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Start in Night City — Chapter 39

The door of the weapons modification room opened, and Su Xiao yawned and walked out.

Go to the bathroom and take a comfortable bath first.

Fell on the bed, hitting the pillow and falling straight into a baby-like sleep.

He didn’t get up from bed until the sun was almost setting.

Brush your teeth and wash your face.

After waking up, return to the weapons modification room.

The floor was littered with parts and tools that had not been picked up in time.

But Su Xiao’s

All attention is focused on the table.

To be precise, they are the two power gauntlets on the table.

From the appearance, it looks like the arm armor of a European medieval plate knight.

The polished power gauntlets reflected a cold silver light under the fluorescent lamp.

The main material that makes up the power arm armor is not ordinary metal.

But Tyrannic steel.

Some expensive mechanical prosthetics also use this material.

Excellent bulletproof performance.

A small engine is built into the armor, giving the wearer the same power as an implanted gorilla arm.

The power gauntlets created by Su Xiao are a pair, corresponding to the left and right hands respectively.

After wearing it, you can not only hit people with your fists, but also use firearms without delay.

Su Xiao put on the two power gauntlets respectively.

Close the five fingers of your palm and open them again.

Then punch and block.

Put on various postures.

No sense of stagnation.

His eyes flicked to the wall.

After thinking about it, I still suppressed my excitement of trying.

This is my own apartment.

If it’s broken, you have to call someone to repair it.

Su Xiao chose to go out and see if she could find a few kidney transplanters.

Experiment on them.

Just like that, the wall escaped.

He just walked into the elevator.

Then I received a hologram call from Jack.

“Su, are you out of seclusion?”

Su Xiao entered the weapons modification room and said hello to V and Jack when she was rubbing her power gauntlets.

Although I have to retreat to create, if they are in an emergency, they can call or come to see me at any time.

I haven’t shared the good news about the success of the production with them yet.

Jack called.

What happened?

“What’s wrong, Jack, you don’t look good?”

Jack’s next words made Lidya Su stunned.

“There’s something wrong with the priest.”

Let’s turn the time back to a week ago.

Fidel walked into a shabby little hotel somewhere in Heywood.

The sanitary conditions of this hotel are quite poor. Even by Night City standards, it is extremely dirty.

In addition, according to the price list at the front desk, the accommodation fee is shockingly expensive.

This is enough to make this dark hotel empty.

However, this hotel itself is not in the accommodation business.

Fidel didn’t come to stay at the hotel either.

He is the priest’s subordinate, and he comes specifically to purchase and make materials and parts for technical weapons.

The man at the front desk glanced at Fidel and pointed to the side.

“Go in.”

“How many times have I been here and you still can’t believe me?”

Complaints were complaints, but Fidel still walked into the room next to the front desk honestly.

The room was small, barely able to accommodate three or two people.

After he entered, the door to the room closed automatically, and then a ray of light glanced back and forth.

“Firearm, not found.”

“Knives, not found.”

“Explosives, not found.”

“Biochemical weapons, not found.”

“Wiretap, tracker, not found.”

After nearly a minute of scanning, the door to the room finally opened.

“Look, let me just say I’m clean.”

“Go ahead, they’re waiting for you upstairs.”

Fidel walked to the second floor with ease, walked through the corridor, and walked to the end of the corridor.

The door with the fire escape sign was pushed open by him.

There is also a hidden room behind this.

Several men were waiting for him in the room.

One of the men pointed to the travel bag placed on the table: “The materials and parts you want have been packed for you. How about them?”

“No, I can trust you.” Fidel opened his travel bag and confirmed that it contained the things he wanted, so he didn’t go into details.

He nodded, two balls of light covering his eyes, “I’ll transfer the money to you.”

“Thanks, buddy.”

“I’m leaving.”

Now that the matter assigned by the priest has been completed, Fidel did not waste any time.

He picked up his travel bag, left the small hotel, put it in the trunk of the car, and drove away.

After he left, the people in the hotel started chatting.

“You said, this kid is really a weirdo. He comes to us every time he is idle for a while. The problem is that if the priest wants some technical weapons, why can’t he just buy them directly? Why should we ask us to get materials and parts? This thing Give it to him, will he make it?”

If you say that in 2022, when you curse someone, you can also use the sentence “It’s a fish that slipped through the nine-year compulsory education.”

Then in 2077, we can no longer curse like this.

Because many people don’t even have a primary school education.

The distribution of educational resources in Night City is extremely uneven.

People who receive education will receive an extremely good education.

People who do not receive education know nothing except literacy (in fact, in reality, Americans are also very poor in mathematics and geography. Even Americans themselves often complain that Americans are poor in mathematics and geography).

Chapter 40 What is most important in the 21st century? Talent!

Both education and technology are firmly monopolized by large corporations.

Also at the bottom of society, in

Those who do best in education are homeless people.

Because wanderers were expected to contribute to their families and tribes from an early age, they followed the tradition of American rural family education.

Teachers among homeless people are responsible for teaching adults and children, and camps usually also have mobile libraries and communication centers to keep in touch with the rest of the world.

Larger homeless camps even have their own mobile cinemas and theaters.

The teaching courses for homeless people focus on practical knowledge, such as mechanical, agricultural or engineering knowledge, which can help them to be better qualified for their jobs.

Some wanderers also delved into classic literature and even philosophy.

In many cases, the spoken language of wanderers is often more complex and sophisticated than the language used by the citizens of Night City.

“What do you care about him? We are going to sell these things anyway. Who are we selling to? At least the money given by the priest is higher than what others give. That is enough. Others are full and full, so don’t care. What are you doing?”

“I heard that in the territory controlled by the priest, the weapon shops have begun to sell technical weapons in large quantities, and the prices are lower than other weapon shops. They also provide after-sales service, only replacement but not repair, which has made everyone in Heywood… Go to him and buy weapons.”

“I guess you know the person who manages the warehouse of some company. Just like us, while receiving the salary from the company, he also deliberately messes with the accounts, stealing things from the warehouse and selling them outside… After all, he is a priest. It’s not surprising that there is such a way.”

“The priest is not a good person, but he is a traditional person who likes to do things according to the rules. It would be great if I were also the priest’s subordinate. I heard that the priest will not treat his subordinates badly.”

Looking at the direction Fidel left, they were so jealous that they almost went crazy.

At this time, someone suddenly said.

“Tell me, are the technical weapons sold in the weapons shops on the priest’s territory related to the parts and materials purchased from us?”

“If this is the case, it may be that there is a gunsmith who can make technical weapons under the priest.”

“It’s very possible, but even if that’s the case, so what? Don’t forget, our brothers are just company dogs who make extra money by taking some things from the company. What does it have to do with us?”

The person who spoke first smiled disdainfully: “If you think so, you are totally wrong. Do you know that in the eyes of some people, this information can be exchanged for money?”

Seeing other people still looking confused.

He had no choice but to explain patiently: “Aren’t the Sixth Street Gang at odds with the Valentino Gang recently? They have always wanted to tear down the Lijing District from Heywood.”

“Think about it, if the Sixth Street Gang knew that the priest had a gunsmith who was a rare talent who could make technical weapons, what do you think the Sixth Street Gang would think?”

Others were shocked.

“Isn’t this bad? We did business with the priest and sold him. This…isn’t this appropriate?”

The man snorted: “What does it mean to be inappropriate? We study so hard just to get into the company, and then what?”

“Just because we have no background or background, anyone can step on us. Is it useful to have excellent grades at Arasaka Academy? It’s useless. Your high scores are worthless in the eyes of others.”

“I have finally seen through it. This world is a rotten world. If you want to live comfortably and have freedom, you must have money. Without money, you are useless.”

“This information can be sold for money, why not sell it?”

Someone raised an objection: “If the priest knew that it was us who was responsible, he would have to skin us!”

“If you don’t tell me, I won’t tell you. Only God knows and you know and I know about this matter. No one else will know. The Sixth Street Gang has a feud with the Valentino Gang. It’s not something that happened in a day or two.” , as long as we are careful enough, who will know that we did it?”

Others fell silent.

After a long time, one person stood up.

“I’m quitting. You can earn the money. I don’t want it, and I won’t talk about it.”

He just turned around and wanted to leave.

He was shot in the back of the head.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode