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Start in Night City — Chapter 29

Hotels with sea-view rooms and private swimming pools, amusement parks for family vacations, beaches with piers, parasols…well, and trash.

But who knows that the Night City is right next to it.

Moreover, this place is located in a prime location, so you will definitely make a profit when the time comes.

——This is a common thought among the first batch of generous investors.

However, they did not last long.

The project was only halfway through, and even more rare opportunities began to appear. They found that investing in other urban areas of Night City was far more cost-effective than Taipingzhou.

So the capital left the market, and the unfinished building was shelved.

The Voodoo Gang and the Animal Gang occupy the Magpie’s Nest.

Taipingzhou, the planned seaside paradise, turned into a war zone.

The city hall has neither invested in repairs nor bothered to demolish it.

It’s just a matter of building a high wall to surround the whole place.

As a result, Taipingzhou should have been the first stop for tourists visiting Night City.

Now I am shocked every step of the way.

Become a lawless place where only madmen go.

Many people would rather take the long way to Santo Domingo than take the shortcut into Taipingzhou.

Since Taipingzhou is a place that even the NCPD doesn’t care about, gang members and even street gangsters here are extremely arrogant.

It is often seen that fire breaks out suddenly on the road or in the street.

Sometimes it may be for vendetta, sometimes for robbery;

But there are also situations where people just don’t like each other, so they suddenly pull out guns and shoot each other passionately.

On the first day that Su Xiao and others came to Taipingzhou, several waves of gangsters targeted the three of them.

So Su Xiao was very kind and sent them to see God Himself.

Some people may think that these gangsters may not all be inherently evil. Rather than killing them directly, it may be better to give them a chance to change their ways.

In this regard, Su Xiao just wanted to say——

“It is God’s business to forgive them or not. I am only responsible for sending them to see God.”

When Su Xiao and others were killing…physical salvation, they were doing so in public.

Passers-by nearby all witnessed those waves of gangsters, all of whom died at the hands of Su Xiao.

But no one called the police.

The passers-by just pretended that nothing happened and walked away quickly.

The other gangsters in the distance were so frightened that they almost peed their pants.

Even gang members listed the three of them as dangerous targets.

Chapter 29: It’s okay to lie to your buddies, but just don’t lie to yourself.

The black market is located in an underground parking lot though.

But you are not allowed to drive your car directly in.

Or just park on the side of the road;

Or just drive upstairs.

Of course, if you park upstairs, you will also need to pay a parking protection fee.

Su Xiao returned the car directly to the Wild Wolf Bar.

Anyway, if you need it then, just call it over.

After getting out of the car, the three began to check the terrain.

I found that this black market also has surveillance cameras.

There is a monitor installed at each entrance and exit.

There is another one on the street outside.

There are several more inside the black market, monitoring from different angles.

However, the people watching these monitors are not the NCPD.

It was the scavengers hired by the black market vendors who paid for them together.

Although scavengers make a living on their kidneys, they are not completely brainless.

It’s not just when you see people.

The black market, underground clinics and other places are important places for them to resell human organs and second-hand prosthetics. No matter how stupid a person is, they cannot destroy their own shipping channels.

Not only cannot they be smashed, some smart scavenger gangs will also cooperate with black market vendors, and the scavengers will provide protection.

Su Xiao passed the scanning mode of the tactical eyepiece.

Find where the control room is.

V and Sasha team up.

Turn all surveillance inside and outside the black market into friendly mode.

In this way, the scavenger watching the screen in the monitoring room would not be able to notice them through the monitoring.

Then, Su Xiao sneaked into the monitoring room.

Kill the scavenger who was not watching the surveillance screen but playing games on his computer.

The body was thrown directly into the trash.

Then, they and Mann’s team began to squat.

I guarded the entrance and exit of the black market for two days in a row, but the target was not found.

It wasn’t until the third day that Sasha’s somewhat waxy voice finally sounded on the communication channel.

“Attention, the target has been released

Now, repeat, the target has appeared. “

Su Xiao, V, and Jack were all refreshed.

It’s finally here.

Jack took out the technical double-barreled shotgun “Sardara” that Su Xiao made for him, opened it and checked the bullets inside.

“Su, hide behind me later.”

Jack had never seen Lidya Su take action.

I only knew that Su Xiao could make firearms, so I thought that Su Xiao was a technical expert with poor combat ability.

“I can protect myself.”

Lidya Su emphasized again.

But forget it.

When the fight starts later, Jack will naturally be able to see his own strength.

Facts speak louder than words.

Mann’s solemn voice came from the communication channel.

“I’ll repeat the plan again. We’ll wait until the other party enters the black market and our two teams gather before taking action. Remember, you must not attack in advance to avoid being exposed.”

Two vans were parked on the road outside the black market.

The car body is spray-painted with the conspicuous Animal Gang logo.

A group of muscular men got out of the van.

The last one to come down was taller.

He can no longer be called a strong man, but a giant man.

He is the leader of the Animal Gang.

However, if anyone familiar with the Animal Gang is here, it may be strange.

The Animal Gang has always liked to show off their bodies that have been exercised to the extreme.

But this leader was wearing a thick long-sleeved windbreaker on his upper body.

The two thick arms were tightly covered.

However, even if it is covered by the sleeves, you can still see the muscles holding up the clothes.

Their group was very conspicuous and attracted many gangsters to watch.

But they don’t dare to mess with the Animal Gang.

Although the Animal Gang is not as monolithic as the Tiger Claw Gang, the death of a member will attract a large number of Tiger Claw Gang.

But these animal gangs in front of them are not easy to mess with.

Especially the tendons.

Put people off.

At this time, two young men came out of the black market.

He happened to be face to face with the leader and his party.

But the two young men didn’t look at the road at all. Instead, they were talking to themselves.

“Look what I got from the black market, the “Shigure” kinetic submachine gun, produced by Arasaka. Its gunfire is as sweet as a cat’s purr. “

The companion asked doubtfully: “‘Shigure’?” Isn’t this gun a model from the early 21st century? “

“OK, this submachine gun may be a little older, and its firepower is not as good as newer models. However, it is no exaggeration to say that it shoots more bullets in one minute than Arasaka steals in taxes. Think about it. How many.”

“Accuracy is not that important. Think about shooting out all the bullets, and after the smoke passes, you will see a mess in front of you.”

“You may not like Arasaka, but you should respect Arasaka. Without Arasaka Company, people would not be able to buy guns for self-defense. It is Arasaka Company’s weapons that meet people’s self-defense needs and maintain social stability.”

“As for those who say that Arasaka’s employees are poorly treated, please stop being upset. Our company even provides employees with the latest prosthetic technology. Those who are upset will not be able to apply for the job if they want to.”

“I have been using Arasaka Company’s products. There is a world of difference between Arasaka Company’s weapons and those of other weapon manufacturers. The values ​​in all aspects are simply not comparable to Arasaka’s.”

“If you use Arasaka products, people around you will know at a glance that you are using the latest Arasaka weapons. It will be more honorable to show them out!”

“Although Arasaka Company has had several scandals, the way they handled the problems was very good, which made me a fan. Big companies need such a responsible spirit!”

“In short, you don’t need to use Arasaka’s products, but Arasaka is the greatest company in the world. Without Arasaka, you can only use more expensive and inferior weapons, such as military technology products.”

“Glory belongs to Arasaka!”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became.

At the end of the sentence, he even raised his hands.

Strike the Long Live the Sun pose.

But his companion didn’t take it seriously and even patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

“It’s okay to lie to my buddy, but just don’t deceive yourself. It doesn’t matter if my buddy is deceived by you, just laugh and laugh, and it can also give you some comfort. But it’s almost okay to lie to your brother by saying this. , Brother, I believe you won’t lose a piece of meat at once, but just don’t take yourself too seriously.”

The two of them were talking, and suddenly it felt like they hit a wall.

The two raised their heads in confusion.

They saw a giant more than two meters tall standing in front of them.

Staring at them condescendingly.

And behind this giant, there were still twenty or thirty animal gangs standing.

An overwhelming momentum came towards me, as if the air was frozen by it.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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