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Start in Night City — Chapter 3

There was nothing McCoy could do.

For Wanderers, family is more important than anything else.

He was about to speak.

But he noticed the wanderer who was holding a pistol and couldn’t put it down, grinning from ear to ear with joy.

“Why are you laughing? Your wife has given birth?”

“No, that’s actually the case.”

The Rangers told McCoy what happened before.

McCoy was stunned.

The reason why Charlie asked him to come to Su Xiao was thrown out of his mind.

He took a step forward and grabbed Lidya Su’s arm, his face full of excitement.

“Su, is this true?”

“Absolutely true.”

Lidya Su didn’t hide anything.

I don’t think there is any need to hide this.

McCoy hesitated.

He told Charlie that he wanted to drive away Lidya Su.

If possible, McCoy wouldn’t want Su Xiao to be driven away.

Because, in the eyes of some people, people like Su Xiao are all treasures, the best of the best.

It is simply the favorite of the Random Knife Club.

Lidya Su was rescued by him.

He couldn’t bear it and pushed Lidya Su back into the fire pit.

“Just wait, I’m going to call Charlie and the others over now.”

What happened next was much more logical.

McCoy called Charlie, the leader of the Bakker family, and several other people in the family who could speak to the logistics area.

Let Su Xiao demonstrate his repair ability again in front of everyone.

An hour and a half later, Su Xiao handed the repaired “DS1 Pulse” submachine gun to Charlie and other wanderers.

They checked again and again to confirm it was correct.

Just like that, he could stay in the Bakker family.

No one would have any objection to his staying.

From then on, Su Xiao’s job in the camp was to help other people and repair scrapped firearms.

Because his repair skills far surpassed that of another repairman.

Everyone would rather wait in line than come to him.

On the other hand, the other maintenance worker’s place was much deserted.

However, neither Su Xiao nor another maintenance worker was paid.

It’s not about anyone, but that’s just how homeless people are.

Everyone is part of this big family.

Everyone has to contribute to the family.

Therefore, the family must protect everyone.

Not only do wanderers get no money for working for the tribe, but if they take jobs outside, they have to put half of the wages they earn into the public supply box in the camp.

No matter how much you make, the camp will share half of it.

On this day, McCoy went on a mission and returned to the camp to find Su Xiao.

“follow me.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Now you can be considered half of the Bakker family. In this bad land, you can’t do anything without some ability to save your life.”


Until now, Su Xiao only had the “gun repair” skill that came with the system when it was first launched.

There are many skills but he doesn’t feel overwhelmed. He originally wanted to learn more.

Unfortunately, everyone else in the camp had been informed by Charlie.

You are not allowed to teach Su Xiao any skills.

To prevent Su Xiao from leaving the Bakker family after learning.

Charlie just wanted Su Xiao to be a support staff without any combat skills from beginning to end.

Only in this way can we be tied to the chariot of the Bakker family.

Now, McCoy took the initiative to come to him. It could be said that just as he was about to take a nap, someone brought him a pillow.

How could Lidya Su disagree?

He walked outside the tent and followed McCoy to the car.

“Can you drive?” McCoy asked.

Lidya Su shook her head: “No.”

“If you want to be a homeless person, you don’t have to know how to drive. It seems you still have a lot to learn.”

With that said, McCoy started the vehicle and left the camp.

“That’s about it here.”

McCoy parked the car.

Su Xiao got out of the car and looked around and found that it was an empty wilderness.

The dazzling sunlight and the choking sand and dust dominated the scene.

In the distance are towering wind turbines, spinning all the time.


McCoy threw a simple set of protective gear to Su Xiao.

At the same time, he took off the power armor he had been wearing, and Su Xiao almost didn’t see the power armor he wasn’t wearing.

“Now, attack me with the wooden sword in your hand. Don’t worry, don’t worry that I will be injured. Attack me with all your strength.”

Su Xiao put on the protective gear neatly.

He never learned swordsmanship.

Follow the postures you see in movies and games.

Then rush towards McCoy.

Half an hour later.

“McCoy teaches you [Sword Mastery], and the learning progress is 10%.”

“McCoy teaches you [Strength], and the learning progress is 7%.”

“McCoy teaches you [Dodge], the learning progress is 4%

“McCoy teaches you [Block], the learning progress is 1%”

Looking at the information that is constantly popping up in the retina.

Lidya Su sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Before McCoy could say anything, he spoke first.

“Let me rest for five minutes before we continue.”

McCoy was stunned.

Shouldn’t it be right for you to say this?

Why is Lidya Su so conscious?

What McCoy doesn’t know is how encouraging it is for a person to see the progress bar.

If I could see my study progress in my previous life, I would have gone to Qingbei a long time ago.

Since then, McCoy often took Lidya Su out.

When Su Xiao practiced swordsmanship for the second time, he learned a series of skills such as “sword proficiency”, “strength”, “dodge” and “block”.

Time is like water, and years are like a shuttle.

Soon, Su Xiao stayed in the Bakker family camp for less than half a year.

He discovered that as long as he kept using skills, he could increase his skill level.

Therefore, in the past half year, “Firearm Maintenance” has reached LV5.

“Sword Mastery”, “Strength”, “Dodge”, and “Block” have been upgraded to LV3.

And also learned “Shooting Mastery”, “Vehicle Driving” and “Throwing”.

However, Su Xiao never knew how to use the skill “I’m thinking”.

What is the skill level? ? ? , I don’t know if it’s because I can’t see it, or if it’s already reached the full level.

The triggering requirements were unknown, so Su Xiao had no choice but to put it aside for now and not worry about it.

In addition, one thing that has not improved is potential value.

Obtaining potential requires killing people.

In the past half year, Su Xiao has never participated in a battle, so there is no way to obtain potential points.

Therefore, Su Xiao has recently begun to make plans to find a suitable time to leave the Bakker family.

Although I have only been with these homeless people for less than a year.

But enough is enough.

He finally saw it.

Chari, the leader of the Bakker family, is a mediocre person.

Under his leadership, the Bakker family could not be said to be prosperous, but it could at least be said to be unable to make ends meet.

The current Bakker family is simply resting on their past laurels.

McCoy once said that the Bakker family had a wise leader named Selita Bakker.

During her reign, the Bakker family was always on the rise.

But since her death, the Bakker family has begun to decline.

There have been three family leaders in five years.

The first one died in a conflict with the Rando Club;

the second resigned;

Charlie is the third.

Therefore, in Su Xiao’s opinion, the ship of the Bakker family will sink sooner or later.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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