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Start in Night City — Chapter 48

No one dared to come to help.

The most you can do is call the NCPD and you will become a good citizen of Night City.

As for monitoring.

Then don’t even dream about it.

This is Night City, not Siris.

There may not be as much surveillance in the entire United States as there is in a big city like Serris.

The traders who also understood this truth did not dare to resist.

He gingerly took out a small bag from his coat pocket and handed it over.

“This is a good start.” Su Xiao got the bag, but did not open it, but held it in his hand.

Throw the small bag into the air and catch the falling bag.

Then throw it away and catch it.

After repeating this several times, Su Xiao said slowly.

“Second, answer me honestly, where did this Black Mewtwo chip come from? Where did you buy it?”

The merchant rolled his eyes and said with an idea: “The Tiger Claw Gang gave it to me. I am working for the Tiger Claw Gang.”

“Is that the Tiger Claw Gang?” Su Xiao nodded to the white-haired girl standing behind him, “Lucy!”

“what are you up to?”

The merchant was shocked.

Want to resist.

Lidya Su directly pressed his head to the ground.

Lucy pulled out the personal connection cable from her wrist and inserted it into the neural interface on the back of the merchant’s head without any explanation.

Chapter 50: No buying and selling, no killing

Not long after connecting to the neural slot in the back of Black Mewtwo’s head, Lucy found the information Su Xiao wanted to know.

“His name is Lenny Nero, and he often collaborates with a man named Gottfried Persson. Gottfried is a Black Mewtwo editor who is responsible for producing Black Mewtwo.”

“They’re not just an ordinary partnership, they’re friends.”

“But since some time ago, the two have had some conflicts.”

Su Xiao glanced at the vendor who was pressed to the ground and couldn’t get up: “What’s the contradiction?”

“Gottfried dragged his son into trouble and became his assistant, but our Black Mewtwo businessman felt that his conscience couldn’t bear it, so he had a big quarrel with Gottfried.”

“Bringing his own son to edit Black Mewtwo together? Damn it! What kind of perversion is this?! Was the Black Mewtwo in which the pastor’s son was killed also produced by the same father and son?”


“Does he have Gottfried’s hiding place in his brain?”

“Wait a minute, I searched… and found them. They are hiding in an abandoned factory in the industrial area in the north of the city. They are also cooperating with the Uzumaki Gang and asking the Uzumaki Gang to provide them with protection.”

Lidya Su nodded: “I know everything I want to know, so quit.”

Lucy pulled out her personal connection cable from the nerve socket on the back of the merchant’s head and retracted it into her wrist.

Jack pointed at the vendor who was pressed by Su Xiao and asked: “What should we do with this person?”

“Please…please let me go. I have an eighty-year-old mother, an eight-year-old child, and a disabled wife waiting for me to take care of her.”

As soon as the merchant finished speaking, Lucy, who had just been swimming in his mind, exposed his lies mercilessly.

“It’s fake. He is alone. He has no wife or children, and he has no parents to support.”

Su Xiao looked coldly at the Black Chaomeng vendor who was full of lies.

“If there is no buying and selling, there will be no killing. If Black Mewtwo cannot be sold, no one will make Black Mewtwo anymore.”

“To a certain extent, although he is just a second-rate dealer, he has not killed anyone, and there is no blood on his hands, he is also responsible for the proliferation of Black Mewtwo.”

The merchant’s face froze.

Su Xiao’s words were tantamount to announcing his death sentence.

In the early years, there were many industries in the industrial zone in the north of the city, providing thousands of jobs.

The continuous supply of products promotes the city’s economy.

It can be called the Little Manchester of the Night City.

Today, outdated factories and workers have been abandoned by the times, leaving empty chimneys to bear witness to the glory of the past.

An abandoned factory area in the industrial zone in the north of the city.

A gangster from the Uzumaki Gang who was guarding the door to prevent others from entering by mistake complained to his companions.

“The boss is holding the little girl,

Hiding in the castle and giving orders as if I were their dog! “

His companion seemed to think that his complaint was groundless: “Just pull him down, at least he will give you a lot of money.”

“Hey, is this how the world is in Night City now?” The gangster said unwillingly to his companion’s reaction.

The companion also became angry: “‘I don’t like this’, tell Royce! I’ll lend you ten courages, do you dare?”

When his companion mentioned the name “Royce”, he immediately became silent and stopped arguing.

Just indignant: “I really should have short-circuited myself.”

At this time, the two saw a young man wearing a white trench coat and carrying a long knife walking towards them.

The Uzumaki Gang gangster, who vented his emotions to his companions but failed to arouse any sympathy, immediately vented all his dissatisfaction on the young man who seemed to have lost his way.

“Hey, this is the territory of the Uzumaki Gang. Private visits are not allowed. Get as far as you can!”

But the young man seemed not to hear it.

Still approaching slowly.

“What the hell, you’re deaf, can’t you hear me?”

The gangster climbed over the barricade, took a few steps forward, pulled out his gun, and pulled the hammer with his thumb.

Then he saw the young man ducking out of the way and appearing in front of him.

Press the scabbard against his chin.

Before he could react, what had just happened.

Su Xiao pulled the trigger on the scabbard.


Murasame was ejected and took the gangster directly to the sky.

His companions stared at the rascal in the sky, dumbfounded.

Then he turned to look at Lidya Su and then realized what he was doing.

Instinctively, he wanted to raise the “Copperhead” kinetic rifle in his hand.

But Su Xiao knocked the gun out of his hand with a scabbard.

Then, Su Xiao stepped on his knee.

Then use his head as a pedal.

Jumping high, he caught Murasame who fell from the sky.

First, he cut the whirlpool gangsters who fell together into two pieces with one knife.

Then he exerted force with his right foot, and his whole body almost turned into a blurry phantom.

He passed by another Uzumaki gang member who ran to pick up a gun.

The red blade flashed past his neck.

Pfft——! ! !

A large amount of blood spurted out from the headless neck like a fountain.

It’s just that what comes out of the fountain is water, and here it’s blood.

Conflict broke out suddenly.

Hearing the sound, the Whirlpool Gang in the venue rushed out from everywhere.

Just in time to see Lidya Su turning around and running away.

“Damn it, how dare you come to our Whirlpool Gang to cause trouble. If we don’t kill him, how can our Whirlpool Gang gain a foothold in Watson District if word spreads?”

The gangsters of the Uzumaki Gang shouted.

Most of the people were separated to chase Lidya Su.

Only a few people were left to guard the place.

The Uzumaki Gang who chased out chased Su Xiao.

And they dared to shoot brazenly on the street outside.

The bullets fired hit the ground, fences, and walls, sending up smoke and dust.

Fortunately, the industrial area in the north of the city was already dilapidated and deserted, and it was also the territory of the Whirlpool Gang, so people subconsciously avoided this area.

At this moment, there were only Su Xiao running away and the Whirlpool Gang chasing him on the street.

Su Xiao snake skin moves.

The Uzumaki Gang who followed closely behind opened fire repeatedly, but they were stunned that not a single bullet could hit anyone.

Not long after, Su Xiao seemed to be in a panic and ran into a secluded narrow alley.

The followers of the Uzumaki Gang who were chasing after them felt reassured.

They guessed that Su Xiao must not be a resident of the industrial zone in the north of the city.

Otherwise, I would never get into this narrow alley.

Because this narrow alley is a dead end, with only one entrance and exit.

They laughed and walked in.

This alley is very narrow.

Only one person wide.

They walked a certain distance but found no trace of Su Xiao.

I guess he hid further inside.

Just as they were about to continue searching inside, they suddenly heard the whistling wind above their heads.

A figure fell from the sky.

But it was Su Xiao who had entered this narrow alley before and then hid on the air conditioner outdoor unit in the building above the alley.

He stepped on the head of the first Uzumaki Gang member.

There was only a click and the crisp sound of bones breaking.

The Uzumaki gang member tilted his head.

His neck had been broken by the impact.

Chapter 51 Stop it, don’t fight anymore

After landing, Su Xiao rolled over.

There is an extra large-caliber revolver in his hand.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Large-caliber pistol bullets hit the eyebrows, foreheads, eye sockets, throats, and hearts of five Uzumaki gang members.

One of the only two Uzumaki gang members left fired back.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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