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Start in Night City — Chapter 38

There is no nationality either.

Because she grew up in Arasaka facilities in other countries since she was a child.

She doesn’t know who her parents are.

I have never felt or experienced the warmth of family.

She is an orphan.

Along with other orphans, she was instilled by Arasaka with the dream of “becoming a hacker and serving the most powerful companies in the world.”

They survive the toughest training.

Just for this imposed dream.

What’s even more tragic is that after completing the training, they did not join the Counterintelligence Department and become employees of the company, walking on the shiny floor with their heads held high.

Instead, they were taken to a dark underground facility and forced into a deep dive.

It turns out that Arasaka’s purpose of training them was not to let them join the Counterintelligence Department.

Instead, treat them as expendable tools and cannon fodder, and send them into the old network.

The old web, also known as the deep web.

It is a broken and dangerous realm that no one dares to enter.

When it comes to the old network, there is a name that can never be avoided, and that is Lucky Buttermoss.

The most talented cyber hacker, but also the most paranoid.

Bartmos’s most advanced virus program defeated the entire cyberspace.

Smash the global network into local networks (subnetworks) like isolated islands.

CyberWatch has attempted to rebuild global networks with the help of the European Parliament.

But viruses and out-of-control AI are too powerful.

They hunt down hackers who venture into old networks.

Eventually, Network Watch decided to abandon the reconstruction and launched the Blackwall Project.

That is to build an impenetrable ICE wall to separate the usable network from areas controlled by viruses and out-of-control AI.

This side of the black wall is today’s subnet.

On the other side is the old web (the deep web), which is full of dangers.

If we take online games as an example, the old network is like a copy whose level far exceeds the player limit.

Everyone knows that the treasure chest in this dungeon can unlock a lot of good things.

But it is also filled with a large number of unbeatable monsters.

And if you die in cyberspace, the hackers in reality will also die together.

Arasaka wants to use these orphans to mine the vast amount of knowledge and information lost in the old network.

But the old network is a dangerous area where even network monitoring and the European Parliament are helpless.

How could a few orphans be safe and sound?

Arasaka certainly knows the risks.

That’s why children from orphan backgrounds are deliberately selected to engage in such dangerous jobs.

To put it bluntly, it was like raising pigs. From the moment he took in and trained these children, Arasaka had already treated them as tools that could be consumed and used.

The dangers of the old network are indeed as rumored.

Lucy’s companions, one after another, were killed in the old network by out-of-control AI and viruses.

After experiencing countless deep dives, endless days with no end in sight.

The surviving children, including Lucy, finally wake up.


Realize that dying for those imposed dreams is not worth it at all.

In the end, with the idea of ​​”I’m going to die anyway, it’s better to try my best to escape”, Lucy and her surviving companions fought their way out of the underground facility.

They were blocked by Arasaka personnel.

Companions kept falling.

Lucy could hear her companions crying, but she didn’t look back.

Keep running.

Keep going forward.

Towards the place where there is light.

When he came back to his senses, he had successfully escaped and escaped into the ruins.

After that, Lucy was afraid of staying in one place for too long.

Therefore, he fled to many countries and regions.

Finally, she came to Night City.

Lucy sat on the windowsill.

Put your hands around your knees.

Curled up like a cat.

The colorful neon lights outside reflected the colors of the rainbow on her face.

Life on the run was not easy.

She experienced betrayal.

Of course, I also received help from kind-hearted people.

But people like Su Xiao who have given so much help.

Not once so far.

Before arriving at the apartment on Japan Street, she always felt that Su Xiao had other intentions.

But Lidya Su just sent her here and transferred the money to her.

Then he left without even sitting down.

There is no surveillance equipment in the room.

So what is he planning?

Why should you be so kind to yourself?

The lights are bright.

For some, today is just the beginning.

It even gives people the illusion that it is more lively at night than during the day.

Su Xiao drove along the coastal road of Japan Street on her way back to Heywood.

The reason why he bothered so much was of course not just because Lucy looked cute.

But it was because he saw in Lucy the same situation as himself.

When I came to Night City before.

Originally, after he finished helping Jack transport the goods, the two of them would go their separate ways.

It was Jack who was willing to work with him.

Only by yourself can you have the life you have now.

If it hadn’t been for Jack, then I wouldn’t have known Mrs. Wells, V, Father and the others.

It is bound to take many, many detours.

The money he spent to help Lucy was quickly earned back

But for Lucy, it is a timely help and the warmth of the community.

It would be of great help to Lucy.

Judging from Lucy’s ability to use single molecular wires skillfully, and the fact that she has an anti-detection jammer implanted in her body.

She is no ordinary person either.

Therefore, just as Cao Cao admired Guan Yu, Su Xiao also did so out of appreciation.

That’s why I invested in her.

Su Xiao’s ultimate goal is to bring her into his team.

He didn’t intend to become a lone-wolf legend like Morgan Blackhand.

As for friends, of course the more the better.

Whether in Night City or somewhere else, you should have a lot of friends.

Chapter 39: Fish slipping through the net of nine-year compulsory education

After that, Su Xiao, Jack, and V made several more commissions to deal with kidney transplant recipients.

Finally, I got 20 potential points.

After saying goodbye to V and Jack that day, Su Xiao hurried back to the apartment in the valley area.

There is a weapons modification room in this apartment.

He no longer had to occupy Jack’s garage.

After eating and entering the weapon modification room, Su Xiao rubbed her hands with excitement on her face.

“Consume 20 potential points to obtain the improved blueprint – Power Gauntlet”

Just like last time, the design drawings of the power arm armor were implanted in his mind, along with the manufacturing knowledge.

Lidya Su was overjoyed.

The power arm armor has the same function as the mechanical prosthesis that Mann was going to use that day. It can greatly enhance strength.

It’s just that it doesn’t require chopping hands, but an external mechanical device.

As long as you wear this power gauntlet, you can easily tear apart a tank or whatever.

He carefully looked through the knowledge in his mind and took another look at his weapons modification room.


The place is sufficient.

It just lacks the necessary tools and parts.

So he made a phone call to the priest.

“Father, I’m Su, I need something…”

After ending the communication with the priest, Su Xiao came out of the weapons modification room.

Even a priest would probably need some time to prepare these materials.

Then he planned to take a good rest and exercise before completing what he needed.

Recharge your batteries.

Three days later, the priest’s men arrived carrying several boxes.

Su Xiao instructed them to carry the box into the weapon modification room.

After they left, Su Xiao changed the background of all floor-to-ceiling windows to closed and locked the elevator door.

Only then did we enter the weapons modification room.

A week later.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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