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Start in Night City — Chapter 28

“At this juncture? I heard that Saint-Domingue has not been peaceful at all during the recent period. A middleman called “Old Captain” appeared out of nowhere. “

Faraday’s eyelids jumped when he heard the name of the old captain.

But then he didn’t care.

“What an old captain, Muammar Reyes used to be just a company dog, and now he comes to mix in the muddy waters of the middleman.”

“It’s not easy to be a middleman. If you don’t pay attention, you may be hunted down by both the employer and the mercenaries.”

The priest looked kind and kind: “It seems you are very confident.”

“It’s not that I’m confident. The so-called old captain is not a middleman at all. Let’s see. In a year at most, if he hadn’t died, he would have quit this business, and the middleman in Saint-Domingue would just be I will always be me.”

Just when the two of them were making excuses, a voice suddenly came from the side.

“You are already here. Very good. You are indeed a reliable middleman in the city.”

They both turned their heads at the same time.

Then I saw another man in a suit and leather shoes walking over.

It’s just that this man didn’t use a knife on his face like Faraday did.

Just a very common company dog ​​look.

The man in the suit came to the table where the priest and Faraday were.

Both sides of the table were occupied by the priest and Faraday.

However, the priest responded faster.

Take the initiative to sit inside.

“My child, don’t you mind getting closer to the Lord’s servant.”

“Of course I don’t mind, Father.”

If the Mann team were here, they would recognize that the man in a suit sitting at the same table with the priest was the employer they protected before.

The priest and Faraday looked at each other.

When they saw each other in Tom’s Hotel, they guessed that the other party might be a competitor for this commission.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

The man in the suit coughed and pulled their gaze back.

He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“I won’t say any more nonsense. I’m very pressed for time and don’t have time to waste here.”

“A few days ago, I was assassinated. My former colleague hired the Animal Gang to do it. Why do I say once? Because the guy is now lying in an abandoned factory in Santo Domingo. After a few days, I’m afraid the body will be long gone. It stinks.”

“Although he is dead, the Animal Gang who was hired by him to attack me is still at large.”

“So, gentlemen, I want you to kill the leader of the Animal Gang. I want his head.”

The priest nodded slightly.

There are hundreds and eighty commissions like this popping up every day in Night City, so maybe he has a few.

“I understand, sir, but what I don’t understand is, why do you need two middlemen?”

Faraday looked at the priest sitting next to the client intentionally or unintentionally: “We have a very good basis for cooperation before. Didn’t my people leave a deep impression on you?”

“Because I want nothing to go wrong, and I don’t want to see someone slip through the net and come to seek revenge from me again. Do you understand?”

“I have a request, my son,” the priest said slowly. “My people will complete the tasks you ask for, but my people cannot share the reward equally with Faraday’s people. Instead, they must give us a separate share.”

What the priest meant was…

Since this work is entrusted to two middlemen.

Then don’t think about spending just a middleman’s money and get away with it.

“Here comes lunch.”

Lidya Su came over with the prepared breakfast.

He placed the snail noodles ordered by V and the hot dry noodles ordered by Jack in front of the two of them respectively.

Then he sat down and took a sip of the beef noodle soup.

Take a sip of soup.


“What kind of job is this?”

Early in the morning, Jack received a call from the priest.

Then he quickly called the two of them up.

The Chinese food Su Xiao cooked last time was very suitable for both of them.

The two urged to do it again.

Now the three of them are sitting at a table in the Wild Wolf Bar, chatting while eating.

Jack swallowed the fragrant noodles: “Do you still remember the road shootout you saw on the viaduct in Santo Domingo when you first came to Night City?”

Lidya Su nodded.

He’s not so forgetful that he can’t remember what happened so long ago.

“The person sitting in the Goodra car that was attacked by the Animal Gang at that time was the employer of this job. His request was very simple, which was to kill the leader of the Animal Gang who attacked him.”

“The animal gangs in the city all fight on their own and are not integrated into one body. What we have to deal with is only one of the gangs.”

“This commission includes not only the three of us, but also another mercenary team active in Santo Domingo. Their goal is the same as ours.”

Su Xiao asked curiously: “The priest also hired them?”

Jack shook his head.

“No, it’s the employer who, in addition to the priest, also found a middleman in Santo Domingo. This situation is rare. Usually, only one middleman is used, but it cannot be said that there is no such situation at all.”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you when the time comes.”

Jack patted his chest, looking like “I’m very reliable”.

“Thanks, but I can take care of myself.”

Chapter 28 It is God’s business to forgive them or not. I am only responsible for sending them to see God.

After breakfast, the three of them got in the car.

Tens of minutes later, Su Xiao drove the car to a long-abandoned construction site in Santo Domingo.

“Keep driving in, they’re inside.”

Drive your car deep into the construction site.

Sure enough, I saw a pink car parked inside.

Four mercenaries of different heights were sitting or standing.

When they saw a car approaching, their eyes focused on Lidya Su and others.

Su Xiao and the others got out of the car and walked towards them.

“You are the middleman Faraday’s people, right?”

The big guy in the lead nodded: “Then you must be the priest’s people.”

“Introduction, my name is Mann.” The big man pointed to himself.


The female man, who looks like a man but is actually the eldest sister, gives a thumbs up.


The twin-tailed lolita whom I had met once before on the Santo Domingo Viaduct smiled and waved.


The cat girl with a shaggy hair and a pair of perked ears showed a slight smile.

As for Lidya Su, they also reported their names.

Mann is not a man who likes nonsense.

“You all look pretty good, I hope you won’t lose your temper when the time comes.”

“Then let’s go over the plan first.”

Mann nodded towards the cat lady: “Sasha.”

The latter took out a laptop and placed it on the hood of the pink car, then stretched out his hand to call everyone over.

Gathered around the laptop.

After some operations on her part, a picture of a muscular man suddenly appeared on the computer screen.

The hunk in the photo is even bigger than Mann.

“This guy is the leader of the Animal Gang we are going to deal with. The Animal Gang has always respected force and will listen to whoever has the biggest fist.”

“They like to use powerful testosterone and animal enhancers like horse growth hormone to make themselves stronger.”

The Animal Gang has unique tattoos and bandanas, and exudes a natural animality.

Their appearance is different from ordinary people (such as spots and striped skin), and advanced plastic surgery technology and automated biotechnology (cybernetic) also affect their appearance (such as beast-like jaws).

Just the opposite of the Uzumaki Gang who are keen on transformation.

The Animal Gang is obsessed with the untamed side of human nature and has a dangerous obsession with its own identity.

They combine ferocity and toughness, pursuing the most savage and primitive side of human nature.

They attempt to break through the boundaries between humans and beasts and become a new subspecies (orcs?).

For this reason, the Animal Gang continues to receive various cruel and violent skills training, and often competes with dangerous opponents who use enhanced components.

But it is such an aggressive gang with no fixed territory.

Watson District is the territory of the Maelstrom Gang.

Japan Street and Kabuki District are the areas of influence of the Tiger Claw Gang.

The Valentino gang is in Heywood.

Six Street Gang in Santo Domingo.

Only the Animal Gang is everywhere.

Because they are not a centralized gang, but are dispersed into small groups led by independent “leaders”.

Now, what Su Xiao and the others have to deal with is one of the many groups in the Animal Gang.

Mann folded his hands on his chest and explained: “We have already inquired. Every once in a while, he will go to a black market in Taipingzhou Seaview Area to buy enhancers.”

V raised his hand and asked: “Wait, he is already the leader, and he still wants to buy it himself?”

“Because he is worried about handing it over to others and is afraid of buying a defective product. This is not a home appliance. If you buy a second-hand home appliance, you will only lose a little money at most. The enhancer has to be put into the body. If it is a defective product, you will lose money. I’m afraid that my body will be damaged.”

“There are many civilians living in the apartment building where the Animal Gang is hiding. If they directly raid the stronghold, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be discovered.

Now, they are outnumbered and it will be detrimental to us if it turns into a protracted war. “

“Therefore, it is most appropriate for us to ambush in the black market while the leader of the Animal Gang comes out to buy medicine.”

“The black market is in an underground parking lot. I have investigated it in advance. There are only two entrances and exits. You are responsible for one and we are responsible for the other.”

“When the time comes, when the leader of the Animal Gang enters, no matter which entrance he enters from, don’t alert him first, but let him in, and immediately remind the people guarding the other entrance that when everyone is here, we will Surround him.”

The plan sounds solid.

Su Xiao and others had no objection.

Since there was no doubt, without further ado, everyone got in the car and set off towards Taipingzhou.

If you don’t look carefully, Taipingzhou is almost the same as the blueprint conceived back then.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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