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Start in Night City — Chapter 31

PS: The author knows that it should be called a shotgun, but these three words are sensitive words, so I use shotgun instead in the article.

Chapter 31 Chief! The purpose of the car is the same!

Mann, who fell to the ground, stared at Dolio, who was loading ammunition into the cylinder of the large-caliber revolver.

“what you do?”

“You’re welcome to save your life.”

Sasha’s eyes lit up red.

The nerve interface on the back of an animal helper’s neck suddenly emitted electric light.

He fell down with convulsions all over his body.

Sasha hacked into the Animal Gang’s prosthetic body, causing its electromagnetic short circuit.

The Animal Gang standing next to him immediately turned their guns on Sasha.

“Hey, asshole!”

Rebecca leaned out from behind the bunker holding two “Lexington” kinetic energy pistols.

There was a burst of fire, and bullets flew everywhere.

Mann’s team and the Animal Gang are passionate about each other.

Although at a firepower disadvantage, Mann’s team has suffered no casualties so far.

However, more than ten of the Animal Gang have fallen.

But at this moment, a new situation suddenly appeared.

Two vans sped down the aisle outside.

One car seemed to be due to the driver’s poor skills and the speed of the car, which knocked away two members of the Animal Gang who were unable to dodge.

It stopped crookedly between the Animal Gang and Mann’s team.

The other car was parked a little further away.

With the van as a cover, the pressure on the remaining animal gang was greatly reduced.

No more suppressive firepower like before.

Instead, you can hide behind the car and take precise shots calmly.

“No, they’re running away… Damn it! Damn it! I knew they were unreliable!”

It’s not that Mann doesn’t believe Su Xiao and the others.

He doesn’t trust anyone except his own team members.

Seeing the leader running to another van, he dropped the body he had been holding, opened the door, and got into the passenger seat.

Mann wanted to rush out to stop him, but was held down by Dolio.

“Get down, Mann, do you want your life?”

With the van as a cover, the Animal Gang’s firepower became more precise, and it was obviously not on the same level as before.

Mann gritted his teeth tightly, and blood flowed from the gaps between his teeth.

He stared intently at the van where the leader of the Animal Gang had gotten into.

There are mixed feelings in my heart.

But I was more annoyed and unwilling.

“Drive! Drive quickly! Get us out of here!”

The leader kept his eyes on the rearview mirror.

I saw Mann’s team trying to stop him several times.

They were all suppressed by his own men with firepower.

He felt a little at ease.

But if you really want to let the big stone in your heart fall to the ground, you have to leave here first and return to your hometown.

The driver nodded.

Press the accelerator.

Suddenly something splashed into his face.

His face was wet.

Making his eyes narrow subconsciously.

The driver stopped the car quickly.

He kept wiping his face with his hands.

My eyes were finally able to open a little.

Then he froze.

Because his hands were full of blood.

The driver turned his head in disbelief.

Seeing the person sitting in the passenger seat, the leader was already confused.

Even the boss sauce was fried


The driver looked shocked

He even forgot to wipe off the dirt that got on himself.

It was only then that the shocking sound of gunfire came from afar.

Su Xiao pulled the gun bolt.

A bright yellow bullet casing fell to the ground.

Makes a crisp sound.

There are still wisps of white smoke lingering.

Then came the second shot.

The driver who reacted and tried to open the door to escape was beaten to death.

The driver’s body fell directly from the driver’s seat.

It was like a broken sack that fell to the ground with a snap and remained motionless.

The whole place suddenly became quiet.

Just now, the scene of a firefight was filled with bullets and bullets, but now it became silent.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the leader’s confused body.

He couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Once the leader died, the remaining animal gang had no intention of continuing to fight.

The Animal Gang, who had been fighting high just now, now has their morale collapsed and they have turned into birds and beasts.

Naturally, Su Xiao would not let go of this opportunity to beat up the drowned dog.

Just like hunting ducks, harvest the escaped animals easily.

Until the remaining animal gang almost disappeared from sight.

Su Xiao glanced at the obtained potential points.

Only then did he put away the “Ice Storm” sniper rifle with satisfaction.

Call V and Jack and go over to meet the Mann team.

Mann’s face turned a little red, and he felt guilty.

Previously, Su Xiao and the others had not appeared for a long time, which caused Mann to mistakenly believe that Su Xiao and others had abandoned them and fled.

The actual situation is just the opposite.

Leaving the leader of the Animal Gang behind, the key to completing the mission is Su Xiao and the others.

Without them, the leader of the Animal Gang would have escaped and the mission would have failed.

“Is this an “ice storm”? OMG, I heard this gun isn’t for just anyone. “

Rebecca’s eyes wandered back and forth between the “Ice Storm” sniper rifle and Su Xiao’s arm.

She tilted her head slightly.

That overly cute little head, I really can’t imagine how such an arm can withstand such a strong recoil?

Dolio’s voice came from behind.

“Okay, I don’t know if you have noticed, but there are corpses everywhere here. If you want to talk, we have to change the place.”

“Dolio is right, let’s get out of here first.”

Mann waved his hand: “Sasha, go get the car ready.”

Sasha nodded and ran outside quickly.

“Leave here first. For the celebration, we will hold it in a bar in Santo Domingo. If you don’t mind, I’ll send you the address back.”


After Su Xiao and the others left, Mann came to the body of the dead leader of the Animal Gang and took several photos from different angles.

Then send it to Faraday.

“Mann, the car is ready.”

“I’ll come right away.”

Mann was about to leave when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something was wrong with the way the leader of the Animal Gang was dressed.

The physical appearance of the Animal Gang may be the most exaggerated in the entire Night City.

So they usually wear outfits that show off their biceps.

But the leader of the Animal Gang used a large windbreaker to exaggerate his explosive figure and wrap it tightly.

Doesn’t this become a night walk in brocade clothes?

If it were anyone else, they probably wouldn’t care so much.

But Mann still got into the car through the window and lifted up the leader’s sleeves to check.

Under the sleeves, huge arms are exposed.

Even by Animal Gang standards, it was too huge.

The muscles are as knotted as a calf.

Mann pulled out a pocket knife.

Inserted into the arm of the leader of the Animal Gang.

Not a drop of blood was shed.

But the feeling on the knife was wrong.

Mann cut open the skin of his arm.


His eyes widened.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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