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Start in Night City — Chapter 42

It was only then that the gunshots of the “Nekomata” technical sniper rifle were heard.

Almost everyone in the room was shocked.

The reason why I say almost is because Su Xiao and Jack suddenly burst into flames the moment the Sixth Street Gang member was knocked out.

Su Xiao kicked the man standing behind him on the calf, forcing him to kneel down.

Then the knee pushed up hard and hit him in the face.

While he covered his face and screamed miserably, Su Xiao pulled out the pistol in his holster, fired two shots, and sent him to the west.

Jack, who was on the other side, was also taking offense at the same time.

An elbow hit another Sixth Street Gang member on the head. While his head was dazed, he grabbed his head with both hands and twisted it hard.

There was only a click and the crisp sound of bones breaking.

Marmele reacted quickly.

He raised his gun and pointed it at Lidya Su.

But not before he pulled the trigger.

V’s rescue attack arrived first.

A ball of blood exploded on his palm.

Blood, flesh foam, and exploded pistol parts were flying all over the sky.

Su Xiao pounced like a cheetah.

The power gauntlet hit Marmel’s chest.

Just knock him out.

The bones in Marmel’s chest were probably almost broken.

But he is a veteran and has had military-grade prosthetics implanted in his body, making him more durable than ordinary people.

The punch from the powered gauntlet was unbearable to ordinary people, but he was still able to stand up and tried to resist.

Bang bang bang!

Su Xiao crossed his hands, blocked in front of him, lowered his head and charged.

The bullets spattered sparks on the power arm armor.

Without his dominant hand, Marmel’s marksmanship was greatly reduced.

Su Xiao stepped forward and kicked away Marmel’s pistol.

Then the power gauntlet grabbed his head and lifted him off the ground.

Press against the wall, then pull hard to the side.

A deep groove was carved into the wall, and the groove was filled with shocking bloodstains.

Lidya Su let go.

Marmel’s body slid down the wall to the ground, already lifeless.

Reinforcements from the Sixth Street Gang stationed near the Black Hotel also heard gunshots.

But there was no time to act.

Suddenly, the dense rain of bullets turned into a torrent of metal, penetrating the wall and shooting in from all directions.

The Sixth Street Gang was immediately caught off guard.

When Su Xiao and Jack went to the Black Hotel, they used tactical goggles to scan the personnel configuration of the Sixth Street Gang and shared the picture with the priest’s men.

The priest’s men quietly ambush nearby.

When V fired to protect Su Xiao and Jack, they also attacked at the same time.

When the priest obtained the technical weapons from Su Xiao, he put most of them on the market and kept a small amount to replace his guns with cannons.

They have all been replaced with technological weapons, or smart weapons purchased from large companies at high prices.

Technological weapons can easily penetrate obstacles such as walls.

Although smart weapons cannot penetrate walls, they can automatically track enemies.

With the blessing of the scanning screen provided by Su Xiao, countless bullets instantly overwhelmed the Six Street Gang’s team.

Unprepared, the Sixth Street Gang suffered heavy casualties and chaos.

Marmel has said that the Six Street Gang is made up of retired veterans, frustrated former NCPD members, fired corporate security guards and civilians who received crash combat training.

In fact, the number of the first three is very small, and the latter one is the big one.

Otherwise, the Sixth Street Gang would have dominated Night City long ago, and they wouldn’t have been unable to take over the Lijing District.

These are just civilians who have received combat training, just like the Minutemen during the American Revolutionary War.

After only holding on for about a minute in the hail of bullets, their morale collapsed and they were completely defeated.

But except for a very few lucky ones who managed to escape, the rest were all killed.

Miraculously, none of the priest’s men were killed, and only a few were scratched by stray bullets.

An epic victory.

The battle outside is over, Su Xiao and Jie

Katsuya also took care of Marmel’s remaining men.

The two found Fidel still alive upstairs in the Black Hotel.

Treat it urgently.

Then Jack carried him on his back and walked out of the Black Inn.

Meet up with the priest’s men and hand Fidel over to them.

After expressing their thanks, they left with Fidel.

Su Xiao, V and Jack went to the Wild Wolf Bar together.

Have a good celebration and relieve the fatigue of today.

The next day, Su Xiao received the priest’s gratitude:

——He, V and Jack, 20,000 euros each.

The battle ended only a few days ago.

The Six Street Gang who escaped spread the word about the entire battle.

At first no one cared.

Street fights are a common occurrence in Night City, so what’s there to be concerned about?

They soon discovered they were wrong.

Because the fire between the Sixth Street Gang and the priest was not ordinary.

There were more than eighty people from the Sixth Street Gang, but only a few escaped.

The rest is all explained there.

None of the priest’s men died.

According to an insider who did not want to be named, the priest’s men had such strong combat effectiveness because they had updated their weapons.

And all this is thanks to the cooperation between the priest and a gunsmith.

In just a few days, this rumor spread like wildfire in Night City.

Make all the major gangs in the city jealous.

They all started thinking about the rumored gunsmith.

But soon all these thoughts were extinguished.

Because when the priest returned the body of the Sixth Street Gang to the Sixth Street Gang, the evildoers recorded it as Mewtwo and spread it.

Among them, the body of Marmel, a cadre of the Sixth Street Gang, died in a miserable state, as if his head was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

What’s even more horrifying is that this was not done by the priest’s men.

It was the gunsmith who did it.

I heard that the gunsmith didn’t even lose a hair.

The major gangs that had previously been making plans suddenly became silent.

Scared. Scared.

Of course, those corporate dogs who betrayed the priest’s staff also didn’t end well.

A janitor suddenly discovered one morning that they had been wrapped in sacks and thrown into the trash can.

The body was already cold when it was discovered.

Chapter 44 Lucy

The next day.

Through the windows of the high-speed sky rail train, you can see that it is raining heavily outside.

The world is gray.

On the road below, the flow of traffic and people has become much smaller.

“Sure enough, I made the right choice to take the sky rail.”

When she got up in the morning, Lidya Su noticed that something was wrong with the sky.

There was no option to drive to the Wild Wolf Bar myself.

Instead, ride the sky rail.

As a result, shortly after the sky rail train started, a heavy downpour suddenly fell.

Bring baptism to Night City.

There are not many carriages on the Night City Sky Rail, only three.

There are people of all kinds of costumes, because compared to taxis, skytrain is much cheaper.

However, most of the people who take the skytrain at this point are company dogs who have to rush to work.

Due to the professional habits of mercenaries, he instinctively looked around at the surrounding environment.

Just when he looked away, he suddenly spotted an acquaintance on the empty rail train.

Lucy stood behind the man in the suit who was holding the armrest and facing the window.

Tuck your hair behind your ears naturally.

And took the opportunity to grab the chip that popped out from the back of the suit man’s neck.

One hit.

Then Lucy set her sights on her next prey.

It was a company dog ​​standing in front of the car door getting off.

He was holding a briefcase in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

He didn’t know what content was on his phone that made him so fascinated.

He didn’t even notice Lucy approaching from behind.

Lucy walked over to him.

Pretend to be looking at the empty rail route map on your smart display.

Then he pretended to be casual and passed by the company dog.

Repeating his old trick, he quickly grabbed the chip and popped it out.

In this way, Lucy used the same technique to steal from the third car at the end to the first car at the front.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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