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Start in Night City — Chapter 49

Su Xiao raised the power gauntlet.

The bullet ricocheted off the power gauntlet.

He added another shot.

Get rid of the Uzumaki gang member who dared to fight back.

The blood spurted from his face splashed all over his companions.

The last member of the Uzumaki Gang did the stupidest thing, and it was also the most taboo thing in battle.

Turn around and run away, leaving your back to the enemy.

Using his hands and feet, he hurriedly escaped from the narrow alley.

Before he could show his thankful expression.


A blade fell from him

The chest was broken.

He was stunned for a moment.

Lower your head slowly.

Want to do something more.

There is no strength left in the body.

Su Xiao pulled the katana out of his body.

He fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

He didn’t even have the strength to move a finger.

The eyes that were gradually losing their vitality reflected the elegant back of Su Xiaoxue Zhenna’s sword.

Su Xiao returned to the previous factory area.

The few remaining Uzumaki Gang have been killed by V, Jack and Lucy.

“I have checked through the monitor in the factory. The two Black Chaomeng editors are inside, and they don’t know what happened outside.”

“Come on, let’s surprise them.”

Gottfried’s Black Mewtwo editing studio is located in the deepest part of the factory.

It seems that doing black Mewtwo does make money.

In addition to hiring the Uzumaki Gang as bodyguards.

There are two security turrets installed on the only way to the studio.

Entering the studio, Gottfried and his son, Frederic, were still immersed in editing Black Mewtwo.

He had no idea that there were four more outsiders in his studio.

Jack wanted to step forward and wake up the father and son.

Lidya Su suddenly reached out to stop him.

He passed between the father and son and walked to the display cabinet on the back wall.

The ones on the display cabinet are all Black Mewtwo edited by the father and son.

I casually glanced at the labels above.

Including but not limited to animals and humans, piercing force, excessive stimulation suicide, bondage death, etc.

Just when Su Xiao was browsing the Black Mewtwo label on the display cabinet.

The father and son, who were immersed in editing in the world of Black Mewtwo, suddenly started talking.

“Stop, stop right here.”

“But he hasn’t yet…”

“What are you thinking about? Don’t you feel like you’re stabbing a pillow?”

“Okay, go forward one frame to enhance the pain feedback and the aftertaste of rust…”

“Xiao Fuzi, you are really a talent!”

“Cut off the sweaty part.”

“No, you have to keep it, there is someone who likes it… We cut out two versions, one with the smell of sweat and one without, hehe.”

“High, Dad.”

Lidya Su nodded towards Lucy.

Lucy’s eyes lit up red.

In the super dream world of Gottfried and Frederic, a line of large words is written in scarlet font——

“It’s time to get up, gentlemen, the sun is shining!”

The father and son finally woke up from the black Mewtwo editing.

I saw four strangers standing in the house.

Frederick shouted to the security guard in fear.

The older Gottfried was much calmer.

“Stop shouting, Xiaofuzi. If the security guards were still here, they wouldn’t be here.”

After comforting his son, Gottfried could tell at a glance that it was Su Xiao who was leading the team: “If you want our lives, you don’t have to wake us up and just do it. Do you want something?”

“You run a father-son store?”

It’s not like Su Xiao has never seen the business of a son inheriting his father’s business.

But also scoring situations.

For example, taking your son to engage in black Mewtwo editing is a bit similar to taking your son to make Ai and sell Ai.

Can’t say no.

But no conscientious parent would do this.

Gottfried argued: “If someone wants to buy it, we will make it and sell it. Nothing else. It’s all business. Even if we don’t do it, someone else will.”

Anyone who is not permanently disabled in his outlook on life cannot accept Black Chaomeng.

And Jack, who believed in God, was even more furious.

“Not everything can be treated as a business! If someone else records this kind of thing, you still help edit it? What is the difference between you and the accomplices?”

Gottfried didn’t dare to argue, so he had to admit defeat: “You…you said yes, you are right.”

Su Xiao and the four of them put a lot of pressure on them.

Frederick was breathless and subconsciously wanted to lighten the atmosphere: “Do you have any special needs? Or are you looking for some serious hard goods?”

Gottfried quickly shut up his son: “Freddy!”

Seeing their trembling appearance, Lidya Su was not prepared to go around in circles with them anymore.

“A priest’s son, Black Mewtwo was killed, do you have any impressions?”

“Which pastor? I just received a batch of materials about little boys, but they didn’t say who their father is… Can you remind me again?”

“Bryce Stone, a traveling pastor at News 54, had a son named Bobby Stone who was twelve years old when he died.”

“You just said, how old was the child? And… his appearance, and the way he was killed?”

“You fucking-!!”

Su Xiao stopped the furious Jack.

Lest he beat Gottfried half to death in his rage.

“Dad, I know which one he wants, BD_9430.”

V walked between them without saying a word.

On the display case, find the chip that Frederick was talking about.

“This is it, here you go, hurry up and leave. We…we will never tell anyone that you have been here, we swear!”

V returned to Su Xiao.

And a faint smile appeared on Lidya Su’s face.

“Who said we were leaving?

Gottfried wanted to walk over and protect his son behind him.

But he was afraid that his actions would irritate Su Xiao and others.

He didn’t dare to move.

He said with just a bit of confusion and a bit of uneasiness.

“You’ve got everything you want, what else do you want?”

Su Xiao took the original film chip from V’s hand and waved it in front of the father and son: “Who killed the pastor’s son? Who gave you this original film?”

Gottfried almost immediately said: “We only care about whether the film has flaws, we don’t care who filmed it.”

“You don’t want to tell the truth, do you?”

Su Xiao walked away from Jack and stopped stopping him.

Jack jumped right at it.

Throw Gottfried to the ground.

Then he raised his fist as big as a casserole and hit the opponent’s head.

It only took three punches to hit the old boy until his mouth was crooked, his eyes were squinting, and blood was flowing out.

Frederick next to him wanted to step forward to help.

But after looking at Jack’s arms, which were thicker than his thighs, he gave up again.

I only dare to beg for mercy from the side.

Chapter 52 Is it true, I don’t believe it

“No! Please stop! Stop fighting! Don’t fight anymore! If you hit me again, my dad will die!”

“Don’t you like editing Black Mewtwo? Don’t you enjoy it? Why do you suddenly can’t accept the content in Black Mewtwo when it happens to you?”

Jack is not a violent maniac.

Although he couldn’t stand Gottfried.

But he only punched him three times and then stopped.

It’s not that he’s soft-hearted.

But he was afraid that he would beat Gottfried to death and it would be difficult for Su Xiao to question him.

Gottfried ignored the blood flowing into his mouth and quickly begged for mercy: “Don’t, don’t hit me, I said it all!”

Jack pulled him up from the ground with a look of disdain.

Gottfried took two steps back and wiped the blood from his face.

“I really don’t know who sent the original film…Wait, wait a minute, stop typing, I really…I don’t know.”

“Are you kidding me? There’s no way this thing fell from the sky.”

“Please believe me. The original film was found on the ground in the factory some time ago, but I don’t know who threw it in.”

Su Xiao crossed her arms and said, “What about surveillance? You have surveillance everywhere here. Don’t tell me you don’t have surveillance records.”

Gottfried smiled bitterly and said: “We couldn’t find anything by checking the surveillance system. Before the other party threw anything in, he hacked into the surveillance system and turned off all the monitors remotely. There was nothing in the surveillance screen.”

It seemed that no valuable information could be gleaned from the father and son.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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