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Start in Night City — Chapter 41

A young man and a big man got out of the car.

Before anyone from the Sixth Street Gang could ask, Su Xiao said first, “Marmel called us here.”

One of the Sixth Street Gang nodded: “He is waiting for you, follow me.”

Su Xiao and Jack followed that person.

What others couldn’t see was that a circle of red light centered on Su Xiao and spread out in all directions.

The Six Street Gang in this black hotel and the personnel configuration near the hotel were all visible in Su Xiao’s retina.

He immediately shared this scene with the priest’s men who were ambushing outside.

The three of them entered the Black Hotel and came to the front desk.

The man behind the front desk was replaced by another member of the Sixth Street Gang.

The Sixth Street Gang member who had been leading the way for the two men suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to stop them from moving forward.

“Stop for a moment and hand over your weapons.”

Jack said dissatisfied: “Is this necessary, hombre?”

The Sixth Street Gang member sneered.

“First of all, these are the rules of the Sixth Street Gang. On the territory of the Sixth Street Gang, you must abide by the rules of the Sixth Street Gang.”

“Secondly, I’m not your hombre, Mexican.”

Jack also retorted, “When did the Valley area become the territory of the Sixth Street Gang? You didn’t even win the Lijing District, and you still want the Valley area. Have you asked the Valentino Gang?”

Chapter 42 So, what’s the price?

Seeing the atmosphere becoming more and more tense.

Su Xiao patted Jack’s shoulder.

“Jack, calm down.”

Su Xiao took off Murasame from her waist and two large-caliber revolvers.

There are also fragmentation grenades, flash bombs, and smoke bombs, a total of more than a dozen.


Jack sighed.

He also handed over Sadara and a technical pistol.

“No, that’s all.”

However, the Sixth Street Gang still refused to let him go.

But they still had to enter the room next to the front desk and be scanned. Only after they were confirmed to be correct would they be allowed to go.

Walking through the stinky sewage, stepping on the creaking wooden stairs, the fluorescent lights in the corridor flickered on and off, like a scene in a horror movie.

The two entered the room at the end of the corridor, behind the fire escape.

Marmel Damascus sat on the sofa.

Behind him, there were two men standing on the left and right.

There were two plastic chairs in front of him.

It was obviously prepared for Lidya Su and the two of them.

“Please take a seat.”

Lidya Su was not polite and sat on the chair.

Jack stood by the chair and did not sit down.

He folded his arms in front of his chest, looking like he was someone he couldn’t mess with.

“I’ll just stand.”

Marmel didn’t force it.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Lidya Su and Jack.

“I don’t know, which one of you is the gunsmith who makes technical weapons for the priest?”

Lidya Su said in an indifferent tone: “I am.”

“Yes, you are really young and promising.” Marmel smiled broadly and his tone was full of admiration, “I wonder if I will be lucky enough to know your name.”


While answering Marmele’s question,

Lidya Su looked around.

From the scan pattern, it can be seen that Fidel is locked in a room on the third floor.

People are still alive.

But he pretended not to know.

“Fidel called us here. Where is he now?”

Previously, the Sixth Street Gang pretended to be Fidel and called Jack.

But they didn’t know yet that Su Xiao, Jack and the priest all knew about the Sixth Street Gang’s impersonation.

Naturally, Lidya Su would not take the initiative to tell them this.

“Your friend is very safe here with me. In fact, we just drank American coffee together. But he was a little sleepy, so he went to bed first. The three of us can talk about important things.”

“But before we get down to business, let me introduce myself first. My friends on the street all call me Marmele. You must have heard of the famous Sixth Street Gang, right?”

Jack crossed his arms over his chest and snorted.

“I know that you, the Sixth Street Gang, have always wanted to reach out to Heywood. You want the Lijing District, but the Valentino Gang that rules the local area refuses, so you often fight on the streets.”

Marmel frowned and looked at Jack: “You don’t know us well enough, Mr. Wells. We are here to protect the people of Lijing District and fight for justice in the city.”

Su Xiao sarcastically said: “A certain art student who failed the exam also spoke very beautifully, but didn’t it lead to the Second World War?”

“Okay, there’s no need to say more polite words. You said it against your will, and I feel uncomfortable hearing it. Let’s just get down to business.”

Marmele slapped his thigh: “Okay, that’s cool enough. It’s right for me.”

He put his hands on his knees and leaned forward.

“I know Mr. Su that you have some cooperation with the priest. To be honest, I am very interested. I wonder if I can participate in it?”

Lidya Su shook her head and said, “Sorry, the room is full.”

“Hahaha,” Marmel laughed dryly, “Mr. Su is really humorous. Who said Asians are serious and serious and can’t joke.”

Lidya Su did not laugh.

“That’s just an Asian stereotype. Also, I’m Asian, not Asian.”

“This is really rude…” Marmel paused and continued, “Mr. Su, don’t refuse in a hurry. Listen to me slowly.”

“I know the details of your deal with the priest, but you may not know the capabilities of our Sixth Street Gang.”

“If you cooperate with the priest, you can only take advantage of Heywood’s market. But if you choose to cooperate with us, the vast blue ocean of Heywood and Santo Domingo will be yours.”

Jack scoffed.

“Forget it about Santo Domingo. If you even involve Heywood, do you really think that the priest and the Valentino Gang don’t exist?”

Marmele shook his head, with a look of hatred on his face.

“Sebastian Ybarra and the Valentino Gang are like grasshoppers after the fall. They won’t be able to jump around for a few days. Sooner or later, Heywood will be our Sixth Street Gang.”

“I’ve heard that you and the priest are on a 30-70 split, but if you choose to cooperate with our Sixth Street Gang, it can be a 28-20 split, and you can be a small leader, how about that?”

Although Marmele said something like that, Su Xiao didn’t believe a word.

“So, what’s the price?”

“The price?” Marmele lit a cigarette and blew out a smoke ring. “It’s no price. What does the company say? We call it a strong alliance.”

Su Xiao smiled: “I will take 80%, you will take 20%?”

Marmel nodded: “Yes.”

“You want me and Jack to be the little boss?”

“That’s right.”

“You can also ensure my safety and prevent the Valentino gang from coming to my door.”

“I’ll stop talking now. If they dare to touch a hair on your head, I’ll die outside and jump out of this window.”

Su Xiao leaned back on the chair: “With all due respect, can such a good thing happen in the world?”

Marmel dusted off his cigarette.

He didn’t use an ashtray, so he just dusted the ashes onto the ground.

“Mr. Su, you don’t understand our Sixth Street Gang, so I don’t blame you. Do you know what kind of people our Sixth Street Gang is made up of?”

Lidya Su shook her head.

“Retired veterans, frustrated former NCPD members, fired company security guards, and civilians who received crash combat training…”

Marmel opened his arms and said impassionedly: “We want to bring order to this city!”

Jack shook his head, his eyes full of contempt.

“So, in order to achieve this goal, you can do whatever it takes?”

“You can deceive others, but you can’t deceive me. I grew up in Heywood. I know very well the virtues of your Sixth Street Gang.”

“Just to achieve your so-called purpose, you can rob, extort, and steal vehicles unscrupulously?”

“You even maintain close contact with the Luan Dao Society outside the city.”

Marmel’s eyes turned to Jack.

Bad tone.

“These are necessary sacrifices. Besides, isn’t it the same with the Valentino Gang? They say they believe in God, but in the end they do much better than us?”

Jack spat on the ground: “It’s not much better, but at least it won’t be like you doing double standards.”

Chapter 43 Isn’t this

It’s called cowardice, it’s from the heart

“I invited you here with good intentions, and I have shown enough sincerity. My patience is also limited. Now I only ask you one question, are you willing to join our Sixth Street Gang?”

During Marmele’s questioning.

The two men behind Marmel.

Without saying a word, he walked behind himself and Jack.

At the same time, the Sixth Street Gang member who had led them here earlier was also standing next to Marmel.

Two against four.

The party with the smaller number does not yet have weapons.

It seems to be at an absolute disadvantage.

There is no way to survive except to obey.

Su Xiao glanced at Jack beside her.

Even Jack, who had joined the Valentino Gang as a boy, experienced life and death, and experienced countless battles, looked solemn at this moment.

But Lidya Su smiled, and even raised the corners of his mouth, outlining a faint smile.

“You can do it now, V.”

This sentence was said in the squad voice channel.

No one in the room heard it.

But one of the men standing behind Marmel suddenly flew out sideways and hit the wardrobe on the wall, making a crisp impact.

In the end, the cabinet fell with it.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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