Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 44

“The client is okay. Although he suffered secondary injuries due to the fall, as long as reinforcements arrive in time, he can still be saved if he is sent to the hospital.”

The captain felt relieved and contacted the headquarters via communicator to request reinforcements.

Just then, a scream sounded.

Two samurai swords penetrated the chest of a member of the security team.

The team member was lifted into the air, and then the katana was pointed at both sides.


The bodies of the team members were torn apart.

Blood splattered all over the attacker.

The captain and the remaining team member’s eyes widened suddenly.

A stream of cool air rushed from the tail vertebrae to Tianling Gai.

The reason why their float vehicle fell.

It was this mercenary known as “Ripper” who made a double jump and jumped onto the floating vehicle before they had time to climb up.

The two drivers failed to react in time and were stabbed to death in the cab.

This has led to the current situation.

Now, this guy is catching up again?


The captain and the remaining team members no longer hesitated, raised their guns and fired.

Trauma teams use smart weapons.

Smart weapons can only be produced by the top weapons manufacturers.

Seeing that most of the bullets fired hit the target.

But the target did not fall.

“How can it be?!”

The two of them were stunned and stunned.

Then, the remaining team member seemed to have thought of something.

“This madman’s whole body is definitely implanted with subcutaneous armor and a violent prosthetic body!”

Subdermal armor, as the name suggests, is armor installed under the epidermis to provide damage resistance.

When the subcutaneous armor is impacted, it will temporarily gel to offset the impact of the bullet.

Then it solidifies instantly and clamps the bullet.

There are also many models of subcutaneous armor. The best models have the strongest defensive properties and are the least likely to be damaged.

As for the violent prosthetic body, it is a military-grade prosthetic body just like Sianwistan.

If Sean Westan is an accelerated prosthetic body, then the effect of the violent prosthetic body is also very concise and comprehensive.

It just makes people violent.

After going berserk, you can greatly enhance your strength and toughness, and further improve your damage resistance.

The team member who had just issued the warning was stabbed in the face by the Ripper, his head cut open like a watermelon, and his brains and blood were mixed in the pouring rain.

The Ripper stood next to the corpse, his whole body bathed in the rain.

Slowly showing a cruel smile.

He raised the knife still stained with blood on his right hand and pointed it at the captain and the female medical soldier who crawled out after hearing the noise.

That seems to be saying——

“You two are the only ones left.”

In a short period of time, four team members were lost.

Fear spreads like a plague.

Tightly grasping the hearts of the captain and the female medic.

Leave them breathless.

The captain gritted his teeth and blocked the female medical soldier behind him.

“Nadia, you quickly run away with your client, I will stop her.”

“No, Dobbs!”

“Quickly go! Otherwise it will be too late!”

Nadia took a deep look at the captain, turned around and got into the floating car, dragging the client away towards the distance.

The captain quickly changed into a magazine.

Taking aim the Ripper pulled the trigger.

The Ripper was like a cheetah sprinting in the rain. Most of the bullets hitting his body were squeezed and bounced away after contacting the subcutaneous armor.

Seeing the two samurai swords getting closer and closer to him, the captain was not thinking of himself.

Instead, he hoped Nadia could escape.

Just when the captain knew there was no hope of survival, several flash bombs suddenly flew over.

Dazzling white light filled the field of vision.

Ripper closed his eyes reflexively.

The two samurai swords, still relying on the memory in their minds, slashed towards the captain’s position.

But this time, it was completely empty.

The body still fell forward with the inertia.

Ripper was startled and quickly adjusted his body posture.

And waved his katana in all directions.

But there is no real feeling of hitting.

It wasn’t until I regained my vision that I could see clearly.

It turned out that Su Xiao dragged the captain away and saved his life.

The Ripper’s prosthetic eye was not a genuine product from Qilusi, but a knockoff obtained from the black market.

Although it is not the original version, this overclocked and modified version has an effect that is comparable to the original version.

Of course, the consequence is that it may cause irreversible sequelae to the body.

When the Ripper saw clearly, it was Su Xiao

When he ruined his good deeds, the playful expression he had before, like a cat playing with a mouse, was gone.

Instead, there is vigilance and alertness.

Chapter 46 You are already dead

“you wanna die?”

“No, you’re looking for death. You almost killed me, you know?”

If the mercenary hadn’t stabbed the trauma team driver to death, the float vehicle wouldn’t have fallen.

If Su Xiao had reacted a little slower, Lucy would have turned into Lucy-chan.

Save these two trauma teams, just by the way.

Mainly because Su Xiao was not prepared to let go of this mercenary who almost killed Lucy.

The Ripper stuck out his tongue and licked the katana stained with blood and rain.

Then he exerted force with his right foot, and while stepping on the rainwater on the ground, his whole body rushed towards Su Xiao like a cannonball.

Lidya Su also showed no signs of weakness and stepped forward to greet him.

The three samurai swords collided with each other, making the sound of gold and iron.

Ripper’s two samurai swords were swung into a whirlwind, breaking even the air, cutting out shrieking screams.

Although Su Xiao did not implant the violent prosthetic body.

But during this period of time, he invested the potential value gained through commissions into skills.

With the bonuses of “Sword Mastery LV5”, “Dodge LV5”, “Block LV5”, and the power arm armors worn on both hands, he was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Not only can he block/dodge every attack of the Ripper, but he can also respond with equally fierce counterattacks.

Suddenly, the Ripper held a samurai sword in each hand and struck Su Xiao’s neck from both sides.

Su Xiao ducked her head and let the samurai sword take away a few black hairs.

He then pulled out a blade of light and slashed towards the Ripper’s waist and abdomen.

The subcutaneous armor can withstand the impact of bullets, but he dare not face the power of the katana directly.

Ripper’s body suddenly pulled back like a taut bow.

Only then did he barely dodge the slashing attack and avoid being disemboweled.

Ripper hurriedly backed away, trying to distance himself.

But Su Xiao’s pursuit came again.

The distance between the two sides was not far. Su Xiao stepped forward and swung his sword to hit the target.

Ripper raised his knife to block.

Block the blow.

The arm of the other hand underwent a burst of deformation, and a black muzzle emerged.


A bullet came out of the gun and shot towards Su Xiao.

Ripper smiled cruelly.

“You’re dead—Nani?!”

In the Ripper’s disbelieving eyes.

Su Xiao released her hold on Murasame’s left hand and put her cross arm in front of her.

The bullet struck the power gauntlet.

A dazzling spark came out.

Su Xiao took advantage of the situation and took back Murasame, raised the knife and stabbed again.

Murasame turned into a stream of light and stabbed the Ripper’s head.

The Ripper, who didn’t expect that Su Xiao could even block this move, hurriedly turned his head away.

Barely dodged.

But Murasame still left a wound on the Ripper’s face.

Drenched with blood.

A fierce look flashed across Ripper’s face.

Regardless, the two knives in his hands slashed hard at Su Xiao’s chest and abdomen.

He was just gambling.

Bet your head falls off first, or Su Xiao is cut in half first.

If Su Xiao is scared, it is absolutely impossible to prevent them all.

Su Xiao only has one knife, but he has two.

“Want to hurt both sides? Who wants to hurt both sides with you!”

Seeing the Ripper’s plan, Su Xiao took back Murasame.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode