Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 33

It seems like everything seems like yesterday.

But in fact, a full month has passed since I said goodbye to Mann and others that night in Santo Domingo.

During this month, I continued to complete the commission.

Su Xiao has accumulated 18 potential points.

It is only 2 points away from the requirement of 20 potential points.

On this day, Su Xiao and the other three were standing in front of an apartment building in a valley area.

“Jack, is this the apartment you’re talking about?”

“Yes, that’s right. How about it? You said it needs to be high enough and have a good view. Can this place meet your requirements?”

Jack laughed.

The location here is close to the northern part of the valley area and the environment is good.

And it’s not far from the Wild Wolf Bar, just an intersection away.

“My buddy spent a lot of time picking and choosing this for you, and finally selected it. Come on, Su, I guarantee you will like it after you see it.”

With that said, Jack walked into the building first.

The first floor is a rectangular hall.

The front desk is on the left, and there are benches for people to rest on the right, as well as vending machines everywhere.

“Hello, beauty, we are here to look at the apartment, the one on the twelfth floor, as agreed before.”

The woman who was playing with her mobile phone behind the front desk looked up at the three of them.

“It’s ten euros for a viewing, and you can’t stay longer than half an hour.”

Chapter 33 The Cyber ​​Young Man’s First House

Jack glared and said: “Ten euros? Shouldn’t it be free? There is no charge for viewing other apartments in the valley area.”

The front desk responded in a nonchalant manner.

“Then you can go to other apartments to view apartments, so why are you here?”


“Forget it, Jack.”

Su Xiao stopped Jack who was about to get angry.

There is no need to be verbose with someone who is obsessed with money.

No matter what you say, he won’t listen.

And, it’s only ten euros.

Now that Su Xiao is working with the priest, she earns more than this amount every day.

He took out a bill and threw it over.

“Here, that’s enough.”

“Okay,” the front desk nodded and gave the three people temporary access rights. “Remember, if you don’t rent, you can’t stay in the apartment for more than half an hour, otherwise you will have to pay extra.”

Jack snorted.

No more glances at the front desk.

The three of them walked into the elevator.

You can see a large Valentino Gang logo painted on the wall of the elevator.

This also shows from the side that this place is still within the scope of gangs.

On the tablet touch screen that controls the elevator floors, the button for the twelfth floor is lit because of temporary access rights.

But other floors are gray.

“Su, actually you don’t need to give her money. I can completely convince her with my eloquence. Or do you not believe in my eloquence?”

“Of course I believe it.”

“It’s clear from your expression that you don’t believe it.”

The twelfth floor will arrive soon.

Ding! The elevator door opens.

Except for Jack, Su Xiao and V were stunned for a moment.

I originally thought that I would have to walk through the corridor before reaching the apartment.

Unexpectedly, behind the elevator door is the apartment.

The first thing that catches the eye is an industrial metal decorative style.

The entire wall is covered with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing you to effortlessly see the distant scenery.

V walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked left and right.

“They are all windows, no curtains? Isn’t privacy not very safe?”

“It’s okay, this can be switched.” Jack laughed, and then said loudly, “Switch the floor-to-ceiling window background.”

The smart voice-controlled device receives the command.

The next second, the floor-to-ceiling windows seamlessly switched to a metal background, airtight.

“I’ll go, this is too high-end.”

V touched the floor-to-ceiling window.

Before it was still made of glass.

Now my hands feel like frost.

“Come on, let me show you around.”

Jack talks like he’s selling real estate.

“The room on the right is the weapons warehouse. This space is big enough. Su, if you have any ideas, you can create them here as much as you like.”

“God is so creative, do you think I am Breaking Bad?”

But Su Xiao is very satisfied with this arsenal.

Very professional place.

“If you want to watch TV, just lie here.”

Jack walked to the sofa in the center of the living room and sat on it.

The sofa was so soft that his body sank deeply into it.

“Such a big TV and so clear. Look, you can even see the female host’s pores clearly. And, doesn’t the sound sound great? They said they used the latest audio equipment to do it. Yeah, I forgot, anyway, it’s so awesome, it’s amazing.”

“I’ll show you this again, the wine cabinet.”

Jack got up from the sofa and walked to the wall next to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The entire wall is filled with wine cabinets.

The shelves and the refrigerator are full of wine.

These are not bargains you can buy from a vending machine.

V picked up a bottle of wine.

She was so frightened that she almost fell.

The type who can’t afford to drink.

“I’ve always wanted this

Just think about this kind of wine cabinet. The entire wall is covered with your wine collection. Even if you don’t drink, it is still a great honor to let your friends see you when they come to play. “

“There’s also an automatic coffee machine here. It’s really automatic. You don’t even need ingredients. Just put the cup underneath and the coffee will come out, just like this.”

Jack took out a cup from the sterilizer and placed it under the automatic coffee machine.

Embarrassingly, no coffee was dropped.

“Fuck! Is this thing broken? Damn it, I looked on the Internet, and they clearly said that this brand is a conscientious product. You have no conscience.”

With a bit of embarrassment and a bit of irritation, Jack slapped the display screen of the automatic coffee machine hard.

I don’t know if it was stuck before or because of Jack’s tapping these times…

The dark coffee fell and quickly filled the cup.

“Aha, let me just say, you get what you pay for, and a dollar is a good buy.”

Jack poured three cups of coffee and gave two cups to Lidya Su and V.

“Taste it, it tastes like money.”

Su Xiao had only drank bottled and canned coffee from Nestlé before, the kind sold in supermarkets.

This is my first time drinking coffee from an automatic coffee machine.

It feels like just one word——

walk slowly.

“The sleeping place is on the second floor, and the bathroom is also above. Come and take a look.”

Jack took the two of them to the second floor.

Compared with most apartments where ordinary people live, the bathroom in this apartment is much more spacious.

The walls of the bathroom are made of metal. Under the light, people can’t help but have a magnificent illusion.

Jack showed them around.

This apartment is pretty much it.

Others include billiard tables, small study rooms, etc., which need no further introduction.

V leaned on the guardrail on the second floor and could overlook the entire room from top to bottom.

Reluctance is written all over his face.

“This place isn’t cheap.”

“For me, yes, the rent is forty thousand euros a month.”

“How much? Forty thousand?”

V was stunned and his face turned pale.

Lidya Su nodded, indicating that he understood.

The expression on his face was the same as the map of Eastern Europe after the Soviet-German partition – there was no Poland at all.

He didn’t show much surprise.

A house like a motel, narrow and cramped, with worn-out furniture and out-of-date electrical appliances, surrounded by either garbage dumps or scum.

Even for a living environment like that, the monthly rent costs 5,000 euros.

Moreover, many people cannot afford housing and can only live in slums and shanties with worse conditions.

Forty thousand is really not much for a house like this.

The apartment is located on the twelfth floor, which is not particularly high, but the direction facing the floor-to-ceiling windows is the southern part of the valley area.

The view is excellent.

Moreover, the heavy metal industrial cold-toned style of the apartment also suits Su Xiao’s taste.

I have already decided in my heart that this is it.

Jack looked at Su Xiao’s back standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with the sun shining on his shoulders.

In addition to being happy for Lidya Su, he couldn’t help but have mixed feelings in his heart.

I remember that when Su Xiao first came to Night City, he said that he would help Su Xiao do things.

As a result, it was just a short time ago.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode