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Start in Night City — Chapter 37

Seeing that the girl had no intention of speaking, Su Xiao took the initiative.

“Why are you in the box?”

“I had nowhere to go, and these same homeless people took me in.”

“Aren’t you a local?”

The girl shook her head.

“Don’t you know anyone in Night City?”

She then shook her head.

Su Xiao quickly weighed the pros and cons in her mind, then walked over and picked up the single molecular line that the girl had cut off on her own initiative.

Passed it over.

“Then come with me and I’ll help you.”

The girl raised her head and looked at Lidya Su.

His eyes were full of surprise.

Night gradually fell over.

The lanterns are on.

Su Xiao drove to the Kabuki District in the southern part of Watson District.

The flow of people in the Kabuki District is obviously much higher than that in the northern industrial area.

Lidya Su parked the car on the side of the road.

Ask the girl to get out of the car.

He took the girl into a restaurant on the roadside.

This restaurant was introduced to him by Jack.

From the outside, you might think it’s no different from other unfashionable restaurants in Night City.

But actually the pizza made by the owner of this store is very delicious.

The two found a seat by the window and sat down.

Su Xiao ordered two wagyu super supreme pizzas and two plates of cucumbers.

It’s time for drinks.

Lidya Su looked towards the opposite side.

“What do you want to drink?”

The girl said calmly: “Whatever.”

Lidya Su scratched her head in distress.

“Anything is the hardest choice, but forget it,” he turned to the waiter standing by the table and said, “Please give me another ice cream and a large glass of cold beer.”

Su Xiao took out her tablet, logged into “Simple Real Estate”, and started browsing.

It’s not like I’m just improvising.

When she asked Jack to help her find a house to rent, Su Xiao would browse the Internet whenever she had nothing to do.

I actually saved a few.

It’s time to turn it over and pick the one that suits you best.

The girl sitting opposite.

She hasn’t taken her eyes off him since she sat down.

Finally, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Why help me?”


Lidya Su raised her head.

I just focused my attention on the official website of “Simple Real Estate” and didn’t hear it clearly.

The girl bit her lip: “I said… why do you want to help me?”

“It’s just a little effort.”

“With…a little effort?”

The girl looked confused.

From the moment she got in the car, she was thinking about it over and over again.

She thought about many possibilities.

I never thought it would be such an answer.

Lidya Su didn’t explain too much.

He glanced at the girl’s blank look and pushed the tablet over.

“Look at this, how about it?”

“The Japan Street Apartment is located in Japan Street in Westbrook. The monthly rent is 15,000 euros. It is a bit expensive, but the view is very good. You can even see the rocket base opposite the Civic Center.”

Apartments in Night City are really not cheap.

A shabby motel-like apartment in the industrial area in the north of the city costs 5,000 euros a month.

No wonder there are so many hard-working workers in Night City who can’t afford to live in apartments.

The only options are to build shacks or sleep under viaducts.

Rocket base?

These four words seemed to tug at the girl’s heartstrings.

Let her mind wander.

But when I saw the price displayed on the tablet, I couldn’t help but frown.

“too expensive.”

15,000 euros, which is 180,000 a year.

Although she didn’t know if she could stay in Night City for a year.

“I can help you advance the payment for three months.”

Without waiting for the girl’s reply, Su Xiao had already clicked to buy on “Simple Real Estate”.

and paid three months’ rent and deposit.

The rent is more expensive, and you get what you pay for.

This Japan Street apartment has a good location and a good environment.

Public security is relatively good, at least much better than the industrial area or shanty town in the north of the city.

The two of them were not kept waiting for too long.

The waiter brought the food that Lidya Su ordered.

Just arrived.

The rich, fat aroma hits your nostrils.

The owner of this restaurant really knows how to make pizza.

The large slices of Wagyu beef grilled until the edges are slightly curled, are tender and juicy, and melt in your mouth.

It is paired with carefully selected fresh fillings such as high-quality smoked bacon, chicken thighs, mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, and pineapples.

And the boss not only knows how to make pizza, but also does business.

In addition to what Su Xiao ordered, Su Xiao and the girl were each given a bowl of chicken and mushroom soup.

The taste is rich and delicious.

The girl has never had a good meal since she came to Night City.

When I was taken in by them at a homeless camp.

Only ate a little.

But it has long been digested completely.

The girl picked up a piece of pizza and put it in her mouth.

Then his eyes widened with a look of surprise.

However, it seemed like he had thought of something.

He quickly suppressed his smile.

She raised her head cautiously and glanced across.

Seeing Lidya Su just eating and looking at the tablet with his head down.

Didn’t notice her at all.

She was slightly relieved.

The meal was eaten in silence, no one spoke.

After eating, Lidya Su stopped delaying.

Take the girl directly to the Japan Street Apartment.

This apartment cannot be compared with Su Xiao’s apartment in the Valley area.

But not bad either.

The space is not very big, but it is also unique.

It is a Japanese design that can keep a small space organized.

Through the mechanical shutters, you can see the bustling night view of Japan Street and the rocket base opposite the Civic Center.

And just when Su Xiao opened the window, a rocket took off and disappeared into the sky with blazing fire and thick smoke.

The girl was fascinated.

Chapter 38 I actually have the ambition of Prime Minister Cao!

“I almost forgot, you don’t have any money on you.”

Su Xiao transferred 20,000 euros to the girl: “You can take the money. If you have money, you can pay me back. If you don’t have money, it’s okay.”

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.”

“By the way, my name is Lidya Su. If you encounter any difficulties, you can contact me at any time.”

After Su Xiao left.

Lucy immediately stood up and inspected every corner of the room.

Make sure there are no cameras, bugs, electronic eyes, tracking locators, etc…

She just sat on the sofa and stared blankly at the sudden extra 20,000 euros in her account.

She tentatively clicked on the vending machine in the room.

Ten euros were immediately missing from the account.

Instead, a small can of cola was spit out from the vending machine.

Lucy’s eyes lit up.

This money is real, not fake.

And it works.

Lucy’s expression was still a little unbelievable as she stroked the small cocoa can.

She is not a native of Night City.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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