Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 27

There is no sense of oppression at all.

The two chatted for a while longer before ending the communication.

At this time, the system that had been dormant for a long time finally came online.

“You are thinking that AR glasses are not only toys for the rich, but also have room for improvement. They can be realized with just a few adjustments. Should you spend 5 potential points to get the improved blueprint?”

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment.

Then he was overjoyed.

It turns out that the skill “I am thinking” is passively triggered.

Good guy, Su Xiao called him a good guy.

He stayed with the Bakker family for only half a year.

Now that we are in Night City, so much time has passed.

Real Goldfinger is finally online.

This is too touchable.

What was the reason for being infected with pigeon attributes?

After finishing complaining, Su Xiao called out the panel.

Take a look.

Previously, when resisting the Snake State soldiers in the Bakker family camp, he gained 3 potential points.

Later, the cyberpsychosis in the town outside Night City contributed another 2 potential points.

No more, no less, exactly 5 o’clock.

“5 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint—tactical eyepiece.”

The next moment, a large amount of drawing content and manufacturing knowledge were crazily poured into Su Xiao’s mind like a river flowing into the sea.

Even the learning chip used by rich children is very slow in uploading knowledge, and only part of it can be uploaded every day.

If he were like Su Xiao, his head would explode like a watermelon.

But Su Xiao has systematic protection, even though her head hurts.

But still absorbed all the knowledge.

He had a thought in his mind.

The materials required for manufacturing tactical eyepieces are clearly presented in my mind.

Su Xiao left the garage and found Zheng

In the Wolf Bar, Jack helps V with some work.

“Are these the AR glasses you bought from the priest? They look really good on you.”

V’s praise is full of emotion, without any technique.

“Thank you. You have all worked hard. Leave tonight’s dinner to me and let me show you my skills.”

“Can you cook Chinese food? The most authentic kind?”

There are many Siris people and Siris restaurants in Night City.

Even in the Watson District, there is an area where Seris people gather called Little Chinatown.

However, there are only a few truly authentic Seris restaurants in Night City.

Most of them are localized and modified according to American tastes.

Jack has always wanted to try authentic Chinese food.

So much so that he once had the idea of ​​traveling to Seris, but his shriveled wallet rejected him rudely – “No, you don’t want to!”

Jack rubbed his hands and walked away happily.

V wants to stay and help.

However, Su Xiao was pushed out of the kitchen with a smile.

When only Su Xiao was left in the kitchen, Su Xiao seemed to have thought of something and called Jack.

“I have some things, please buy them for me.”

“It’s an ingredient for Chinese food, right?”

“Yes, but there are some that are not made for Chinese food, but they are also very important to me. I need you to buy them from the priest.”

“No problem, just keep it on me.”

Jack agreed without thinking.

So Su Xiao sent the materials needed to make tactical eyepieces to Jack through AR glasses.

The materials Su Xiao needed were delivered by the priest’s men a few days later.

He borrowed Jack’s garage and barricaded himself in it.

V and Jack, as well as Mrs. Wells and Pepi, all had a tacit understanding and did not disturb Lidya Su.

They delivered food and water to the closed garage door.

Send it again at dinner time and take back the plate and water bottle.

Time passed bit by bit.

The night is getting darker.

Even the Wild Wolf Bar is closed.

The garage door was still closed, showing no signs of opening.

V and Jack simply spent the night in the bar.

Same thing the next day.

The same goes for the third day.

This situation lasted until three days later.

Inside the garage.

Lidya Su stretched her body as much as possible to relieve fatigue.

On the workbench in front of him was a black and blue mask.

This is the tactical eyepiece that took him three days to finally make.

Su Xiao put it on.

Tactical eyepieces are large.

After putting it on, it will cover almost half of the face, leaving only the forehead and hair exposed.

But it doesn’t feel boring at all.

But very breathable.

The field of view is good, and you can zoom in and zoom in on things in the distance.

Extremely clear.

Tactical eyepieces are in addition to the communication, transfer, and personal connections provided by the AR glasses themselves.

There are also night vision, thermal imaging and scanning modes.

Especially the scan mode.

In 2077, weapons manufacturers developed a new type of grenade called a recon grenade.

This kind of grenade can detect the deployment of personnel within a certain range and feed it back to the user’s prosthetic eyes.

The tactical eyepiece is directly equipped with a scanning mode that has the same effect as a reconnaissance grenade.

It can be detected not only on flat ground, but also through walls.

Unless special materials are used, or there is an anti-reconnaissance coating on the wall.

Su Xiao first tested the night vision and thermal imaging functions respectively and was very satisfied.

Then switch to scan mode.

A circle of red light spread in all directions.

The picture in the field of vision did not turn into a white hot/black hot/color picture like thermal imaging, or a green patch like night vision goggles.

But the picture is the same as before.

But there are many more red humanoid outlines.

These are the people detected by the scanning pattern.

It can be detected even through thick walls.

And because of this pair of tactical eyepieces, it is connected to the NCPD database.

Each humanoid silhouette will also display its name and personal information registered in the NCPD database in real time.

He could even see Jack secretly drinking in the bar again, and then Mrs. Wells angrily taking away the bottle, and V in the bathroom…


Su Xiao silently turned off the scanning mode.

In addition to these active functions mentioned above, there is also a passive function.

Anti-detection interference.

This will invalidate any scans performed on anyone wearing the tactical eyepiece.

In other words, as long as Su Xiao wears this tactical goggles, even if he swaggers around under the monitor, he doesn’t have to worry about his true appearance being photographed.

Because the entire outline of the human figure in the photo is blurry, it will automatically be covered with a thick layer of mosaic.

Chapter 27 Here comes the chicken soup

“Sebastian Ibarra.”

The priest who heard the voice looked away from the Bible on the dining table in front of him and slowly raised his head.

He saw a man “standing” in front of him.

The man is wearing a suit and tie.

Wearing a silver watch on her wrist.

The leather shoes were polished.

Dressed like a company dog.

But what attracted more attention than this outfit was the man’s eyes.

His left eye is normal.

The right eye is three narrow prosthetic eyes arranged vertically downward.

This is similar to a spider-like modified compound eye, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression and chill.

“Waiting for someone?”

“No, I’m here to eat.” The priest closed the Bible, pushed it aside, and smiled lightly, “The food at Tom’s Restaurant is very delicious, so I came here to try it, but you…”

The priest looked at the man and said, “Isn’t it rumored that you rarely leave Saint-Domingue, Faraday?”

“It’s nice to go outside for a walk once in a while.”

Faraday did not wait for the priest’s invitation and sat down in front of the priest unceremoniously.

The elbows of both hands were placed on the table, the fingers were interlaced, and the chin was gently knocked on the back of the hands.

The temperature in the air seemed to have dropped a lot.

Being stared at motionlessly by Faraday’s four prosthetic eyes would have given anyone a chill down their spine and made their hair stand on end.

But the priest didn’t seem to be stressed at all. He seemed like a very ordinary, elderly, bald old man, just having fun with his neighbors.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode