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Start in Night City — Chapter 26

A modified Ranger car passes through the border inspection station from the north of Night City.

“Is this okay, little girl?”

The white-haired girl nodded and got off the modified car: “This is fine, thank you. How much is the fare?”

McCoy waved his hand.

“No need for fare. We have to go to the city to do business anyway. I just saw you on the road and gave you a ride. It’s not too much trouble. Just be careful. Little girl, Night City is different from what you think. This is a city that eats people.”

McCoy thought that this white-haired girl came to Night City because she could realize the American dream in Night City.

But what he didn’t know was that the white-haired girl had other reasons.

Compared with the place she spent time with before, Night City may actually be safer – at least until the people from Arasaka come looking for her.

Chapter 25 Why is it only 30%?

Return to the Wolf Bar.

First drive the car into the garage.

The three of them went into the bar again to get something to eat.

In a corner on the second floor of the bar, the three of them were eating and chatting.

V bit the straw and came up with an idea.

“Su, I have a suggestion. In fact, you don’t need to open the shop yourself. You can cooperate with the priest.”

“Anyway, don’t you have to ask the priest for help with materials and parts? Then why not go all-in-one and let the priest take care of the sales for you.”

“Although this may require giving the priest more profits, it can save you a lot of trouble, what do you think?”

Jack next to him also agreed: “This is a good suggestion, and the priest is quite reliable as an intermediary. At least in the years I have known the priest, I have never seen him abandon or betray anyone – provided you don’t betray him. if.”

“Then can you ask for me now?”

“Wait a minute, I’ll call him right now.”

Jack puts down the chicken taco.

Eyes light up.

After a while, Jack ended the call.

“The priest agreed, but he had a proposal.”

“What’s your proposal? Let’s hear it.”

“After selling each technical weapon, the money earned will be divided into three parts after deducting the cost of materials and parts.”

Before Su Xiao could speak, V said a little disappointedly: “Why is it only 30%?”

Technical weapons are no more expensive than kinetic weapons.

Be higher.

But the share of only 30% is a bit low, isn’t it?

Based on V’s understanding of the priest, the priest should not be such a person.

“V, you don’t understand what I mean. 30% belongs to the priest, and 70% belongs to Su Na.” Jack grinned. The priest valued Su Xiao very much, and even his brother, his face, was proud of it. “Just take it as what the priest said.” It’s about making friends.”

“By the way, I almost forgot to ask, how many technical weapons can you assemble in a day?”

Lidya Su did not answer immediately, but thought about it.

The complexity of technical weapons far exceeds that of kinetic weapons.

There are still many gunsmiths in Night City who can repair and assemble kinetic energy weapons.

But those who can develop technical weapons are definitely rare.

Otherwise, all the major gangs would have given up their kinetic weapons long ago and replaced all their members with technical weapons.

As for smart weapons, that’s a fight between gods and goddesses.

If you look at the manufacturers that can produce smart weapons, they are all top-notch.

Technical weapons are more complex in structure than kinetic weapons.

Manufacturing is slower.

Su Xiaoxin thought that he could guarantee two hours a day.

Probably about five can be made.

“Five? I remember seeing in a weapons store that the cheapest technical weapon costs 20,000 yuan. You can make five of them in one day. Isn’t that…”

Jack’s eyes widened.

No wonder the old saying always goes, if you compare with others, you will die, but if you compare with goods, you will throw them away.

For little-known mercenaries like them, each commission only costs a few thousand euros.

Still divided between three people.

Lidya Su is good.

That’s a lot of money coming in in one day.

There is no need to fight for life or death, you can make money while lying down comfortably.

See Lidya Su and Jack come to an agreement.

V, who had just returned from a trip to the bathroom, sat down again and looked at Su Xiaodao.

“Su, it seems to me that you don’t even have a neural socket. Have you not implanted any prosthetic body or undergone body modification?”

After hearing V’s words, Su Xiao subconsciously touched the back of her head.

Although the Bakker family is not a good gunsmith, the level of the prosthetic doctor is really extraordinary.

The gunshot wound he suffered when he first came into this world has now completely healed.

Not even a scar was left.

Lidya Su shook her head: “Sorry, I don’t like that feeling.”

V and Jack looked at each other.

“But if you don’t even have the most basic neural slots, it will be very troublesome.”

In 2077, prosthetic bodies have become a common sight like smartphones.

No matter how poor a person is, they will find a way to at least install a first-generation implant.

Although the latest implant has now been updated to the fourth generation.

The first generation has long been completely obsolete.

But for those poor people who have problems with food and clothing, the first generation of implants

It is still a very cost-effective choice.

As for pure humans like Su Xiao who resist the transformation of prosthetics, of course there are also them.

That is the cyber monk who is looking for a way to sublimate his soul.

The monks believe that cyberpsychosis is responsible for the emergence of cyberpsychosis that is plaguing society today.

In fact, it comes from the loss of flesh and blood.

The human soul and flesh and blood complement each other and are indispensable.

The soul needs the nourishment and nourishment of flesh and blood.

If the body gradually becomes prosthetic, it will cause the soul to suffer until it slips into the abyss of madness.

This is the birth of cyberpsychosis.

“Why don’t I go buy a mobile phone tomorrow?”

“What kind of mobile phone should I buy? If you really don’t want to get an implant, why don’t I buy you AR glasses?”

Today’s AR glasses can be regarded as a miniature mobile phone.

Making holographic calls and sending text messages are just the most basic functions.

Functions such as transferring money and sending red envelopes have also been implemented.

Also has neural sockets and personal cables.

Almost as long as you have a pair of AR glasses, the difficulties you encounter in daily life can be easily solved even without implants.

Some people may ask, if this is the case, why do so many people install implants instead of simply using AR glasses?

it’s actually really easy.

The price of AR glasses is very low.

A pair costs tens of thousands of euros.

It’s already comparable to the basic military-grade prosthetic body.

Its function is only to replace the most basic implant.

The price/performance ratio is so low.

It’s a bit like putting tens of thousands of Herman Miller ergonomic chairs together with two to three thousand Baoyou ergonomic chairs and ordinary rattan chairs for people to choose from.

Most people will choose the latter two.

It’s not that Herman Miller is not good, it’s just that the high price is there and the threshold is too high.

With an investment of 10,000 yuan, many people will choose to buy a new computer or a mobile phone instead of a chair.

AR glasses are therefore insulated from the underlying layer.

Of course, AR glasses are not originally meant for the bottom layer.

It’s just a rich man’s toy.

In the next few days, none of the three received any more commissions.

Jack concentrated on Lidya Su’s affairs, running back and forth.

V is in charge of logistics.

He can always serve delicious and sumptuous food and drinks to Su Xiao and Jack when they are hungry and thirsty.

Su Xiao was in the garage, using the tools, parts, and materials sent by the priest’s men to make technical weapons.

Just like V and Jack said.

The priest is a very reliable middleman.

Promise that Su Xiao’s share will be settled every day and will never be in arrears.

Even the priest knew from Jack that Su Xiao needed a pair of AR glasses.

He directly asked his subordinates to bring them over when delivering materials and parts.

Chapter 26 Tactical eyepiece, activate! I see you are too empty

This pair of AR glasses is entirely silver-white and has a full sense of technology.

After getting it, Su Xiao couldn’t wait to put on the AR glasses.


The phone sounded that only Su Xiao could hear.

A small box pops up in the field of vision.

The caller ID said Jack Wills.

After it was connected, Jack’s voice came clearly to his ears.

“Hey Sue, how about this little thing from Father?”

“It’s okay, pretty good.”

Wearing it on the bridge of your nose, you can barely feel the weight.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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