Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 40

He had previously proposed to find the Sixth Street Gang, but the silenced pistol in his hand was emitting wisps of white smoke.

He handed the gun to the next man.

The person next to him hesitated for a moment.

He took the gun and shot the man who fell to the ground.

Just like that, the gun was passed around.

Everyone in the room had blood on their hands.

“Very good, now we are all companions in the same boat. Leave it to me to contact the Sixth Street Gang, and you can just wait to share the money.”

Five days later.

When Fidel came to the Black Hotel again, he saw more than just the people from the last transaction.

There were also a few more guys in the room wearing cowboy hats and stars-and-stripes-patterned clothes.

These people are the Sixth Street Gang.

Fidel instinctively realized something was wrong, turned around and wanted to leave.

“catch him!”

Hearing the roar of the Sixth Street Gang behind him, he no longer hesitated and ran away.

However, as soon as he ran from the corridor to the stairs, the Sixth Street Gang ambushing him on both sides of the stairs hit him in the face with a rifle butt.

Fidel immediately fell backward and hit the ground hard on his back.

Blood flowed from the nose uncontrollably.

A military boot stepped heavily on Fidel’s chest, and several kinetic rifles were pointed at his head.

“Boy, do you still want to run? Are you going to run now?”

Fidel quickly raised his hands.

“No more running, no more running.”

“That’s pretty much it. If you tell the truth, you can avoid getting a beating.”

The owner of the military boots removed his military boots, signaled his men to pull Fidel up from the ground, and asked someone to bring a chair over.

“Introduce yourself, I am Marmele. If you have been in Santo Domingo, you should have heard my name. Now, tell me everything you know.”

Fidel, who was being held down like a cat to take a bath by two big guys from the Sixth Street Gang, glanced at the people standing behind Marmel.

Several people who had done business with Fidel several times lowered their heads or looked away.

Don’t dare to look at him.

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Don’t pretend to be confused with me, I know what you’re here for.”

Marmel held a kinetic pistol.

The muzzle of the gun was pressed against Fidel’s head.

Marmel grinned, showing his poorly maintained teeth.

“I advise you to think clearly. Now that you are in our hands, you are in trouble. Even if you have a priest behind you, there is no way he can help you.”

“You can only find a way out if you cooperate with me.”

“There is no need for me to describe to you how chaotic Heywood is. Although the security of Heywood is not as bad as that of Taipingzhou, even if there are a few corpses in the trash cans on the street, no one will care.”

Chapter 41: Bringing justice to the city… shit

Inside the black hotel.

Fidel was tied to a chair.

One of his eyes was swollen, his lip was split, his body was bloody and he didn’t know what kind of torture he had suffered.

“The priest will kill you.”

“I don’t think so, forget it, since you insist.”

Marmele nodded towards a man standing behind him: “I have no patience anymore, so I will take action directly.”

The Six Street Gang claims to be no ordinary gang.

Their slogan is “Bringing Justice to the City.”

That’s why Marmel wanted Fidel to “turn from darkness to light”.

Seeing that Fidel was stubborn, Marmele ran out of patience and decided to take the hard route.

The man wears a one-piece black tight-fitting cyberwalker uniform and is obviously a cyber hacker.

He walked to Fidel’s side and opened a box.

The box looks like a small high-tech machine.

The man turned on the machine, then pulled out a personal connection cable from his wrist and plugged it into the machine.

Then he pulled out a data cable from the machine and inserted it into Fidel’s nerve slot.

Fidel, of course, was unwilling to give in.

But he was tied tightly to the chair.

There was no way to resist.

A dangerous red light appeared in the hacker’s eyes.

Basically everyone has ICE to prevent hacking.

Just like every house has doors and windows.

But ordinary people’s ICE is not high-end. In front of hackers with superb technology and equipment, it is just like paper.

The hackers easily cracked Fidel’s ICE and searched his brain.


The hacker told Marmel the information about the priest’s recent cooperation with a gunsmith.

But unfortunately, the priest was cautious.

Only a few people knew the information about the gunsmith.

Unfortunately, Fidel was not one of those few.

Important information such as name, gender, age, phone number, and address are unknown.

But it was not all without gain, as they dug out information from Fidel’s brain.

Instead, the name Jack Wills was mentioned.

This man named Jack was once a member of the Valentino Gang. Not only was he familiar with the priest, but he also seemed to be a friend of the gunsmith.

So Marmel asked the hacker to call Jack pretending to be Fidel.

Promise the Sixth Street Gang to offer a high price.

He has already reached an agreement with the Sixth Street Gang, as long as Jack brings Su Xiao to the Black Hotel.

Just leave a cadre position for Jack and Su Xiao in the Sixth Street Gang.

After Jack finished the communication, he immediately went to find the priest.

The priest also had a bad premonition.

Fidel was his most trusted subordinate, so the priest would leave this matter to Fidel.

He didn’t believe that Fidel would rebel, it could only be the Sixth Street Gang.

Time returns to the present.

In the priest’s stronghold, hundreds of the priest’s men were conducting firearms inspections.

There were many people in the stronghold, but no one spoke.

Everyone was just checking their firearms silently.

A chilling air filled the air.

Su Xiao came to the priest’s stronghold and saw V and Jack staying with the priest in the office on the second floor of the stronghold.

“Su, you’re here.”

Su Xiao greeted the three of them respectively and got straight to the point.

“How’s it going?”

“My men have found out clearly that there are people from the Sixth Street Gang coming in and out of the black hotel where the transaction is held. In addition, there are also reinforcements from the Sixth Street Gang hidden near the black hotel. The number is about fifty to eight people. ten people.”

Jack’s anger was written directly on his face: “These bastards from the Sixth Street Gang…”

The priest turned his head and looked at Lidya Su.

“This is my experience with the Sixth Street Gang.

I’m sorry to bring you into this, kid, but don’t worry, I’ve warned the Valentino gang, and they’ve agreed to send additional personnel to the block where your apartment is. “

Su Xiao accepted the priest’s kindness.

But he wasn’t ready to sit still and wait for death.

If you can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

On the way here, Jack had already told Su Xiao the details.

Su Xiao knew that this Sixth Street Gang was targeting him.

Although they don’t know their name, appearance, phone number and address yet.

But if you really want to feel safe.

So the best way is to eliminate the Sixth Street Gang who is targeting you.

The gangs in the city are all stragglers, not monolithic.

Take Heywood’s Valentino Gang, for example. It’s actually divided into many factions.

The same goes for the Sixth Street Gang.

It was only one of the branches that was eyeing Su Xiao, not the entire Sixth Street Gang.

“Putting my safety aside, how do you want to handle Fidel?”

The priest was a little surprised when he saw that Su Xiao actually asked about Fidel: “My men do things for me, so naturally I can’t just sit back and ignore them and let them feel cold.”

The priest knew that if there was a conflict with the Sixth Street Gang.

Then even if Fidel can be rescued in the end.

By then, there will definitely be many more dead and injured men than Fidel alone.

If you just look at the problem simply this way, you may think it is not cost-effective.

But many times, it cannot be measured with simple numbers.

Su Xiao already had a plan in mind and said to the priest.

“Although Father, you said this is a holiday between you and the Sixth Street Gang, it is ultimately related to me. I can’t stay out of it. In fact, I have an idea that may allow your men to minimize their losses.”

Half a day later.

Black hotel.

Several members of the Sixth Street Gang saw a car appearing on the road not far away.

“Attention, a car is coming.” He quickly said on the communication channel.

Then he raised his hand high to signal the vehicle to stop.

The SUV slowed down and then came to a slow stop.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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