Brick and others got in the car and sped towards the Dance of Death Bar, another stronghold of the Whirlpool Gang.

In the car, Brick punched the window.

He really couldn’t figure it out.

He spends a lot of money on NCPD every month.

How could NCPD take care of itself?

The more Brick thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more angry he became.

Finally, I simply called the informant in the NCPD.

Only then did we finally learn that the driver who was delivering goods to the Whole Foods factory was caught at the border inspection station, which triggered what happened next.

Moreover, the NCPD chief originally planned to treat Brick with courtesy first and then fight with him.

But this is a tough request from the mayor.

The director had no way to refuse.

The director of the NCPD is different from the director of the border inspection station.

The latter belongs to military technology and can nominally give the mayor some face.

But if a choice needs to be made between the company and the city hall, the webmaster will not hesitate to stand with the company.

But the NCPD chief is different. He is directly under the control of the city hall.

I definitely don’t dare to secretly make small moves when Mayor Ryan is paying the most attention.

After making the call, Brick asked, “Who hired that driver?”

A close confidant next to him replied: “Kirk, the one from Heywood, the middleman who has a very unsatisfactory life.”

“F*ck! I damn well know that bastard is unreliable! Kirk, right? Bastard, you’re dead!”

Brick’s spider-like prosthetic eyes flashed with a dangerous red light.

“Okay, the show is over, let’s go back and tell Pepi the news. He won’t have to worry about Kirk anymore.”

Su Xiao saw gunshots coming from the direction of the Whole Foods factory.

It gradually stopped, and I knew that the battle inside was probably almost over.

After all, the NCPD even brought walking mechas over, and it was another raid…

The Uzumaki Gang was caught off guard. Whole Foods Factory is a workshop for processing food and sparkling food, not a military fortress. It’s surprising that it can withstand it.

As for the division of gangs in the city, Su Xiao learned a little bit about it from Jack.

Know that the Whole Foods plant is Brick’s turf.

That is, Kirk’s employer.

Su Xiao was not worried about what would happen if Brick died in the Whole Foods factory.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Brick dies or not.

Even if he does die, someone will take over.

As for Kirk, it wasn’t just Brick who was tricked, but the Maelstrom Gang.

This account will not be forgotten if the boss is changed.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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