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Start in Night City — Chapter 47

This is a good beginning.

“Get in the car. I just received a job. I’ll tell you slowly on the way.”

Twist Street, a vulgar place full of desires.

Surrounded by tall buildings, it is like other places in the city where the sun cannot be seen.

Dirty and dark.

Su Xiao parked the car beside the road.

The four of them walked past the holographically projected cherry blossom tree.

Electronic cherry blossom petals fell on the shoulders of several people.

“What’s the employer’s name?”

“Bryce Stone, do you know him?”

“Isn’t this the TV station’s pastor? What happened to him?”

Jack was once a member of the Valentino Gang who believed in God, and was more concerned about Bryce Stone.

He is committed to helping the lower class of society and solving their mental and psychological problems.

Free them from dependence on alcohol or other addictive drugs.

What’s even more valuable is that most of his help is free.

Such people are naturally deeply respected and loved.

“His son was brutally murdered.”

“Fuck! What kind of bastard did this?”

“I don’t know, but someone recorded this process and made it into Black Mewtwo.”

“Black Mewtwo? What is that?”

Jack only knew Mewtwo.

Never heard of Black Mewtwo.

In fact, even Mewtwo Jack doesn’t like it very much.

First, he has a girlfriend.

Naturally, there is no need to make piston movements against the virtual cockroach.

Secondly, rather than doing such harmful things to the body, he prefers to play iron in his spare time.

Su Xiao frowned and looked at the sex dolls twisting their bodies in the store window.

“Black Mewtwo is a record of criminal activity – Rare

Sexual fetishes, violence, sadomasochistic fantasies, and even death are the most common themes of Dark Mewtwo. “

“The people involved in recording Black Mewtwo are often forced to appear, and rarely edited.”

“Because Black Mewtwo contains the dark emotions and raw thoughts of a criminal or victim, experiencing these emotions is extremely dangerous, with few barriers between the recorder and the end user, and the experiencer may suffer severe psychological trauma as a result.”

Chapter 49 Why do Mewtwo chips like to be packaged in small umbrellas?

“Fuck, this sounds much more dangerous than ordinary Mewtwo,” Jack slapped the male puppet standing on the roadside who wanted to come up to solicit customers and pushed him back. “Then what are you doing with this thing? Are you sick?”

“Even if it is difficult for us to understand, it is undeniable that Black Mewtwo has its own fixed audience.”

“People who are used to ordinary daily life and want to have some fun, or people who just have a special hobby and like this kind of subject matter.”

“In short, Black Mewtwo is quite popular among those people, and it is also a stable source of income for various criminal organizations. Some of them have even established their own well-known brands.”

“Black Mewtwo will not be circulated in the market, but can only be experienced privately or in hidden places run by gangs.”

At this point, Jack discovered his blind spot.

“Wait a minute, you said before that the son of our employer on this mission was killed and made into Black Mewtwo. So, are we here to find Black Mewtwo?”

Lidya Su nodded, then shook her head.

“Yes and no.”

“What we need is not the edited Black Mewtwo, but the original film that has not been edited and retains the entire process.”

“Because only in the original film can we find clues about the bastard who killed the child.”

Lucy was confused: “Original film? Usually the original film will not be leaked to the market, right?”

“That’s true, but I know that there is a black Mewtwo dealer in Twisted Street. We can start with him.”

Deep in Twist Street.

A company dog ​​sneaked into a hidden bridge tunnel.

In the bridge cave, I found a vendor wearing a coat and sunglasses.

“Hey, are there any fresh products that have not been touched?”

“Brother, we only sell special varieties here. What flavor do you want?”

“The kind that makes your knees weak and your nerves explode.”

“Then you’ve come to the right place, brother. Unarmed boxing, fierce gun battles, torture in small dark rooms, amputations of broken hands…”

“No, I mean that kind of thing… you know.”

“You mean sexual fetish?”

“No, you must understand what I mean.”

“No, I don’t understand. If I could read minds, would I still need to do this?”

“I really want to know…what it feels like…to kill someone.”

He glanced at the anxious company dog ​​in front of him.

Is this just for co-writing?

Ordinary gun battles with Mewtwo are not satisfying. Want to experience the realism?

“I told you earlier, what did I think it was? I have classic movies from the last corporate war here. If you don’t like war movies, there are also armed robbery…”

Choose the right type of company dog.

The vendor took out a small disposable bag like a small umbrella from his coat.

Inside is the Black Mewtwo chip.

The two reached an agreement, paid the company dog, and then left.

The merchant crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

Easily made another fortune.

Money comes in faster than going to sea.

At this rate of earning money, he will soon be able to own a house of his own in Charter Hill.

Just as the merchant was dreaming about transcending classes, the sound of footsteps approaching from far away disrupted his thoughts.

He looked up and froze.

Because this time, there was not one person coming, but four.

So many people come to buy Mewtwo?

This made him instinctively feel that something was wrong.

But he couldn’t figure out who would come to make him unhappy.

The gang that manages this area is the Tiger Claw Gang, and he has paid protection fees.

Suppressing the constant thoughts of running away, he forced a smile.

“How can I help you?”

V and Jack silently walked to the vendor’s left and right, blocking his way to escape.

Lidya Su stood in front of him.

Show a kind smile.

“I’m looking for Mewtwo, the restricted type.”

Seeing the posture of the four people, the vendor couldn’t help but panic: “You… are you a cop?”

Although Night City is a sinful city, it is not a truly lawless place where no one controls anything.

If the people surrounding him were really the NCPD, they would have the right to send him in for tea.

“No, we are customers. Why, someone gives you money and you still don’t want it?”

The merchant composed himself.

He glanced at Lidya Su suspiciously.

If it is really the NCPD, there is no need to waste time on yourself.

The coat on his body was full of black Mewtwo.

As long as you catch yourself and search your body, there will be evidence.

The merchant gradually calmed down and returned to his true nature as a businessman.

“What do you want?”

“I heard that there is a black Mewtwo on the market recently that kills children. Do you have that thing?”

The merchant’s eyelids twitched and he quickly denied it.

“No, I didn’t

Yes, I’m sorry, please go look elsewhere. “

“That’s it, then forget it.”

Lidya Su turned around and planned to leave.

Then, with lightning speed, he suddenly pounced on the vendor and pushed him against the wall.

The power gauntlet pressed against the merchant’s neck, and even Su Xiao didn’t exert much force.

The traders were so oppressed that they could hardly breathe.

His face gradually turned purple from holding back.

Until he felt like he couldn’t breathe.

Only then did Lidya Su let him go.

The merchant knelt on the ground.

His hand touched his neck.

Breathing heavily.

Lidya Su knelt down in front of him: “Do you have it now?”

“Cough, cough… Yes, yes… I remembered, a child was killed, right…”

The vendor looked at several people, especially Su Xiao’s eyes, with obvious fear and panic.

“You…you are here for that child?”

“You don’t need to know so much, just do whatever I want you to do.”

“First, give me Black Mewtwo’s chip.”

The traders dare not not cooperate.

He chose to sell goods under this bridge because he liked the remoteness and lack of people here.

And don’t say no one saw it.

There is.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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